

DDO 建卡:20级417血的机关术士

弗罗多 发表于 2012-6-2 18:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

HP: 417
SP: 2872
AC: 12

FORT: 13
WILL: 11

BAB: +10/+10/+15/+20

STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 10 (0)
CON: 24 (+7)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 26 (+8)
Balance: 7
Bluff: 31
Concentration: 30
Diplomacy: 21
Disable Device: n/a
Haggle: 8
Heal: -1
Hide: 0
Intimidate: 10
Jump: 0
Listen: -1
Move Silently: 0
Open Lock: n/a
Perform: n/a
Repair: 2
Search: 2
Spot: -1
Swim: 0
Tumble: n/a
UMD: n/a

下面是专长 天赋和技能
Race Selected: Male Warforged
Alignment Selected: True Neutral
Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 1)
Abilities Raised: CON: 20, INT: 12, CHA: 16
Skills Ranks Raised: Bluff +4 (4), Concentration +4 (4), Diplomacy +2 (2)
Feats Selected: Toughness
Automatic Feats Granted: Past Life (Sorcerer), Past Life (Wizard), Attack, Heroic Durability, Sneak, Composite Plating, Dismiss Charm, Light Fortification, Magical Training, Warforged Immunities, Simple Weapons
Stats at End of Level 1:
HP:32 SP:270 AC:11 FORT:5 REFL:-1 WILL:0 BAB:+0/+0
STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:20(+5) INT:12(+1) WIS:6(-2) CHA:16(+3)
Balance:-1, Bluff:7, Concentration:9, Diplomacy:5, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:3, Heal:-2, Hide:-1, Intimidate:3, Jump:-1, Listen:-2, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:1, Search:1, Spot:-2, Swim:-1, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 2)
Skills Ranks Raised: Bluff +1 (5), Concentration +1 (5), Diplomacy +0.5 (2.5)
Automatic Feats Granted: Defensive Fighting, Sunder, Trip
Stats at End of Level 2:
HP:42 SP:323 AC:11 FORT:5 REFL:-1 WILL:1 BAB:+1/+1/+6
STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:20(+5) INT:12(+1) WIS:6(-2) CHA:16(+3)
Balance:-1, Bluff:8, Concentration:10, Diplomacy:5.5, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:3, Heal:-2, Hide:-1, Intimidate:3, Jump:-1, Listen:-2, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:1, Search:1, Spot:-2, Swim:-1, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 3)
Skills Ranks Raised: Bluff +1 (6), Concentration +1 (6), Diplomacy +0.5 (3)
Feats Selected: Past Life (Arcane Prodigy)
Tomes Applied: STR: +1, DEX: +1, CON: +1, INT: +1, WIS: +1, CHA: +1
Stats at End of Level 3:
HP:52 SP:376 AC:11 FORT:6 REFL:0 WILL:1 BAB:+1/+1/+6
STR:9(-1) DEX:9(-1) CON:21(+5) INT:13(+1) WIS:7(-2) CHA:17(+3)
Balance:-1, Bluff:9, Concentration:11, Diplomacy:6, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:3, Heal:-2, Hide:-1, Intimidate:3, Jump:-1, Listen:-2, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:1, Search:1, Spot:-2, Swim:-1, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 4)
Abilities Raised: CHA: 18
Skills Ranks Raised: Bluff +1 (7), Concentration +1 (7), Diplomacy +0.5 (3.5)
Stats at End of Level 4:
HP:62 SP:442 AC:11 FORT:6 REFL:0 WILL:2 BAB:+2/+2/+7
STR:9(-1) DEX:9(-1) CON:21(+5) INT:13(+1) WIS:7(-2) CHA:18(+4)
Balance:-1, Bluff:11, Concentration:12, Diplomacy:7.5, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:4, Heal:-2, Hide:-1, Intimidate:4, Jump:-1, Listen:-2, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:1, Search:1, Spot:-2, Swim:-1, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 5)
Skills Ranks Raised: Bluff +1 (8), Concentration +1 (8), Diplomacy +0.5 (4)
Stats at End of Level 5:
HP:72 SP:496 AC:11 FORT:6 REFL:0 WILL:2 BAB:+2/+2/+7
STR:9(-1) DEX:9(-1) CON:21(+5) INT:13(+1) WIS:7(-2) CHA:18(+4)
Balance:-1, Bluff:12, Concentration:13, Diplomacy:8, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:4, Heal:-2, Hide:-1, Intimidate:4, Jump:-1, Listen:-2, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:1, Search:1, Spot:-2, Swim:-1, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 6)
Skills Ranks Raised: Bluff +1 (9), Concentration +1 (9), Diplomacy +0.5 (4.5)
Feats Selected: Maximize Spell
Stats at End of Level 6:
HP:82 SP:555 AC:11 FORT:7 REFL:1 WILL:3 BAB:+3/+3/+8/+13
STR:9(-1) DEX:9(-1) CON:21(+5) INT:13(+1) WIS:7(-2) CHA:18(+4)
Balance:-1, Bluff:13, Concentration:14, Diplomacy:8.5, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:4, Heal:-2, Hide:-1, Intimidate:4, Jump:-1, Listen:-2, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:1, Search:1, Spot:-2, Swim:-1, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 7)
Skills Ranks Raised: Bluff +1 (10), Concentration +1 (10), Diplomacy +0.5 (5)
Tomes Applied: STR: +2, DEX: +2, CON: +2, INT: +2, WIS: +2, CHA: +2
Stats at End of Level 7:
HP:99 SP:619 AC:12 FORT:8 REFL:2 WILL:4 BAB:+3/+3/+8/+13
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:19(+4)
Balance:0, Bluff:14, Concentration:16, Diplomacy:9, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:4, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:4, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 8)
Abilities Raised: CHA: 20
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (0.5), Bluff +1 (11), Concentration +1 (11), Diplomacy +0.5 (5.5)
Stats at End of Level 8:
HP:110 SP:705 AC:12 FORT:8 REFL:2 WILL:5 BAB:+4/+4/+9/+14
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:20(+5)
Balance:0.5, Bluff:16, Concentration:17, Diplomacy:10.5, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:5, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:5, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 9)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (1), Bluff +1 (12), Concentration +1 (12), Diplomacy +0.5 (6)
Feats Selected: Extend Spell
Stats at End of Level 9:
HP:121 SP:780 AC:12 FORT:9 REFL:3 WILL:5 BAB:+4/+4/+9/+14
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:20(+5)
Balance:1, Bluff:17, Concentration:18, Diplomacy:11, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:5, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:5, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 10)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (1.5), Bluff +1 (13), Concentration +1 (13), Diplomacy +0.5 (6.5)
Stats at End of Level 10:
HP:132 SP:860 AC:12 FORT:9 REFL:3 WILL:6 BAB:+5/+5/+10/+15
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:20(+5)
Balance:1.5, Bluff:18, Concentration:19, Diplomacy:11.5, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:5, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:5, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 11)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (2), Bluff +1 (14), Concentration +1 (14), Diplomacy +0.5 (7)
Stats at End of Level 11:
HP:143 SP:945 AC:12 FORT:9 REFL:3 WILL:6 BAB:+5/+5/+10/+15
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:20(+5)
Balance:2, Bluff:19, Concentration:20, Diplomacy:12, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:5, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:5, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 12)
Abilities Raised: CHA: 21
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (2.5), Bluff +1 (15), Concentration +1 (15), Diplomacy +0.5 (7.5)
Feats Selected: Empower Spell
Stats at End of Level 12:
HP:154 SP:1035 AC:12 FORT:10 REFL:4 WILL:7 BAB:+6/+6/+11/+16
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:21(+5)
Balance:2.5, Bluff:20, Concentration:21, Diplomacy:12.5, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:5, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:5, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 13)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (3), Bluff +1 (16), Concentration +1 (16), Diplomacy +0.5 (8)
Stats at End of Level 13:
HP:165 SP:1130 AC:12 FORT:10 REFL:4 WILL:7 BAB:+6/+6/+11/+16
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:21(+5)
Balance:3, Bluff:21, Concentration:22, Diplomacy:13, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:5, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:5, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 14)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (3.5), Bluff +1 (17), Concentration +1 (17), Diplomacy +0.5 (8.5)
Stats at End of Level 14:
HP:176 SP:1230 AC:12 FORT:10 REFL:4 WILL:8 BAB:+7/+7/+12/+17
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:21(+5)
Balance:3.5, Bluff:22, Concentration:23, Diplomacy:13.5, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:5, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:5, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 15)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (4), Bluff +1 (18), Concentration +1 (18), Diplomacy +0.5 (9)
Feats Selected: Heighten Spell
Stats at End of Level 15:
HP:187 SP:1335 AC:12 FORT:11 REFL:5 WILL:8 BAB:+7/+7/+12/+17
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:21(+5)
Balance:4, Bluff:23, Concentration:24, Diplomacy:14, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:5, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:5, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 16)
Abilities Raised: CHA: 22
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (4.5), Bluff +1 (19), Concentration +1 (19), Diplomacy +0.5 (9.5)
Stats at End of Level 16:
HP:198 SP:1470 AC:12 FORT:11 REFL:5 WILL:9 BAB:+8/+8/+13/+18
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:22(+6)
Balance:4.5, Bluff:25, Concentration:25, Diplomacy:15.5, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:6, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:6, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 17)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (5), Bluff +1 (20), Concentration +1 (20), Diplomacy +0.5 (10)
Stats at End of Level 17:
HP:209 SP:1586 AC:12 FORT:11 REFL:5 WILL:9 BAB:+8/+8/+13/+18
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:22(+6)
Balance:5, Bluff:26, Concentration:26, Diplomacy:16, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:6, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:6, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 18)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (5.5), Bluff +1 (21), Concentration +1 (21), Diplomacy +0.5 (10.5)
Feats Selected: Past Life (Arcane Initiate)
Stats at End of Level 18:
HP:220 SP:1707 AC:12 FORT:12 REFL:6 WILL:10 BAB:+9/+9/+14/+19
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:22(+6)
Balance:5.5, Bluff:27, Concentration:27, Diplomacy:16.5, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:6, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:6, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 19)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (6), Bluff +1 (22), Concentration +1 (22), Diplomacy +0.5 (11)
Stats at End of Level 19:
HP:231 SP:1833 AC:12 FORT:12 REFL:6 WILL:10 BAB:+9/+9/+14/+19
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:22(+6) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:22(+6)
Balance:6, Bluff:28, Concentration:28, Diplomacy:17, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:6, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:6, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a

Class Selected: Sorcerer (Sorcerer 20)
Abilities Raised: CHA: 23
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (7), Bluff +1 (23), Concentration +1 (23)
Equipment Mods Changed To: HP: 105, SP: 700
Favor Bonus Granted: Coin Lord Finishing School (400 Coin Lord Favor)
Favor Bonus Granted: Draconic Vitality (15 Agents of Argonnessen Favor)
Enhancements Selected: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I, Storm Manipulation I, Sorcerer Improved Maximizing I, Sorcerer Charisma I, Charged Spellcasting I, Racial Toughness I, Warforged Constitution I, Storm Manipulation II, Deadly Shocks I, Warforged Inscribed Armor I, Frost Manipulation I, Frost Manipulation II, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II, Sorcerer Charisma II, Racial Toughness II, Charged Spellcasting II, Deadly Shocks II, Storm Manipulation III, Sorcerer Air Savant I, Racial Toughness III, Warforged Constitution II, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded III, Racial Toughness IV, Sorcerer Charisma III, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded IV, Charged Spellcasting III, Deadly Shocks III, Storm Manipulation IV, Charged Spellcasting IV, Deadly Shocks IV, Storm Manipulation V, Storm Manipulation VI, Storm Manipulation VII, Sorcerer Air Savant II, Charged Spellcasting V, Deadly Shocks V, Charged Spellcasting VI, Deadly Shocks VI, Sorcerer Improved Maximizing II, Sorcerer Air Savant III, Sorcerer Bloodline of Power, Glacial Spellcasting I, Deadly Ice I, Frost Manipulation III, Frost Manipulation IV
Stats at End of Level 20:
HP:417 SP:2872 AC:12 FORT:13 REFL:6 WILL:11 BAB:+10/+10/+15/+20
STR:10(0) DEX:10(0) CON:24(+7) INT:14(+2) WIS:8(-1) CHA:26(+8)
Balance:7, Bluff:31, Concentration:30, Diplomacy:21, Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:8, Heal:-1, Hide:0, Intimidate:10, Jump:0, Listen:-1, Move Silently:0, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:2, Search:2, Spot:-1, Swim:0, Tumble: n/a, UMD: n/a
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