


    陨石部落 发表于 2012-7-1 20:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
     楼主| 陨石部落 发表于 2012-7-1 20:36 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 陨石部落 于 2012-7-7 21:53 编辑


    Storm of Vengeance Conjures a storm with a massive thunderclap, deafening enemies, dousing them in acid rain, and lancing them with lightning bolts. Enemies within the cloud when it is first conjured are deafened for 3 seconds per caster level. Enemies within the storm take 4d6 acid damage every two seconds. Every 4 seconds, a random enemy within the storm takes 5d10 electricity damage (a successful reflex save halves). The storm lasts 3 seconds per caster level.

    Regenerate, Mass  Casts Regenerate on multiple targets. A positive energy conjuration that heals hit points, ability point damage, and level drain, and cures bleed effects. It heals 1d6 hit points, +1 per caster levels (max +25), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Every two seconds 2 ability point damage is healed, and every three seconds one drained level and 1 bleed effect are removed. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 2 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one heal-over-time spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Regenerate spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended.
    群体回春术  对多个目标施放恢复术,一个治疗生命、属性伤害、负向等级,治愈流血的正能量神术。每2秒治疗1d6 +1每施法者等级(最高+25)点生命值,持续8秒。每2秒治疗2点属性伤害,每3秒治疗1负向等级并治愈一次流血。当前面的效果终止时,会获得一个较小的治疗效果,每5秒治疗2点生命,持续30秒。同一时间只能有1种持续治疗法术生效,而且只有效果最好的生效。如果多个此法术作用于同一个对象,法术持续时间将被延长。

    Snowslide Valid Forms: Winter Wolf. You leap forward with the speed and ferocity of a sudden avalanche. You attack enemies in your path, dealing an extra 2[W], and targets caught in your wake are frozen solid for 20 seconds. A successful reflex save negates the effect, and creatures caught in the ice can attempt fortitude saves to escape every 3 seconds. Creatures frozen are considered helpless, but they also gain DR/Adamantine 5. (DC 19 + WIS mod)
    雪崩 有效形态:冬狼。你向前跳跃,像突发的雪崩一样的迅速而凶猛。你通过自有的方式攻击敌人,造成额外2[w]伤害,目标被冰冻20秒,成功的反射豁免将使冰冻失效,被冰冻的目标每3秒进行一次强韧豁免用来逃脱。被冻的目标视为无助,但同时会获取dr/5精金的伤免(法术难度 19+感知调整)

    Mantle of the Icy Soul Valid Forms: Water Elemental. You are shrouded in the mantle of the icy soul. The targets of your cold spells take a 25% penalty to movement speed, a 10% penalty to attack speed, and a -4 penalty to reflex and fortitude saves.
    冰魂斗篷 有效形态:水元素。你被笼罩在冰冷斗篷之下,目标遭受到你的冰法术,-25移动速度,-10攻击速度,-4反射和强韧豁免

    Anger of the Noonday Sun Valid Forms: Fire Elemental. You are enveloped in the anger of the noonday sun. The targets of your fire spells suffer a 2% fortification penalty, and a -5 penalty to fire resistance.
    烈阳愤怒 你被正午骄阳的愤怒包裹,目标遭受你的火法术将-2护命,-5火抗。

     楼主| 陨石部落 发表于 2012-7-1 20:37 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 陨石部落 于 2012-7-7 21:54 编辑


    Howl of Terror Valid Forms: Wolf, Winter Wolf. You utter a terrifying howl, filling your foes with a paralyzing fear. Foes around you are paralyzed for 6 to 24 seconds. Will save negates.
    恐怖嚎叫 有效形态:狼、冬狼。你发出恐怖的嚎叫,使你的敌人充满无力的恐惧,你周围的敌人被麻痹6-24秒,成功的意志豁免将不受此效果影响。

    Earthquake Summons an earthquake beneath your enemies' feet. Enemies within the area of effect have an additional 30% spell failure chance, and every three seconds they are knocked down and take 2 to 16 points of damage. A successful reflex save vs. the damage halves the damage, and a reflex save vs. the knockdown negates it. Flying enemies are immune. D&D Dice: Deals 2d8 level bludgeoning damage.
    地震 在你敌人的脚下召唤一场地震,震中的敌人将受到额外30%的法术失败率,每3秒将会被击倒受到2-16点伤害,成功的反射豁免会让伤害减半,让击倒效果失效。飞行的敌人会免疫哦…最后一句没看懂,每施法等级2d8的敲击伤害吗?

    Fires of Purity Valid Forms: Fire Elemental. Enchants your target's weapons with fires of purity. They deal an extra 2d4 fire damage, and enemies that strike them take a -10 penalty to their fire resistance. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.
    纯净火焰 有效形态:火元素。用纯净的火元素强化你的武器,对敌人造成额外2d4火焰伤害 -10火抗。同一时间一把武器只能拥有一种强化。

    Ice Flowers Valid Forms: Water Elemental . Lances of ice burst from the ground where you point, dealing 1d3 piercing and 1d3 cold damage per caster level, to a maximum of 15d3 cold and 15d3 piercing.
    冰矛绽放 从你所在的位置下面爆发出冰矛,每施法者等级造成1d3穿刺伤害最高15d3和1d3冰冷伤害最高15d3。

    Unstoppable Valid Forms: Dire Bear . You expend your body's ability to heal to fuel a burst of determination. You gain 15 temporary hit points per caster level, and +5 damage, but your positive damage vulnerability becomes 0%, preventing healing. You are also immune to fear, enchantment, sleep, energy drain, paralysis, exhaustion and death effects, though any effects already active remain unchanged. Lasts 15 seconds.
    无人可挡 有效形态:熊  你消耗你身躯被治疗的能力来引燃自身坚决的爆发。每1施法者等级获得15点暂时生命,+5伤害,但是你的正能量伤害减弱至0,无法治疗。同时你会免疫恐惧,魅惑,昏睡,能量吸收,麻痹,力竭和即死效果,但已经作用在你身上的效果不发生变化(仍然有效?),持续15秒。

     楼主| 陨石部落 发表于 2012-7-7 21:46 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 陨石部落 于 2012-7-7 21:48 编辑

    7..................7Creeping Doom Summons a cloud of voracious insects and unleashes them on your enemies. The insect cloud will slowly home on the target, and when it strikes insects will burst outward, affecting every enemy within the area of effect. Enemies hit by the insects take 2 to 20 poison damage, plus 1 to 10 per 3 caster levels, every 2 seconds for 16 scones. A successful reflex save halves the damage.
    厄运蔓延 召唤成群的贪婪的昆虫并把它们释放在你的敌人身上,虫云会以目标为家,当目标攻击时,昆虫会爆发而出,区域内的所有敌人都要遭受此效果。被困同攻击的敌人每2秒受到2-20点加1-10每3施法等级的毒素伤害,持续16秒,成功反射豁免使伤害减半。

    Greater Vigor, Mass Casts Greater Vigor on multiple targets. A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d8, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +13 at caster level 39), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 1 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one vigor spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended.
    群体强化活力 在多个目标上施放强化活力法术,一种每2秒能够治疗1d8,+1每3施法等级(最高39级的时候+13)的法术,持续8秒,当前面的效果终止时,会获得一个较小的治疗效果,每5秒治疗1点生命,持续30秒。同一时间只能有1种活力法术生效,而且只有效果最好的才生效。如果多个此法术作用于同一个对象,法术持续时间将被延长。

    Regenerate A positive energy conjuration that heals Hit points, ability point damage, and level drain, and cures bleed effects. It heals 1d6, +1 per cast levels (max +17), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Every two seconds 2 ability point damage is healed, and every three seconds 1 drained level and 1 bleed effect are removed. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 2 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one heal-over-time spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Regenerate spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended.
    回春术,一个治疗生命、属性伤害、负向等级,治愈流血的正能量神术。每2秒治疗1d6 +1每施法者等级(最高+17)点生命值,持续8秒。每2秒治疗2点属性伤害,每3秒治疗1负向等级并治愈一次流血。当前面的效果终止时,会获得一个较小的治疗效果,每5秒治疗2点生命,持续30秒。同一时间只能有1种持续治疗法术生效,而且只有效果最好的生效。如果多个此法术作用于同一个对象,法术持续时间将被延长。

    Body of the Sun Valid Forms: Fire Elemental. Your body draws on the power of the sun and emanates intense heat, burning nearby enemies. Nearby enemies take 1d6 fire damage per caster level (to a maximum of 20d6 at level 20) every 3 seconds. Fortitude save halves.
    太阳身躯,有效形态:火元素 你的身躯吸取太阳的能量,散发出强烈的温度,燃烧周围的敌人使他们每3秒受到1d6每施法等级的火焰伤害(最高为20级时的20d6)过强韧豁免减半。

    Elemental Toughness Valid Forms: Fire Elemental, Water Elemental. Draw elemental matter into your form, toughening your body and gaining 5/- DR.
    元素坚韧,有效形态:火元素 水元素 ,吸取元素物质进入你的形态,让你更坚韧获得5/-伤免

    Freezing Spray Valid Forms: Water Elemental . Douses an opponent in freezing spray, giving the target 25% cold vulnerability. Targets with this vulnerability will take 25% extra damage from all sources of cold damage. Once this effect wears off, it cannot be reapplied for 30 seconds.
    冰冻喷洒 有效形态:水元素 让你的对手浸入冰冻喷洒中,目标减弱25%冰冷抗性,任何来源的冰系法术都让目标受到额外25%伤害,一旦这一效果消失,30秒内无法再次对目标施展此效果。

    Jaws of Winter Valid Forms: Winter Wolf. As your jaws close over your enemies, they feel the deep cold of winter's heart close around them. This attack deals and extra 6[W], and if it counts as a sneak attack, your foe is frozen solid for 30 seconds. Frozen creatures gain DR 5/Adamantine, but are considered helpless. Fortitude save negates, and the creature gets an additional save attempt every two seconds. (DC 17 + WIS mod).
    寒冬之腭 有效形态:冬狼 你的双颚淹没你的敌人,让他们感觉到周围有来自凌冬的酷寒,本次攻击造成额外2[w]伤害,如果是偷袭攻击,你的敌人被冰冻30秒,被冰冻的目标获得dr5/精金的伤免,但也被视作无助,成功的强韧豁免不受此效果,冰冻时每2秒进行一次豁免检定。难度:17+感知调整

    Sunbeam Deals 4 to 6 light damage per caster level with a mighty beam of sunlight, and temporarily blinds the target. Against Undead or Oozies, it does double damage. A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the blind effect. This spell has double range. D&D Dice: Deals 1d3+3 light damage per caster level.
    日光 用强力的日光对目标造成每施法等级4-6(1d3+3/施法等级)光伤害,并使目标暂时目盲。当作用于不死和泥怪时,造成双倍伤害。成功的反射豁免使伤害减半并且免受目盲效果。这个法术有双倍的范围。

    Relentless Onslaught Valid Forms: Dire Bear. Perform a melee attack that deals an extra 5[W] and knocks your target down for 4 seconds. For up to 20 seconds afterwards, as long as the target stays down, every successful hit against the target has a 30% chance of knocking it down again.
    残酷猛攻 有效形态:巨熊 进行一次近战攻击造成额外5[w]伤害,绊倒目标4秒,此后的20秒内只要目标无法起身,任何有效的攻击都有30%几率让目标再次被绊倒。
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