


    弗罗多 发表于 2012-5-28 22:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    AA - Arcane Archer, an undead archer skeleton
    AC - Armor Class
    ADQ - Against the Demon Queen (quest)
    AFAIK - As Far As I Know
    AFK - Away From Keyboard
    Aggro - Aggression, when you have "aggro," then the enemy's attacks are focused on you.
    AH - Auction House
    AHAP - As Hard As Possible. Usually used in LFMs to say the quest will be done in the hardest difficulty that can by opened by the party.
    Alt - Alternative, usually an alternative character on the same account
    AOE - Area of Effect
    Arcane - An Arcane would refer to arcane casters, such as the wizard or sorcerer classes, and would exclude other casters (ie cleric)
    AS or ASB - Airship or Airship Buffs
    ATM - At the Moment
    Avatar - Term used to describe a users character, or the small pic beside your username on a forum post
    Axer Package - A phase referring to a collection of buffs in DDO. Generally refers to every possible useful buff for the given quest.

    BAB - Base Attack Bonus
    Battle Cleric - A cleric who likes to and is built to fight in melee combat
    BB - Blade Barrier (spell)
    BBL - Be Back Later
    BIO - Bathroom Break
    Bind or Binding - The process of setting a resurrection point in a tavern, usually by talking to a priest of the silver flame that presides there.
    Bind, Bound, or Binding - Binding an item to a character will make that item immune to permanent damage, but the item cannot be auctioned or traded
    Body Pull - Technique of getting close enough to a MOB to get only its attention and not its friends, and pull them back to fight alone
    Box of Rocks - A chest full of gemstones
    BRB - Be Right Back
    BRT - Be Right There
    BTW - By The Way
    BS - Bastard Sword (item), Bulls Strength (buff) at lower levels, or BarkSkin (buff) at higher levels
    Buff, Buffs, or Buffed - Buffs are generally cast on characters at the beginning of quests and after shrining to give resistance to damaging effects
    BYOH - Bring Your Own Heals, generally seen on the lfm to let people know that there isnt a healer in the group

    Capped - The point in which a character has reached the maximum amount of experience they can get
    Caster - Typically a wizard or sorcerer, but technically any class that casts spells. (ie cleric)
    CC - Crowd Control
    CE - Combat Expertise (feat)
    Char - Character
    Chew Toy - A Tank who's main job is to acquire and maintain agro from a specific mob/mobs
    Chump Block - A character that tanks, even though they are likely to die in the process
    Clickie - An item that, upon double clicking the item icon, generates a spell or other effect. (ie haste clickie, grease clickie)
    CO6 - Cult of Six (quest series)
    Coyle - An infamous NPC you must protect in the Threnal East quests who dies quite easily
    CR - Challenge Rating
    Crawl - A dungeon crawl to show newbies the ropes, and/or to complete all side quests and objectives
    Crit - Critical Hit, high attack rolls that occur naturally on the dice, give bonuses to damage
    CSW - Cure Serious Wounds, also CMW and CLW for light and moderate
    CYA - See You

    DA - Dwarven Axe (item) or Dungeon Alert
    DBF - Delayed Blast Firewall (spell)
    DC - Disconnect or lose internet connection, also stands for Difficulty Check for spells and saves.
    DD - Dimension Door (spell)
    Death Taxi - A technique of killing your toon, to quickly return to your bind point
    Dev - Developers, as in "game developers"
    Diplo - Diplomacy (skill), used to redirect aggro onto others
    Disco Inferno - Firewall & Otto's Sphere of Dancing used together
    Divine - Divine spell casters excel at curing ailments and healing allies (ie Cleric, Favored Soul, Paladin)
    DM - Dungeon Master, the game referee
    DoT - Damage over time
    DPS - Damage Per Second
    DR - Damage Reduction, formatted DR N/TYPE, where N = Absorbed Damage, and type = what ignores the DR
    Dragonmark - (feat) A dragonmark looks like an elaboate tatoo and grants magical powers to the bearer.
    DS - Deepwood Sniper (path), the path a ranger follows to focus skills on ranged attacks, and scouting
    Dump Stat - A starting attribute you put no build points into
    DV - Divine Vitality (enhancement), enhancement available to clerics to give spell points back to casters
    DQ1 - Against the Demon Queen chapter 1(quest)
    DQ2 - Against the Demon Queen chapter 2(raid)

    End Game -Term used to refer to the activities or quests done by characters at the maximum level.
    EULA - End User Licence Agreement
    EZ - Easy

    Farming - Running a quest, or explorer area, multiple times for loot.
    Favor - Points given for completing quests. Special benefits are made available to users who obtain enough favor with certain patrons
    FF - Feather Fall
    Finger - Finger of Death (spell)
    Firewall - Wall of Fire (spell) the terminology used often misleads people to search for the spell in the F's, as opposed to the W's
    Flagged - having completed the required quests, or gathered the required items, to move onto the next chapter of a story line. usually a raid.
    Fleshy - is the term used for denoting a "flesh and bone" race (ie human)
    FO - Finish Out, recall out of a finished quest
    FOD - Finger of Death (spell)
    FOM - Freedom of Movement (buff)
    Fred - Fred The Mind Flayer can respec feats, and is found under the garden in House J
    FTW - For The Win
    FVS - Favored Soul (class)
    F2P - Free to Play, new to mod 9. users can now play DDO without paying, but suffer some drawbacks (ie limited chars)

    GA - Greataxe
    GG - Good Game
    GH - Greater Heroism (buff), can also reference the Gianthold Area or Good Hope (spell)
    Ghost Run - When players intentionally die to have someone carries their soul stone through the quest
    Gimped - Typically a character or item with sub standard abilities or a character that lacks sufficient equipment, armor and/or weapons
    GIMPO - God In My Personal Opinion, typically used to describe a good character build.
    GISH - A magician, or character, that is skilled in both physical combat and the use of magic.
    GJ - Good Job
    GLOER - Good Luck On End Reward
    GM - Game Master, employees of Turbine that help with unusual problems, like characters getting stuck, or monsters not spawning, ect.
    GMW - Gray Moon Waining (quest series), quest series following the Cult of Six series
    Gold Farmers or Spammer - People who try to sell gold or platinum in game
    Grind or Grinding - Repetitious questing for a specific goal, also called farming
    GS - Green Steel (item), could also mean Great Sword (item)
    GTG - "Got to Go" or "Good to Go", sometimes creating confusion, especially at the beginning of quests
    GTWF - Greater Two Weapon Fighting (feat)
    Guild Group - A group comprised mostly or entirely of members of a guild. Usually a very different experiance than that found in a PUG.
    G2G - Got To Go, players often use G2G as opposed to GTG which has two different meanings.
    Haggro - Husband has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro
    Healbot - A character dedicated to healing and who does little else in a quest
    HIPS - Hiding In Plain Sight (quest)
    Hound - Hound of Xoriat (raid)
    House P, D, J or K - House Phiarlan, Deneith, Jorasco, and Kundarak are areas accessed through the Marketplace, or patrons of favor.
    HoX - Hound of Xoriat (raid)
    HP - Hit Points

    IC - In Character, an RP Term, or "I See," or Improved Critical (feat)
    IDK - I Don't Know
    IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
    IK - InstaKill, or more specifically, spells where the effect is instant death such as Finger of Death
    IMO - In My Opinion
    INC - Incoming, term used to warn users that mobs are coming
    Incapped - Incapacitated is the term to describe a character who has fallen but is not yet dead
    Intimitank - Usually a high AC and/or DR character who uses intimidate to draw agro
    IP - In Progress, usually found in the LFM when a quest is underway but more members are desired.
    IRL - In Real Life
    ISO - In Seek Of or In Search Of
    ITWF - Improved Two Weapon Fighting (feat)
    IQ - Inspired Quarters

    JK - Just Kidding
    JMO - Just My Opinion

    KEK - Another version of LOL, KEK was commonly used in World of Warcraft
    Kite or Kiting - Strategy of pulling an enemy, or group of enemies, to a strategic point where the party will then engage in combat.
    KK - OK

    Lag - Delayed or slowed gaming experience due to, but not limited to; internet connection or pc problems. usually results in a frozen frame in-game.
    LD - Link Dead, an alternate description of a disconnection.
    Leet - Elite
    LFG - Looking For Group
    LFH - Looking For Ham (outdated terminology) consuming ham was the way to regenerate hp & sp before the induction of the rest shrine.
    LFM - Looking For Members, this is the add you will see in the social panel when people are looking for players to fill a group.
    LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off. Other variations exist, such as Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off, or ROTFLMAO
    Log or Logging - Process of exiting the DDO software completely, or to change characters
    LOH - Lay On Hands (enhancement), the ability of paladins to heal with divine powers
    LOL - Laughing Out Loud or Laughing On-Line
    LotD - Litany of the Dead (quest)
    Lowbie - Reference of low level characters between lvl 1-4
    LS - Long Sword
    LSP - Low Spell Points
    LVL - Level, typically referring to a characters experience level
    L8ter - Later

    M/A - Mature Audience
    Main - Main character on a persons account
    Mana - Spell Points
    Meat Shield - A front line character in a group, typically a tank
    ML - Minimum Level requirements, referring to items
    MM - Magic Missile (spell)
    MMO or MMOG - Massive Multi-player On-line Game
    MOB or MOBS - Mobile Object(s), attackable non playing objects. Typically monsters, but anything that moves and attacks or anything you can attack
    MoBB - Maladroit of Bone Breaking, special weapon attributes that saps dexterity from its victims
    Mod - Module or Modification (ie DDO Mod 9)
    MOTD - Message of the Day, used mainly in guild chat
    MT - Mental Toughness (feat), could also mean MisTell or Main Tank
    MU - Magic User, a character class that casts spells.
    Mule - Character utilized to carry equipment and items for all the toons on an account
    Mutt - 3 multiclassed charecters, usually in reference to a melee class

    Necro/Necro 1,2,3 - Necropolis/Necropolis crypt series (quest)
    Nerf - To make less effective
    Newb or Newbie - New player not used to the game mechanics yet
    NHE or N/H/E - Normal/Hard/Elite (quest difficulty levels) sometimes used individually
    NM or Nvm - Nevermind
    NooB, N00b or Nub - (Often Misused) Derogatory term used to describe someone who lacks concern for the group
    NP - No Problem
    NPC - Non Player Character
    NT or NTY - No Thanks or No Thank You
    OIC - Oh, I See
    OMG - Oh My God
    OMW - On My Way
    OOC - Out Of Character, an RP term
    OOM - Out Of Mana
    OP - Original Poster
    ORLY - Oh Really?
    OSP - Out Of Spell Points
    Owned - This term denotes complete domination, usually in a (virtual) physical sense.

    PA - Power Attack (feat)
    PC - Player Character
    PD - Perma-Death, a play style that retires a toon after they die for the first time. Strict rules regarding PD groups vary between groups and/or guilds.
    PG - Pure Good
    Piking - A term used to describe someone that is leaching XP from the activity, without contributing anything to the party.
    PK - Phantasmal Killer (spell)
    PnP - Pen and Paper, the original D&D format
    POP - Prison of the Planes (quest)
    POP? - Pearl Of Power (item), an item used to increase a casters mana. The question mark would be replaced with a number designating its power
    Pots - Potions (item)
    Power 5 - +5 equivalent weapon effects, most of which can instantly kill monsters on a good roll. (Vorpal, Paralyzing, Banashing, Smiting, Disrupting)
    Power Leveling - Getting more powerful characters to run quests while you tag along. There are limits in DDO to how far you can take this tactic
    PPL - People
    PrC - Prestige Class, a path a class will take to gain special benifits (ie Rangers' Tempest, Bards' Warchanter)
    PrE - Prestige Enhancement, like PrC's but slightly altered and more limited-scope as Enhancements
    PST - Please Send Tell, the player is requesting that you talk to him/her using the in game 'Tell' feature.
    PUG - Pick Up Group, a group of characters usually with little knowledge of each other, unlike a group of guildies or personal friends
    PvE - Player Vs Environment, running missions, exploring encounter areas and the like.
    PvP - Person vs Person, some taverns have PvP areas where users can fight other users with their toons
    PWN - pronounced 'own,' this means to greatly overpower or defeat an adversary.
    P2P - Pay to Play, a subscriber to the game, or in reference to areas that have to be purchased for f2p users.

    QFE - Quoted for Emphasis
    QFT - Quoted For Truth
    QQ - Emoticon for crying eyes. Often used as a noun or verb to mean whine/whining
    Quest Chain - A series of quests in a storyline
    QwijyMart - Khyber's exclusive vendor/entrepreneur. Gtar, or other toons in his guild, will sell items listed in their biography for the listed price.

    Raid - Raid quests are typically epic in scope and intended for 12 players to enter at one time.
    Ransack - When you have opened a chest so many times in one day, its level of treasure starts to degrade and eventually offers no treasure
    Reroll - To delete a character and create a new one, often used jokingly to suggest someone's character is gimped.
    Respec - to change out feats or enhancements. You can respec feats with Fred The Mind Flayer, or respec enhancements at a trainer.
    Rez - Resurrection
    RL - Real Life
    ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing, other variations exist
    RP - Role-Play (RPing, RPer, etc)
    RR - Race Required, refering to items, also ReRoll or Reavers Refuge (Quest)
    Run - Running through a quest in a fairly methodical way for a specific purpose. (ie Loot Run, or Delera's Run)

    SC - StormCleave (quest)
    SF - Solid Fog (spell)
    Shield Wall - Characters line up in close proximity between obstacles to form a line monsters can't cross
    Shinies - The sparkling collectible nodes in dungeons or the collectable items you get from them
    SLA - Spell Like Ability, used when referencing one of the spells that Sorcs get due to their savant line.
    SoS - Stealer of Souls (quest), or Sword of Shadows (item)
    Soul Train - Using the command "/death" to take you to your bind point. Commonly used for those out of the way areas like Meridia or the Refuge.
    SP - Spell Penetration (feat)
    Spamming - Doing the same attack/spell over and over again, or sending unsolicited in game mail
    Splash - When you take just a few levels of another class to complement your primary class
    Squishy - Typically refers to a character with low AC and HP's, or a character that cannot defend themselves effectively in normal situations
    SR - Spell Resistance (buff)
    SS - Short Sword (item), or StoneSkin (buff)
    Stealth Humping - Pushing jump while in stealth mode
    Steam Tunnels - The steam tunnels is an explorer area before STK
    STK - Shan-to-Kor (quest)
    Stone(s) - Soul Stones that are left over after you die where your ghost is bound. They can be picked up and carried
    Sub or SubT - Subterrain (area) The explore area before titan and hound raids. also used as a place to launch Greater Teleports from

    Tank - A high DPS and/or AC toon, thats purpose is to pull aggro and absorb/deal damage. Multiple tanks may be present, even within small groups.
    Tap or Tap Runs - Tapestry, or Tapestry farming in the orchard area outside of Necropolis
    TBF - Trial By Fire (quest)
    THAC0 - To Hit Armour Class Zero
    THF - Two Handed Fighting (feat)
    Tome - An item consumed by a character to increase base attribute scores
    Toon - Another term for a users character
    TP - Turbine Points, the currency used in the DDO Store added with the release of Module 9.
    TPK - Total Party Kill
    TR - Tangle Root (quest), or True Resurrection (start a character over at level 1 with a few perks).
    Trap Monkey - A rogue specializing in disabling traps and opening locks, or any other class with those skills
    Troll - A socially retarded individual that intentially causes grief and distress upon others, while hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.
    TS - Tempest Spine (quest), could also be True Seeing (buff)
    TT - Table Top, also refered to as PnP, the original D&D format.
    TTS - Trap The Soul (Spell/Weapon Effect)
    TTYL - Talk To You Later
    TWF - Two Weapon Fighting (feat)
    Twink - The process of giving items obtained by one of your characters, to another character
    Twitchy - refers to a type of game that relies on quick reflexes to play, like a first-person-shooter, or a reference to a THF tactic described here
    TY or TYVM - Thank You Very Much

    Uber - Decked Out, typically used to describe a toon equipped with the best of weapons and items, and stats that are buffed with tomes
    UMD - Use Magic Device (skill)
    UWA or UA - Under-Water Action
    VoD - Vision of Destruction (quest)
    Voice(s) - Voice of the Master (item), usually used at the end of a quest to remind users to "make sure your voices are on"
    VoN - Vault of Night (quest)
    Vorp - Vorpal, a potent weapon with the ability to sever the heads of those it strikes

    Waggro - Wife has aggro on your game playing and you have to log out to go to Bed Bath and Beyond for example. Also see Waggro
    WC - Warchanter, a bard prestige class enhancement
    WF - WarForged (Race) or Weapon Finesse (feat)
    Wilderness Adventure Area - An open area with many mobs and usually with extra quests for exploration and rare encounters.
    Window Farm - Used to indicate a plan of farming a to either break a chain or to aviod running back to the quest giver.
    Wipe - When all members of a party are killed during a quest
    WoE- Weakening of Enfeebling, special weapon attributes that saps strength from their victims.
    Woot or W00t - Commonly used to express excitment (Whoohoo!!!), history suggests that it may have stood for "We Owned The Other Team"
    WOP - Wounding of Puncturing. A popular weapon effect combination
    Working As Intended - Typically used to express that even if it's broke, it's not getting fixed
    WTB - Want to buy
    WTS - Want to sell
    WTT - Want to trade
    WW - WaterWorks (quest)

    XC - Xorian Cipher (quest)

    YW - Your Welcome

    Zerg or Zerging - Running a quest as fast as possible without regards to side quests or other non-essential objectives.
    Z??? - Adding Z to the beginning of a term can sometimes put emphasizes the term. (ie ZOMG = OMG!!!)

    1337 - Leet, or Elite
    3BC - Three Barrel Cove (quest)
    28 or 32 Point Build - Number of points used for stat allocation when building new characters
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