


    弗罗多 发表于 2012-4-10 00:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


    The Lords of Dust,
    Servants of the Overlord,
    The Spinner of Shadows

    Epic Golden Guile - Necklace - Ghostly, Diplomacy +20Diplomacy +20: Provides a +20 competence bonus to the wearer's Diplomacy which is an Active Charisma based skill which allows you to negotiate more effectively with certain NPCs and to encourage monsters to find targets other than yourself. (15 second cooldown), Bluff +20Bluff +20: Provides a +20 competence bonus to the wearer's Bluff which is an Active Charisma based skill which allows you to bluff certain NPCs or make a monster vulnerable to a sneak attack. After a one second pause for disruption of bluff, if successful it draws the attention of the selected target. This can be done with out disturbing sneak mode. This works as mob pulling skill., Improved Deception, Exceptional Cha Skills +1, Yellow Slot
    Epic Rakshasa Hide - Light Armor (Hide) - AC 11 (Including enhancement), Max Dex 10 (including Nimbleness). +6, Rough Hide (stacking +3 AC), Heightened Awareness 4, Superior Nimbleness, Roar, Attack Bonus +2, Blue Slot
    Epic Cruel Nobility - Scimitar (2d6) - +6, Axiomatic, Unholy, Slicing, Bleed, Disintegration, Red Slot
    Epic Templar's Bulwark - Tower Shield - Base AC 5 - 1 higher than normal AC, Base DR6 (12 after enhancement) - +6, Mithral, Inherent (10) Fire ResistanceInherent (10) Fire Resistance: This property absorbs the first 10 stacking points of Fire damage per attack that the wearer would normally take., Inherent (10) Cold ResistanceInherent (10) Cold Resistance: This property absorbs the first 10 stacking points of Cold damage per attack that the wearer would normally take., Inherent (10) Acid ResistanceInherent (10) Acid Resistance: This property absorbs the first 10 stacking points of Acid damage per attack that the wearer would normally take., Inherent (10) Lightning ResistanceInherent (10) Lightning Resistance: This property absorbs the first 10 stacking points of Lightning damage per attack that the wearer would normally take., Violet Slot
    Epic Envenomed Blade - Short Sword (2d6, Str or Dex for Hit and Damage) - +6, Poison Burst, Improved Paralyzing, Armor-Piercing - 10%, Deadly Spider Venom, Enervation, Red Slot
    Epic Flameward - Club (ATK/DMG: Str or Dex) - 2d6 +5, Fire Absorption 20%, Greater Evocation Focus, Use Magical Device +5Use Magical Device +5: Provides a +5 competence bonus to the wearer's Use Magical Device which is a Passive Charisma based skill which grants you the ability to use magic devices which you could not normally use., Charisma +7, Excep Cha +1, Improved Fire ResistanceImproved Fire Resistance: This property absorbs the first 20 points of Fire damage per attack that the wearer would normally take., Violet Slot
    Epic Fury of the Flame - Maul (2d10) - +6, Adamantine, Flaming Burst, Incandescence, Fracturing, Impact, Red Slot
    Epic Darkstorm Helm - Headgear - Epic Nullification 6, Epic Magnetism 6, Superior Void Lore, Superior Lightning Lore, Call Lightning Storm (3/day), Green Slot. Note that this item does not keep the boosts to level 8 spells from the base item. Clickie is caster level 20, 84 second duration.
    Epic Doublecross Bow - Repeating Light Crossbow (2d8) - +6, Poison Burst, Crippling, Armor-Piercing - 10%, Nightshade Venom, Enervation, Red Slot
    Epic Bow of the Silver Flame - Longbow (2d8) - +6, Silver, Holy Burst, Weaken Undead, Undead Bane, Blunted Ammunition, Red Slot
    Epic Silver Slinger - Repeating Heavy Crossbow (2d10) - Silver, Holy Burst, Weaken Undead, Undead Bane, Blunted Ammunition, Red Slot
    Epic Luminous Truth - Quarterstaff (2d6, Enhanced threat: 19/x2) - +6, Epic Combustion VI, Epic Radiance VI, Superior Fire Lore, Superior Radiance Lore, Flaming Burst, Incandescence, Incineration, Red Slot
    Epic Templar's Bastion - Mithral Full Plate (16 AC (Including enhancement), 3 dex - 1 AC behind Cavalry Plate) - +6, Mithral, DR 5/Evil, Spell Resistance (30), Light Guard, Radiance Guard, Blue Slot
    Epic Templar's Docent - Docent - +6, DR 5/Evil, Spell Resistance (30), Light Guard, Radiance Guard, Empty Blue Augment slot
    Epic Templar's Justice - Dwarven Axe (2d10) - +6, Cold Iron, Holy Burst, Good Blast, Brilliance, Godly Wrath, Red Slot
    Epic Templar's Retribution - Bastard Sword (2d10) - +6, Cold Iron, Holy Burst, Good Blast, Brilliance, Godly Wrath, Red Slot


    The Lords of Dust副本图

    1.Epic Templar's Bulwark

    2.Epic Golden Guile

    Servants of the Overlord副本图

    1.Epic Silver Slinger

    2.Epic Fury of the Flame

    3.Epic Flameward

    Epic Rakshasa Hide

    Epic Flameward

    Epic Darkstorm Helm

    Epic Doublecross Bow

    Epic Bow of the Silver Flame

    Epic Silver Slinger

    Epic Templar's Docent

    Epic Templar's Justice
    围观的路人 发表于 2012-4-22 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
    ````英语不好 看不懂····
    我来翻译一个 第一个塔盾是 最大4AC敏捷防御
    +7 秘银 火冰酸电个10抗
     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2012-6-25 10:08 | 显示全部楼层
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