


    弗罗多 发表于 2012-4-30 00:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    What is Build Your Guild? It’s a fun way to earn in-game bonuses and get an army together to take on the Drow!  Are you a new or returning player?*
    Get these benefits from joining a guild:
    Get +10% XP and +1 Loot just for grouping with fellow guild members!
    Earn two Large Bounties for reaching level 8!**
    Earn one Large Bounty for reaching levels 12 and 16!
    Earn two Large Bounties for reaching level 20!
    Your entire guild will get these bonuses as well:
    Non-new and non-returning players who are grouped with new or returning guild members earn +5% XP and +1 Loot!
    Non-new and non-returning player characters will earn a Small Bounty for their guild at levels 12, 16 and 20!
    Large Bounties will award 25,000 Guild Renown and five Astral Diamonds, and Small Bounties will award 2,500 Guild Renown. All Bounties are subject to guild size bonuses, and are affected by Guild Renown Elixirs.

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