


    弗罗多 发表于 2011-12-29 23:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    Mar 13th 2008
    From The Economist print edition

    Ernest Gary Gygax, a dungeon master, died on March 4th, aged 69


    FOR most people, “role-playing” conjures up dreary afternoons at management retreats, pretending to be an irate customer or a difficult employee. But if you are under 45 and possibly something of a nerd, more evocative memories may surface. You are Jozan, adventurer-cleric of the sun-god Pelor, travelling the world of Greyhawk, battling orcs and evil wizards, righting wrongs and seeking treasure—at least until you and your friends run out of beer and crisps and stagger off to bed. This is Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), the first of the role-playing games and the reason for thousands of misspent youths.

    Gary Gygax was perfectly equipped to bring this fantastic world to basements and dining-room tables all over the world. As a boy he was fascinated by games of all sorts, from pinochle to chess. His father, a violinist, read him countless pulp novels featuring dragons, wizards and elves. Even the family name, he once said, had fantastic origins, proving that the Gygaxes were descended from Goliath.

    An interest in history lured him into war-gaming, the re-enactment of historical battles with miniature men and a simple rulebook. For several months the members of the Lake Geneva Tactical Studies Association (a grand name for a group of friends that met in Mr Gygax's basement) entertained themselves by re-fighting old battles. One day, to spice things up, Mr Gygax turned a plastic dinosaur into a dragon and mixed in wizards and trolls among the men-at-arms.

    His fellow-players loved it. Abandoning a career in insurance and in collaboration with Dave Arneson, a fellow gamer, Mr Gygax refined his ideas. From large groups of combatants he moved to individual characters, cooking up rules for magic spells and creating a menagerie of monsters for his heroes to fight.

    Manufacturers, when he approached them, were less keen. There was no board and no way to win—and those weirdly shaped dice looked confusing. So Mr Gygax and his colleagues set up their own firm, Tactical Studies Rules (TSR). Business was brisk, and D&D became an underground hit on campuses around the world. A moral panic about devil-worship only drove sales higher.
    当他和游戏制造商开始接触的时候,他们并不看好这个游戏的前景。没有棋盘,也没有具体的赢的方法——还有那些形状古怪的骰子看起来也让人摸不着头脑。因此,吉盖克斯和他的拍档成立了自己的公司:TSR战术规则研究会。生意从此蒸蒸日上,D&D (即龙与地下城)在大学校园里获得了巨大成功并风靡全球。恶魔崇拜的思想狂潮只不过让其销量锦上添花而已。

    As a creative endeavour, Mr Gygax's invented world was deeply unoriginal: he borrowed shamelessly from authors such as Jack Vance, Robert E. Howard and J. R. R. Tolkien. But rather than merely describing these worlds, as their authors had done, his invention—a blend of mathematics, theatre and imagination—allowed his players to live in them. Players built their alter egos by using numbers to represent characteristics such as strength, toughness and intelligence. A “games master” or “dungeon master” would create adventures and provide the opposition—an evil wizard, say, or a manipulative king. A complicated but flexible set of rules allowed players to do almost anything they liked, provided their characters were competent. The crucial element of chance was provided by rolling the game's iconic 20-sided dice.

    Triumph of the nerds “御宅一族”的凯歌
    As time went on, Mr Gygax became more remote from his creation. His company, having thrown him out, was sold in 1997 to Wizards of the Coast, an upstart fantasy publisher that made sweeping changes to the rules. Mr Gygax disliked that, worrying that the focus was shifting to mathematical questions of maximising players' power. He wrote several new games, working six-day weeks even in his 60s, attending conventions, replying to fan mail and taking time off only for his beloved American football. But none of his new games matched D&D's success.
    随着时间的推移,吉盖克斯越来越无法控制他的创造物。他的公司把他扫地出门,并于1997年出售给了Wizards of the Coast,这个狂想的暴发户出版商对游戏规则进行了大刀阔斧的修改。吉盖克斯不喜欢这样的改动,担忧游戏的重心已转移到了把玩家的能力最大化的数学问题上了。他又创作了几个新游戏, 60岁的高龄仍然保持着一周工作六天,并参加会议,给游戏崇拜者写回信,唯一抽出时间来做的事情是观看他所钟爱的美式足球赛。但是这些新游戏没有一个象龙与地下城那样成功。

    The game was spreading beyond basements, particularly influencing the nascent computer-games industry. Mr Gygax didn't like that either; he thought computer graphics cheapened the experience by substituting an artist's imagination for the player's. And while computers were ideal for streamlining tedious dice rolls and arithmetic, those, for him, were never the point. He considered role-playing a social thing, a form of group storytelling. Nevertheless, his impact was enormous. One gaming website voted him the joint 18th-most-influential person in computer games, quite an honour for someone who hardly played them.

    His influence extends even to people who have never conjured a fireball in anger. Today's world is a nerd's world, and Mr Gygax did much to shape it. Blockbuster fantasy films like “The Lord of the Rings” are produced and directed by people who grew up with the game. Computer games are part of mainstream culture; “World of Warcraft”, an internet-based D&D clone, boasts 10m subscribers. Many of the people who built the internet (and their fortunes) spent their childhoods playing the game. The entry for D&D on Wikipedia is twice the length of the article on Proust.

    But despite its influence on mainstream culture, D&D as a pastime is still a minority pursuit. Its fans perversely enjoy the opprobrium it still attracts, as well as its deeply cryptic side. “Gary Gygax Fails Fortitude Save” read one online epitaph, intelligible only to the initiated. And as for the qualities he gave his own D&D characters, Mr Gygax would never say.

    (注释2)普鲁斯特,马塞尔:(1871-1922) 法国作家,他共分七部的小说追忆似水年华 (1913-1927年)是现代文学中的伟大作品
    a French writer of novels, who many people consider one of the greatest writers of modern times. His best known work is a series of novels called in English Remembrance of Things Past, which is a detailed description of French society in the late 19th century, and is sometimes mentioned as a typical example of a very long book. Many people also know how the book begins, when one of the characters eats a "madeleine" (=a type of small cake) and the taste reminds him of an earlier time.

    someone who seems only interested in computers and other technical things - used to show disapproval
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