

DDO 炼金锻造元素材料成分表属性说明

弗罗多 发表于 2012-6-4 11:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Weapon Augments:
Tier 1 requires: Attuned Alchemical Item, Khyber Dragonshard of <element>, Martial Cannith Power Cell
Air: Shocking Burst, Stunning +10, Awareness 4
Earth: Acid Burst, Greater Stone Prison, Earthgrab
Water: Icy Burst, Freezing Ice, Fireshield(cold) (like Bracers of the Glacier)
Fire: Flaming Burst, Flaming Blast, Seeker +10

Tier 2 requires: Infused Alchemical Item(Tier 1 item), Khyber Dragonshard of <element> (Refined), Martial Cannith Power Cell
Air: Exceptional Dexterity +2, Lightning Strike, Doublestrike 6%
Earth: Exceptional Constitution +2, Acid Blast, Disintegration
Water: Exceptional Wisdom +2, Crushing Wave, Corrosice Salt
Fire: Exceptional Strength +2, Incineration, Righteous

Tier 3 requires: Dual-Infused Alchemical Item (Tier 2 item), Khyber Dragonshard of <element> (Exquisite), Martial Cannith Power Cell, 10 Epic Dungeon Tokens
Air: +6 Enhancement Bonus, Electrifying Blast, Empty Red Augment Slot
Earth: +6 Enhancement Bonus, Corrosive Blast, Empty Red Augment Slot
Water: +6 Enhancement Bonus, Freezing Blast, Empty Red Augment Slot
Fire: +6 Enhancement Bonus, Fiery Blast, Empty Red Augment Slot

The Tier 3 blast effect is:
"This weapon is imbued with a <element> wrath. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit this <element> power will be released, dealing damage to the target and all enemies near it for 15d6 <element> damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 34) reduces this by half."

Spell Augment:

The cost per tier is the same as weapons except that it uses Mystical Cannith Power Cell instead of Martial Cannith Power Cell

Tier 1:
Superior <type> IX Item of
Air: Superior Magnetism IX, Superior <type> IX, Air Gaurd
Earth: Superior Corrosion IX, Superior <type> IX, Earthgrab Gaurd
Water: Superior Glaciation IX, Superior <type> IX, Freezing Ice Gaurd
Fire: Superior Combustion IX, Superior <type> IX, Magma Surge Gaurd

Laceration: Increases the damage of your ~th level and lower slashing and bludgeoning spells by 50%. This effect does not stack with other item effects or potions. Requires Adamantine base item.
Radiance. Requires Silver base item.
Resonance. Requires Cold Iron base item.
Devotion. Requires Flame Touched Iron base item.
Nullification. Requires Byeshk base item.
Impulse. Requires Crystal base item.

Tier 2:
Adds Superior Lore(12% chance, +.5 multiplier) of the base item's two elements. It also says that it removes a clicky of superior spark/erosion/inferno/freeze, but there is no indication that the base items have that ability

Tier 3:
Air: Efficient Metamagic Enlarge II, Greater Enchantment Focus, Spell Focus Mastery +1
Earth: Efficient Metamagic Empower II, Greater Conjuration Focus, Greater Spell Penetration IX
Water: Efficient Metamagic Extend II, Greater Transmutation Focus, Greater Elemental Spell Power
Fire: Efficitent Metamagic Maximize II, Greater Evocation Focus, Aracane Augmentation IX



居合+10非常强,但很多人已经有了血色/活动帽子+6,提升并不明显,况且1、现在raid boss普遍提升护命了,2、居合10配合的是火系,打devil类的就差一大截了,居合的价值缩小了;

所以新锻造武器至少在DPS上也就和绿钢相当,但好消息是。。貌似能锻造拳套(不确定),如果可以的话,+6 电爆 震慑10 闪电打击 双击6% 电气爆破。。


但是我始终没有搞明白的事,单手武器上的double strike和seeker 这种东西是拿一把两只手都有效果还是只是有该属性的武器有。
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