

    DDO 传奇命运系统访谈录

    弗罗多 发表于 2012-5-5 23:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Kyle "FordyTwo" Horner: How do DDO players acquire an Epic Destiny?
    玩家什么时候可获取 传奇天命?
    Darren "Genasi" Malley: At level 21 you pick an Epic Destiny on the Epic Destiny map UI. The map UI does a great job showing you how each Epic Destiny connects, but each destiny also has five levels and its own tree.
    21级开始,玩家可以从传奇天命图中挑选一个传奇天命。看TB连接中的图。 每个传奇天命分五层和自己的树图
    Ian "Mad Floyd" Currie: Epic Destiny levels are divided into ranks, much like traditional DDO levels. Each time you gain a new Epic Destiny rank you also gain one Epic Destiny point for that specific tree.
    传奇天命分 rank (豆豆)类似于传统等级,每次升一个传奇天命rank,你获得一点传奇天命分。

    Darren: After spending enough points at the bottom of an Epic Destiny tree you unlock the second tier, then eventually the third. This progression continues until you hit Epic Destiny level 5 and max it out.
    Steve: These Epic Destiny points are permanently associated with the Epic Destiny used when earning them. So if you switch to another Epic Destiny, the game automatically shelves points and abilities earned for whatever other Epic Destiny you've chosen, but you can always switch back and retain all progress, across all Epic Destinies. Once you earn and level-up an Epic Destiny, it's yours forever – unless you roll an alternate character, of course.

    Darren: Choosing a path through any given Epic Destiny tree is a big part of the player's decision making process. Reach Magister level 5 and you'll have 24 points to spend in every tier of the tree, however, those points won't get you all Magister abilities–you'll have to pick and choose.
    挑选传奇天命中的路线是玩家重要的选着,例如要达到魔导师5层需要玩家在1-4层每层花费 24点传奇天命点,然而这些点不能是你获得所有 魔导师的功能。
    Kyle: How do Epic Destinies live up to their name?
    Steve "Eladrin" Muray: One of them lets you punch people through time.
    Kyle: … wait, really?
    Darren: Yes!
    David "Feather of Sun" Severs: Epic Destinies aren't like single classes; they're more like powerful extra roles. A character with 20 druid heroic levels can in fact pick the Grandmaster of Flowers to get a set of monk-like abilities, such as punching people six seconds into the future.
    传奇天命并不与职业相同,他们类似于额外的角色。20级druid玩家可以选择 百花祖师(我真心觉得这个翻译恶心)天命,从中获取类似与武僧的技能,例如一拳把人轰出6秒以后。
    Steve: With Menace of the Underdark we're making a clear distinction between Heroic and Epic levels. From Epic levels 21 to 25 there are no Heroic class levels or Enhancements; it's all focused on Epic levels and additional customization through swappable Epic Destinies. Heroic levels still use Enhancements to help shape a character, of course.
    我们将会把 英雄和传奇等级分开来。 21-25是传奇等级,不会再给 英雄职业等级和天赋。主要专注与传奇等级和 可转换的传奇天命。英雄等级还会有天赋。
    David: Where it gets extra interesting is we're allowing players to swap and level Epic Destinies independently of one another.
    Kyle: What are the drawbacks of swapping an Epic Destiny, if any?
    Ian: It's actually beneficial to swap, sooner or later. We want to encourage players to swap between Epic Destinies, which is why any progress made in any Epic Destiny is shelved until you switch back to it.
    Kyle: How did the user interface for Epic Destinies come together?
    Meaghan "Meglynn" Glynn: We started with an early chart to figure out how we wanted to visualize the system on a high level. (See: below image.)
    The map UI is basically a zoomed-out version of the Epic Destiny tree; in the map UI you see each Epic Destiny and how it relates to the others, plus the progress of each destiny. You can also switch between active Epic Destinies and select which one to unlock next.
    With all the tiny circles and redundant graphics, it sort of looked like some Lovecraftian nightmare from the deep! Clearly, the next step was to give the map view an art direction.

    After plenty of experimenting and some Photoshop magic, the look began to emerge. Of course, the mock-ups (see: above image) and early visualization of the map UI (see: below image) will go through more iteration and look different from the final version.

    We had practically nothing to reference when coming up with a look for the Epic Destiny map, so I had to think about how other game approached similarly open leveling systems. After that research, I began to imagine ways to tie the look of the map into the grand implication of an Epic Destiny. Having been into Astronomy and antiquated nautical things in general, I began drawing inspiration from star maps and astrolabes.
    Meaghan: With the map view being a completely new to digest information in DDO, we wanted an additional (and more traditional) way to view individual Epic Destiny information, and from thence came the tree view and the map view tabs.
    This part of the panel is a straightforward design, laying out information for the player in order of importance: top-to-bottom, left-to-right, and with space determined by the amount of information displayed. For example, the Abilities section has more space so players can view many abilities at one time.
    Going into the mock-up phase (see: below image) the wireframe design remained intact.
    Kyle: How does swapping an Epic Destiny work in practice?
    如何转换 传奇天命?
    Steve: Players can change an Epic Destiny in public areas by locating a Fatespinner, who can change it. This prevents anyone from constantly swapping Epic Destinies in dungeons. It also makes solo or duo play perfect for trying out new Epic Destinies, but when raid time comes you can switch back to a maxed out Epic Destiny.
    玩家可以在公共场所找到 Fatespinner (命运调控者),让他帮你转换。
    Kyle: Do characters earn Epic Destiny experience from any 21-25 quests or is there some other special system?
    玩家是不是只能在 21-25级副本中 获取传奇天命经验 还是要用其他的方法?
    Steve: Any experience gain will do, but Epic dungeons will usually give you more experience than Heroic dungeons. Your currently activated Epic Destiny always advances at the same rate as your character level. Did you just earn 5,000 Epic level experience points? If yes, then you also earned 5,000 Epic Destiny experience!
    任何经验都行,不过传奇副本给的经验会比一般副本多。你的传奇天命经验将会和你的人物等级一起生长。如果你获取了 5000传奇等级经验那么你将同样的获得5000传奇天命经验。

    We've also considered the True Reincarnated characters out there. Unlike Heroic levels, where your experience progression gets longer on subsequent lives, Epic levels stay the same no matter which life you're on. Levels 21 to 25 will take the same total amount of experience whether you're on your first or fifteenth life.
    我们也考虑了大转的同学们。 不同于英雄等级,大转了就清空了。传奇等级不会清零,21-25要求的经验不会变。
    Ian: Now that we've covered the basics, there's a unique loophole to discuss: The basic rule regarding the loss of Epic Destiny abilities can be bent a little with Twists of Fate.
    新的 命运的转换 功能。
    Steve: To unlock a Twist of Fate slot you must acquire Fate points. A Fate point is rewarded whenever an Epic Destiny reaches level 3 (also the same level required to connect any one Epic Destiny to another adjacent one.) You'll have to spend your first-ever Fate point on unlocking a Twist of Fate, however, after earning two or three Fate points a question confronts you – will you upgrade a Twist of Fate so you can use higher tier Epic Destiny abilities, or unlock additional Twists of fate?
    要开启命运的转换功能,你必须获得 命运分。命运分在每个传奇天命3层开启时可获得。当你第一次获得 命运分是,你将开始命运的转换功能。在你获得了第2-3个命运分后,你将面临一个选着,是更新一个已有的 命运还是,开始一个新的 命运?
    Darren: When a Twist of Fate slot is first unlocked, it cannot accommodate higher-tier abilities from an available Epic Destiny tree. Once a slot has been upgraded, however, it can hold abilities of a higher tier.
    当一个新的命运被启动时,他不能容纳高级的 天命,只有升级后才能容纳高级的 天命。
    Steve: It's up to the player whether they would like to add another Twist of Fate slot or upgrade a pre-existing one.
    Max "Vsuvium" Nichols: I'm very excited about the Twist of Fate portion of Epic Destinies, because it offers a lot of freedom to define character builds. You can take bits and pieces from wildly different Epic Destinies and try all sorts of combinations.

    Darren: The Twists of Fate system rewards our dedicated players, which is something we like a lot.
    Ian: Throughout Epic levels 21-25, players can build towards abilities from each Epic Destiny. Meanwhile, they can acquire and enhance Twist of Fate slots, selecting what they feel are the most complementary abilities, which will result in many, many new builds. Everyone's certain to have favorites, but trying to get Twist of Fate abilities and slot improvements to compliment various Epic Destinies will be a big goal.
    在21-25传奇等级中,玩家将获得传奇天命功能,外加命运的转换功能,使他们尝试不同的 天命功能。
    Kyle: Has the team decided on how many Twist of Fate ability slots will be available?
    Steve: Some of it is still To Be Determined, but we're currently thinking around three Twists of Fate, initially.
    Kyle: And for anyone reading this now – it could change.
    Steve: Subject to change!
    Kyle: How many Epic Destinies will be available in Menace of the Underdark?
    Ian: We're looking at roughly ten, but we'll be adding more over time. Each Epic Destiny will have a robust set of abilities to select over its 5 levels, in addition to Epic character levels 21 through 25.
    大致10个,有可能以后会加。每个传奇天命有很多全相的功能分布在5层中,外加传奇等级 21-25.

    David: In case anyone is wondering, any Epic Destiny progress made on a character will remain even after True Reincarnation. Until reaching level 20 again, you can't restart work on Epic Destinies. Until you re-level to 20, all Epic Destiny progress on that character is paused.
    传奇天命是大转也保留的。。不过玩家不到 20级的话将无法获得传奇天命。在你到20级前你的传奇天命是暂停的。
    Max Nichols: Also, like re-doing a character through True Reincarnation, if you take an Epic Destiny and later decide it's not for you, it's not a dead-end. You can always branch out in another direction. You're never locked into any Epic Destiny, and eventually you can unlock them all.
    Kyle: So basically the Epic Destiny system is multi-classing on steroids.
    Ian: [Laughs] Yes.
    Kyle: Is there any kind of interplay between the Enhancement system and Epic Destinies?
    Max: Only in that your character build for your first 20 Heroic levels will still have a dramatic impact on the way your character plays during the five Epic levels.
    Darren: And there are things players can improve about their character through Heroic Enhancements that synergize with Epic Destinies, too.
    For example, sorcerers can choose to improve fire magic dramatically by choosing the Fire Savant Enhancement line. The sorcerer themed Epic Destiny is Draconic Incarnation, where you choose a type of dragon heritage. Chose a red dragon heritage and you're going to get bonuses to your fire spells that stack with Fire Savant. There are several variations of that example built into Epic Destinies, and we're sure players will come up with really inventive combinations as well.
    例如,火术士的术士传奇天命是 龙脉化身,你选择你的龙脉。选了红龙,那么你的火系法术将获得更高的攻击力,这些会和火术士天赋叠加。传奇天命有很多类似的功能,我们相信玩家一定会发明一些有意思的组合。
    Kyle: What makes one Epic Destiny stand out from others in combat?
    Steve: Each Epic Destiny has its own set of abilities and one big Epic Moment. We're requiring players to build up to Epic Moments because they're extremely powerful. Let's use the Legendary Dreadnaught's Epic Moment, Master's Blitz, as an example:

    Also, this is all subject to change! With that out of the way, the Master’s Blitz counter increments forward each time a Tactical Feat is successfully used. Once the counter reaches 50, you gain the ability to use Master’s Blitz. Upon activation, for 10 seconds you gain an additional 50% dodge and deal an additional 25% melee damage. Any time you kill an opponent while under the effects of Master’s Blitz, you gain an additional stack of the melee damage bonus and restart the duration. If you are below 50% health when you first activate this ability, you start with two stacks of increased damage instead of one. The damage bonus stacks up to 100 times.

    传奇天命有他自己的能力和 一个超级传奇契机(我怎么觉得像龙珠了。)我们要求玩家建立起传奇契机,因为这是非常厉害的。 让我们剧 传说中的无畏 天命的传奇契机,大师的闪电战,做一个例子。这些有可能会改。
    当用过50次战术招后,可以启动10秒的传奇契机大招:大师的闪电战。50%闪避,+25%伤害,在10秒内每杀死一位敌人再加25%伤害,时间重置,伤害可叠加 100次。
    Kyle: Just so everyone is clear on the topic: Do Epic Moments only activate by clicking a button?
    Steve: Yes, they do not fire automatically.
    Darren: Also, the Epic Moment itself is an ability chosen from the Epic Destiny tree. So players must reach the tree's top tier before they pick up an Epic Moment.
    传奇契机技能是 传奇命运5层的能力。
    Steve: If you want to pick an Epic Moment at all. [Laughs]
    Darren: Yeah, players can choose to not even take one.
    Kyle: Can players take an Epic Moment as a Twist of Fate?
    玩家可以 在 命运槽中容纳传奇契机?
    Darren: As it is now, players cannot take an Epic Moment as a Twist of Fate because they're always at the top tier of an Epic Destiny.
    Amanda "Tolero" Grow: So what's everyone's favorite thing about the Epic Destiny system?
    Ian: When I switch to another Epic Destiny, I'm going to have to change my approach to combat. I really like that because, in a sense, part of my character is starting over. I don't have all the abilities I've gotten used to having.
    Amanda: And you can always switch back if you're having too tough a time with the new combat style.
    Ian: Right, but I like to think of it as a little pain for some cool gain. It's a really rewarding hard mode, in its own way.
    Steve: I also like rewarding clever players able to find interesting uses for some of the abilities most players might not naturally consider when making a character build. Like a barbarian who takes the Magister Epic Destiny and now has a bunch of anti¬-magic abilities.
    Darren: An Epic Destiny can bridge the gap from some of the class levels gained during Heroic. If I want to be something crazy like a wizard/fighter, you know, an Epic Destiny may take a sort of off-kilter build like that, and make it more viable than ever. That's probably my favorite thing.
    传奇天命可以弥补一些英雄等级的不足。假如我要练个 法师、战士。我可以利用传奇天命,使这个职业更有融合性。
    David: And building off that, the greater overall potential Epic Destinies introduce for character build viability beyond even what's available now is pretty awesome.
    Max: Okay, I have two. First, there's an Epic Destiny called the Grandmaster of Flowers; that is the coolest thing ever.
    优昙婆罗大士很 cool。。。
    All: [Laughter]
    Steve: It's also a First Edition reference by the way (and Fourth Edition).
    这是一个 DND一代和4代的参考名字
    Max: Second: For many of our players, the appeal of DDO is multi-classing and building your character, so I really love the way Epic Destinies wholeheartedly embrace that side of the DDO experience. The system makes DDO character builds more flexible and accessible.
    Amanda: That makes me think of a point in time when I was writing a blog and we were talking character builds in DDO. I had asked Steve [Muray]: What is the amount of builds available just for a vanilla fighter? Going by permutations, it's something like 2 trillion- just for fighter. That's excluding non-combat abilities like swim. It was over something like 2 million.
    Now we have 13 classes, a robust multi-class system, and we're adding Epic Destinies into the mix. The amount of combinations is unfathomable.
    Darren: There's Enhancements too. And Epic Destinies offer not necessarily just numbers stuff. (Like, maybe I picked up different feats and that could impact my stats.) We're getting flashy cool abilities to use in combat, and other players will be able to recognize you as a Grandmaster of Flowers when you punch a whole bunch of enemies into the future so hard you instantly defeat them. The new system is also a new visual diversity marker.
    Kyle: Thanks for your time, everyone. I can't wait to try out the new system on a live character!
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