

[匕首谷] 龙与地下城:匕首谷天赋介绍

弗罗多 发表于 2012-4-25 14:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
dwarven weapon training  --prerequisites:dwarf
武器熟练度 (种族)
dwarven battle priest——prerequisites:dwarf
shielding word_prerequisites:cleric class
屏蔽盾 先决条件:教士阶级
targets of your healing word ability also gain a temporary +2 bonus to  all Defense
你的疗愈能力目标的话也会获得临时+ 2加值到所有的防守
toughness 韧性
prerequisites:none 先决条件:没有
when you take this feat you gai 15% more hit points per level
far shot 远射
when you take this feat the range of your bows or crossbows increases by 20%
far throw 抛投武器
when you take this feat the range of your thrown weapons increases by 20%
hammering iron
whenever you hit an enemy with an attack using a blunt weapon,you inflict knockback on the enemy

melee training(dex) 近战敏捷系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use dexterity instead of strength for the attack roll and
the damage roll
melee training (con) 近战体质系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use constitution instead of strength for the attack roll
and the damage roll
melee training (wis) 近战智慧系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use wisdom instead of strength for the attack roll and
the damage roll
法系职业遇到近战时:智慧(wisdom/mp )转成力量属性伤害
melee training (int) 近战智力系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use intelligence instead of strength for the attack roll
and the damage roll
法系职业遇到近战时:智力(intelligence )转成力量属性伤害
melee training (cha) 近战魅力(狡诈)系
when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use charisma instead of strength for the attack roll and
the damage roll
heavy shield proficiency
you gain proficiency with heavy shields
1-handed blade weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all 1-handed blades
2-handed blade weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all 2-handed blades
bow weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all bows
1-handed blade weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a 1-handed blade
2-handed blade weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a 2-handed blade
axe weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding an axe.
blunt weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a blunt weapon
thrown weapon focus
bow weapon focus
crossbow weapon focus
+1 弩专长
1-handed blade weapon expertise
you gain a+1 feat bonus to attack rolls with any weapon power you use while wielding a 1-handed blade
2-handed blade weapon expertise
axe weapon expertise
blunt weapon expertise
thrown weapon expertise
bow weapon expertise
crossbow weapon expertise
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