


    弗罗多 发表于 2012-11-17 16:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    1、Energy Sheath: Active Ability: (Cooldown 1min, 10 spell points) For [2/4/6] minutes gain 50% [fire/cold/acid/electric] absorption. Enemies that strike you take 1d3+10 [fire/cold/acid/electric] and have a small chance to take 4d20+100 damage of that type. Removes fire shield(hot/cold).
    耗蓝10SP,持续5min 的元素盾,另外送一个守护,有蓝的 职业完全可以交织一个,没蓝的职业也可以通过穿戴+SP的装备,镶嵌SP工会石获得蓝条,10SP的耗蓝完全可以全程保持。

    2、Endless faith: Passive Bonus: Spell point pool increased by [4/7/10]%. Echoes of power restore up to [18/24/30] sp.

    3、Tunnel Vision: Passive Bonus: While raged, melee attacks deal +1d[8/10/12] extra untyped damage. In addition, you gain +[1/2/3] intimidate and +[1/2/3] will saves. You also suffer a -5 Penalty to Armor Class and suffer a 10% penalty to fortification while raged.

    狂暴时额外1D12,这里的狂暴包括:法术狂暴、矿石狂暴、野蛮人T1狂暴,所以非野蛮人交织这个只要有狂石靴,几乎全程都能报此额外1D12的伤害,相当于多带了一件TOD 破坏者套的效果。 -5 AC 可有可无,-10%护命比较蛋疼,但是万幸,现在有很多方法提高护命。

    4、Primal Scream: Active Ability: (Cooldown 15 seconds) Nearby allies are raged gaining +[3/4/5] morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, and suffer a -2 penalty to armor class. Nearby enemies take up to [10/20/30]d20 sonic damage. [3/4/5] uses per rest. Duration 3 minutes per use.

    5次/休息,持续3min ,相当于每次休息能全小队保持15min的+5力量、+5体质的效果,-2AC可以无视。团队BUFF神技。作为一个DPS非常建议交织一个。

    5、Unstoppable Fury: Passive Bonus: While raged, when you miss with a melee attack, you gain +[1/2/3] attack for 20 seconds. Can stack 3 times for up to +3/+6/+9 attack. Only loses 1 stack each 20 seconds.

    对于缺少AB 职业的福星,有了这个天命,BOSS战几乎不会出现缺AB的情况。

    6、Acute Instincts: Passive Bonus: While raged, you gain +[0/1/2] wisdom, +[2/4/6] balance, heal, listen, spot, search, concentration and +[1/2/3] insight bonus to saves vs traps.


    Damage Reduction: Passive Bonus: Gain [2/4/6] Physical Resistance Rating, and if you are a Barbarian, an additional DR [1/2/3]/- that stacks with barbarian DR.

    6PRR,3DR,作为一名专业tank ,或许会选择交织这个,但是对大多数职业来说,并不实用。

    Sense Weakness: Passive Bonus: You deal [10/20/30]% extra damage to helpless targets. Your melee attacks deal [1d8/1d8/1d8] extra untyped damage to enemies below 75% HP, [0/1d12/1d12] extra damage to enemies below 50% HP, and [0/0/1d20] extra damage to enemies below 25% HP. These are cumulative.

    DPS T4位当仁不让的神技,造成30%无助伤害,1d8 额外伤害(目标75%HP以下)。额外1d12(目标50%HP以下)。额外1D20(目标25%HP以下) 也就是说目标25%HP以下,你能额外造成1D8+1D12+1D20伤害!建议每一个点出T4交织位的DPS都选一个。

    A Dance of Flowers: Passive Bonus: +[0.5/1.0/1.5][W] to attacks you make while centered.

    也是神技、对特定职业超给力的天命,如兼职2、6级武僧,用长剑(玄铁击)。短剑(NINJA)的职业,相当于提供+4- +10伤害 的效果。

    Hail of Blows: Passive Bonus: +3% chance to doublestrike on melee attacks.

    3% DS ,hmm,对于一个T2天命来说,还不错,追求极限DPS的职业可以选择交织它

    Piercing Clarity: Passive Bonus: Your attacks bypass [5/10]% of enemy fortification. Your attacks have ghost touch. On rank 2 your attacks bypass concealment as if you had true seeing.


    Legendary Tactics: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] to DC's of all tactical feats.


    Improved Combat Expertise: Active Ability: (Cooldown 6 seconds) When Stance: Combat Expertise is active, you gain +20 Physical Resistance Rating.
    EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: Combat Expertise feat
    Improved Power Attack: Active Ability: (Cooldown 6 seconds) When Stance: Power Attack is active, you deal +0.5[W] damage with weapons.

    两兄弟,作为一个T2天命来说略弱了些,如果追求极限DPS 和防御,可以选择。

    Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] damage on critical hits (before weapon multipliers).


    Unearthly Reactions: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] dodge, +[2/4/6] reflex. At rank 3 When you tumble, you will phase out from reality briefly, passing through enemies as you do so.

    非常不错的T1天命,3dodge 6反射,还送一个滚翻穿透目标。T1不错的选择。

    [Spell School] Specialist: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] DC to chosen school.


    1.天佑T1,Endless faith。不是因为+250蓝,关键是魔法回复的能力,骑士、游侠等的绝对福音!
    2.阿凡达T1,rejuvenation cocoon。你可以设想下肉身ss的痛苦,对于无自理能力的肉身,这个就是绝对福音。
    3.传奇勇者T2,momentum swing。正是这个关键技能,开创了顺斩流:不求普砍,只求转圈!无尽的华尔兹啊~~~
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