


弗罗多 发表于 2008-7-22 18:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(taken from the LOTRO beta forums) http://beta.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=18816
Largely the work of SeptaScarabae (compiling) and countless others for their contributions.

[★] 图例
Sub-area Location
-: Sub-area

非玩家角色 (NPC)
史诗故事线NPC (NPC)
任务物品 (物品)
稳手(驯马大师) (NPC)
训练师, 吟游诗人, 银行家 (NPC)

Dark Forces (限伊顿荒沼)
Free People (限伊顿荒沼)

If you type ;loc, you will receive a basic coordinate readout for your current location. This will be output to your current chat channel, so to keep everyone in that chat channel from seeing you perform this command, send it to yourself in an IM. To do this in one keystroke, use the /alias command: Template:Code/Begin/alias add ;tml /w MyCharName ;loc
/alias shortcut ;tml 15Template:Code/End and then drag that shortcut to any key you prefer.


[★] 布雷兰

[★] 阿切特
Archet East Gate: 24.8S, 48.5W
Amdir - Prologue: 25.0S, 48.9W
Sprigley's Farm: 27.9S, 48.0W
-: Sprigley's Cellar (27.9S, 48.3W)

Bronwe's Folly: 26.8S, 48.0W
Blackwold's Roost: 26.8S, 46.6W
-: Ancient Cairn (27.1S, 46.6W)
Old East Path: 24.8S, 47.9W
-: Spider Cave Entrance (24.8S, 47.9W)
Hunting Lodge: 24.9S, 47.0W

Mad Bristlehide: 27.7S, 49.0W
Old Bloodtusk: 27.3S, 47.1W
Minstrel Trainer: 25.3S, 49.1W
Hunter Trainer: 25.3S, 49.1W

Burglar Trainer: 25.3S, 49.1W
Loremaster Trainer: 25.3S, 49.1W
Guardian Trainer: 25.3S, 49.1W
Champion Trainer: 25.3S, 49.1W
Captain Trainer: 25.3S, 49.1W

[★] 阿切特谷
Combe Lumber Camp: 28.9S, 47.1W
Blackwold Hideout: 30.1S, 47.4W
Stump Field: 29.9S, 47.8W
Comb and Wattle Inn: 28.7S, 49.4W
Bard of Bree: 28.7S, 49.4W
Ellie Cutleaf: 28.1S, 50.6W

Beehives: 29.6S, 49.5W
Red Berries: 29.2S, 48.9W
Training Hall: 28.7S, 49.3W
-: Minstrel Trainer
-: Hunter Trainer

-: Burglar Trainer
-: Loremaster Trainer
-: Guardian Trainer
-: Champion Trainer
-: Captain Trainer
Craft Hall: 28.8S, 48.7W

-: Mistress of Apprentices (28.9S, 48.7W)
-: Provisioner (28.8S, 48.7W)
Mailbox: 28.5S, 49.4W

[★] 柴特林 北
Blackwold Headquarters: 26.6S, 44.4W
-: Sergeant Applewood (26.3S, 44.8W)
-: Jagger Jack (26.3S, 44.8W)
-: Covell Woodright (27.2S, 44.5W)

Woodsedge Ruins: 29.6S, 45.6W
Skunkwood's Farm: 28.6S, 44.0W
-: Skunkwood's Den-Mother (28.8S, 43.8W)
Old Bauman's Farm: 27.7S, 43.9W
Cole Sickleaf: 27.0S, 42.9W
Wolf Den: 27.9S, 46.3W

Filbert Burrows: 28.6S, 46.0W

[★] 斯塔多
Crumbled Court: 30.5S, 48.9W
-: Ancient Inscription (30.2S, 49.1W)
Widow Froghorn's Farm: 31.5S, 48.0W
Eldo Swatmidge's Farm: 31.2S, 47.1W

Dogwort's Farm: 31.0S, 48.1W
Craft Hall: 31.0S, 49.3W
Workbench: 31.0S, 48.7W

[★] 柴特林 南
Yellow Tree: 32.7S, 48.1W
Silverwell: 32.3S, 47.5W

-: Willowsong (32.3S 47.4W)
Ost Baranor (Blackwold Ruin): 33.3S, 48.4W
-: Jasper Mudbottom (33.7S, 48.7W)
-: Hidden Entrance (33.2S, 48.3W)

-: Ancient Statue (33.4S, 48.8W)

[★] 安德拉斯
South-Guard Ruins: 35.7S, 51.5W
Halecatch Lake: 32.8S, 51.2W
Barrow-mound: 34.9S, 53.1W (entrance to Barrow-downs)

[★] 蠓水沼泽
Marshwater Fort: 30.9S, 44.6W
-: Ancient Altar (31.2S, 44.9W)
-: Blackwold Strongbox (31.1S, 44.8W)
Goblin-Guard Camp: 34.3S, 42.9W
Goblinhole Ruins: 33.1S, 42.9W
-: Gurzrum (33.1S, 43.0W)

-: Gurzstaz (32.8S, 43.0W)
Rodrick Neeker-Friend: 32.5S, 43.5W
Sunken Stones: 32.0S, 45.8W
Mustering Cave: 30.7S, 42.7W
Hobbit Farm: 35.2S, 43.2W
Torthann's Camp: 34.6S, 45.9W
Woodsedge Ruins: 29.4S, 45.9W

-: Ancient Obelisk (29.5S, 45.8W)

[★] 布雷
Bard of Bree: 29.8S, 51.4W
Man Banker: 30.3S, 52.6W
Prancing Pony: 29.7S, 51.3W

-: Strider - Book I
-: Gandalf
Ancient Crest: 30.7S, 52.6W
Monster Controller: 31.1S, 52.6W
East Stablemaster: 31.9S, 50.4W

West Stablemaster: 29.5S, 52.6W
Hunter Trainer: 32.0S, 50.8W
Champion Trainer: 31.6S, 50.8W
Minstrel Trainer: 31.3S, 51.1W

Captain Trainer: 31.1S, 51.2W
Burglar Trainer: 31.1S, 52.3W
Guardian Trainer: 30.4S, 51.0W
Loremaster Trainer: 30.4S, 51.7W
Master of Apprentices: 30.3S, 51.1W

Provisioner: 30.3S, 51.1W
Forge: 29.7S, 52.3W
Center Mailbox: 29.7S, 51.3W
West Mailbox: 29.5S, 52.8W
East Mailbox: 31.9S, 50.4W

Weapons and Armour Shop: 31.0S, 51.0W
-: Ollie Redbrush
Bree-Town Hall: 31.1S, 51.2W
-: Mayor Graeme Tenderlarch
-: Notary
-: Clerk of Kinships
Bree Crafting Hall: 30.5S, 51.0W

[★] 南部布雷旷野
Greenway Crossing: 29.6S, 53.3W
Yellowtusk: 27.4S, 52.3W
Dogwood's Farm: 27.4S, 53.9W
Thornley's Worksite: 26.4S, 53.6W
Thornley's Farm: 25.4S, 53.7W
Old Sweetgrass Farm: 28.1S, 55.9W

Brigand's Watch: 27.0S, 56.2W
Hillshire Ruins: 27.8S, 58.7W
Adso's Camp: 29.2S, 56.8W
North Old Forest Entrance: 29.8S, 56.7W
Brigand Camp: 29.5S, 55.3W
North Barrow-downs Entrance: 30.1S, 54.9W
Outlaw's Haven: 28.9S, 59.3W
Starmere Lake: 25.4S, 57.2W

[★] 北部布雷旷野
Old Greenway Fort: 24.04S, 53.1W
-: Snagabur (23.8S, 53.6W)
Quince Farmstead: 25.0S, 54.7W
Everclear Lakes: 25.9S, 54.9W
Snarling Hollow: 25.9S, 54.9W
Cirith Nur Encampment: 21.2S, 55.0W

-: Red Reaver (21.5S, 55.1W)
-: Brigand Cave (21.3S, 55.3W)
Orc Camp: 21.8S, 53.8W
Orc Camp: 20.5S, 53.6W
Orc Camp: 20.7S, 53.3W
Saeradan's Cabin: 25.5S, 52.9W

Abandoned Graveyard: 26.3S, 52.0W
Orc Camp: 21.8S, 53.8W

[★] 东部布雷旷野
Hengstacer Farm: 22.2S, 52.1W
-: Horsemaster (22.3S, 52.3W)
Horsefields: 24.7S, 51.6W
-: Mister Tagger (25.6S, 50.9W)

-: Missus Tagger (26.1S, 49.7W)
Stone-downs: 20.1S, 51.3W
-: Orc Camp (19.8S, 50.6W)
-: Old Ruins (21.3S, 46.9W)

[★] 白兰地山脉
Ost Barandor: 26.2S, 59.2W
Skaggi's Hut: 25.1S, 62.4W
Hillshire Ruins: 27.5S, 58.2W

[★] 勃克兰
Lenglinn's Camp: 30.1S, 61.4W
Crickhollow: 32.3S, 61.8W
Old Forest Tunnel: 32.8S, 61.5W
Brandy Hall: 33.3S, 62.4W

Buckland Fair: 32.8S, 62.7W
Newbury: 31.8S, 62.5W
Stablemaster: 32.9S, 61.8W
Craft Hall: 33.8S, 62.2W
-: Provisioner (33.7S, 62.3W)

Mailbox: 32.6S, 62.4W

[★] 老林子
Interactive Old Forest Map

Bonfire Glade: 32.8S, 60.7W
Bear Dens: 34.0S, 60.8W
Old Muddyfoot's Hill: 33.6S, 59.9W
Gillemin Brandybuck: 33.8S, 59.3W
Doderic Brandybuck: 31.7S, 59.1W

Bald Hill: 31.5S, 59.0W
Dire Glade: 32.3S, 61.0W
-: Rhosthon's Flower (32.0S, 61.0W)
-: Cordofoneth's Flower (32.5S, 59.3W)
-: Braiglad's Flower (32.1S, 58.4W)

-: Neldorlas' Flower (30.6S, 57.3W)
-: Dorollin's Flower (34.2S, 60.1W)
-: Lenhwest's Flower (33.3S, 57.5W)
-: Silloth's Flower (35.2S, 56.9W)

-: Merillif's Flower (35.4S, 58.3W)
Dark-paw Vale: 35.4S, 58.7W
Willow Glade: 35.7S, 58.4W
Weaver's Den: 36.8S, 57.5W
-: Eitor-kalsak (36.5S, 57.2W)
Old Oak's Grave: 37.0S, 56.1W

Tomnoddy Corner: 31.0S, 57.9W
Goldberry's Spring: 31.1S, 59.4W
-: Goldberry (31.1S, 59.4W)
Creaking Vale: 31.8S, 58.5W
Tom Bombadil's House: 32.7S, 57.3W
Forester's Pack: 35.4S, 58.4W

[★] 古墓岗
Old Barrows Road: 32.1S, 56.3W
Dead Spire: 32.1S, 55.1W
Great Barrow: 33.8S, 55.8W
Dead Man's Perch: 32.2S, 53.8W
Ost Gorthad: 35.6S, 53.9W
Lalia: 31.1S, 55.6W

Northern Barrows: 30.3S, 56.0W
Taradan's Barrow: 30.8S, 55.0W
Ringdor's Barrow: 31.2S, 54.7W
Orron's Barrow: 31.8S, 54.4W
Haudh Methernil: 31.5S, 55.5W
Barrow-mound: 30.0S, 53.7W (exit from Andrath)

[★] Northern 风云岭
Half-orc Ruins: 24.0S, 39.9W

Weatherway: 28.9S, 41.3W
Whitehand Ruins: 26.4S, 40.8W
Midgewater Pass: 30.1S, 42.6W

[★] 内恩哈恩
Squirrel Ruins: 19.9S, 41.6W
[★] 埃雷德鲁因

[★] 索林大门
Berghold: 15.8S, 102.5W
-: Dori - Prologue: 15.8S, 102.3W

Silver Deep: 14.2S, 101.6W
Rivergate Watch: 16.1S, 104.6W
Axe-head Path: 14.4S, 104.9W
-: Mirkstone Tunnels (14.1S, 104.9)
-: Goblin Encampment (14.3S, 105.4W)
Winterheight: 15.8S, 101.6W

-: Rockbelly Pit (15.8S, 101.6W)
Refuge of Edhelion: 14.5S, 100.7W
Stabemaster: 15.0S, 103.7W
Thorin's Court: 15.0S, 103.2W
Thorin's Gates: 13.9S, 103.2W
Thorin's Hall: 13.7S, 103.2W

-: Royal Hall
-: Dwarf Banker
-: Mailbox
-: Mailbox
-: Bard of Thorin's Hall
-: Captain Trainer

-: Burglar Trainer
-: Minstrel Trainer
-: Loremaster Trainer
-: Champion Trainer
-: Hunter Trainer
-: Mistress of Apprentices

-: Provisioner
Guardian Trainer: 15.8S, 102.6W
Hunter Trainer: 15.3S, 101.6W
Minstrel Trainer: 15.8S, 102.4W
Minstrel Trainer: 15.2S, 101.5W

Hunter Trainer: 15.7S, 102.5W
Hunter Trainer: 15.3S, 101.6W
Champion Trainer: 15.7S, 102.5W
Champion Trainer: 15.3S, 101.6W
Loremaster Trainer: 15.3S, 101.5W

[★] Vale of Thrain
Thrushstones: 17.6S, 103.1W
-: Nos Grimsong (17.4S, 103.3W)
Noglond: 19.3S, 100.5W
Hunter's Notch: 18.6S, 100.5W
Vifill: 19.0S, 101.7W
Orodost: 20.2S, 102.6W

[★] 法拉斯洛恩
Nen Hilith: 29.4S, 95.2W
Eilian: 29.3S, 92.6W
Stablemaster: 28.1S, 92.4W
Minstrel Trainer: 28.2S, 92.2W

Hunter Trainer: 28.2S, 92.2W
Champion Trainer: 28.3S, 92.2W
Guardian Trainer: 28.3S, 92.2W
Captain Trainer: 28.3S, 92.3W
Burglar Trainer: 28.3S, 92.3W

Loremaster Trainer: 28.3S, 92.3W
Craft Hall: 28.3S, 92.7W
-: Tinker Vocation Trainer (28.2S, 92.7W)

[★] 杜伊龙德
Eastway: 24.8S, 89.7W
-: Stablemaster (24.8S, 89.8W)
Craft Hall: 24.1S, 93.1W
Dol Ringwest: 24.9S, 95.0W
Limael's Vineyard: 26.2S, 95.9W
Tham Gelair: 27.5S, 94.4W

[★] Low Lands
Ringdale: 17.8S, 95.9W
Gondamon Watchtower: 19.6S, 98.4W

[★] 冈德蒙
Stablemaster: 20.4S, 97.1W
Mailbox: 20.3S, 97.0W

[★] 郝德林
Glamir: 18.9S, 95.2W
Grimwater: 17.7S, 94.9W
-: Skithi Blackhand (17.7S, 95.0W)
Emyn Hoedh: 18.3S, 93.5W
-: Barrow-mound (18.6S, 93.8W)

-: Barrow-mound (17.9S, 92.6W)
-: Wight Ruins (17.9S, 93.9W)
Old Ruins: 19.1S, 89.2W
Spider's Den: 19.2S, 90.5W
Svanr: 21.1S, 93.7W
Abandoned Den: 20.9S, 94.3W

Talath Ondren: 19.2S, 91.0W
Dongandel: 18.8S, 91.9W
Thrasi's Lodge: 21.6S, 94.2W
-: Langlas (21.6S, 94.2W)
Wardspire: 17.8S, 90.1W

[★] 拉斯特莱格
Clovenvale: 21.6S, 97.9W

Northern Barricade: 22.1S, 96.9W
Goblin Encampment: 21.3S, 97.0W
Amon Thanc: 23.0S, 97.1W
-: Goblin-warmonger (23.0S, 97.2W)
Southern Barricade: 24.6S, 96.7W
Spider's Den: 24.8S, 96.0W
Tum Agor: 21.6S, 96.2W

Crookdell: 24.3S, 98.4W

[★] 克勒杜尔
Kheledul Docks: 21.7S, 91.3W
Spire of Kheledul: 21.4S, 92.0W
[★] 北岗

[★] 高脚桥
Trestlespan: 16.7S, 53.7W
Greenway Camp: 14.6S, 54.5W
Orc Camp: 15.1S, 51.6W
Stablemaster: 18.0S, 53.6W
Craft Hall: 17.9S, 53.8W
-: Provisioner (18.0S, 53.7W)

[★] 福诺斯特原野
Mincham's Camp: 13.1S, 55.3W
-: Stablemaster (13.1S, 55.3W)
Amon Amrun: 10.3S, 52.6W
Falconer's Tower: 8.9S, 53.4W
Ost Nuaran: 8.1S, 53.1W
Norbury Gates: 8.8S, 55.2W
Fornost Instance: 6.0S, 55.2W
Tham Lorn: 11.2S, 59.2W
Haudh Eglan: 11.0S, 56.8W
Glirost: 9.4S, 59.3W

[★] 安努迪尔
Minas Vrun: 11.5S, 51.2W
-: Founding Stone (11.2S, 52W)
Goblin Camp: 11.9S, 49.9W
-: Scholar's Satchel 7.8S 49.8W William Peake's Farm: 10.9S, 50.4W
Amlaith's Scar: 9.3S, 49.0W
Haudh Eglan: 7.7S, 49.5W

[★] 国王山岗
Ost Lagoros: 9.6S, 47.6W
-: Founding Stone (9.4S, 47.7W)
Gatson's Farm: 10.3S, 45.6W
The Snares: 11.3S, 42.7W
Gurzlum: 12.2S, 46.3W
Nathan Hodge's Farm: 10.3S, 46.9W
Gatson's South Fields: 11.1S, 45.7W

[★] 埃斯特尔丁
East Entry Point: 10.2S, 39.4W
West Entry Point: 9.6S, 42.8W
Halbarad - Book III: 9.4S, 41.2W
Founding Stone: 9.6S, 42.1W
Stablemaster: 9.7S, 42.1W
Craft Hall: 9.7S, 40.6W
-: Master of Apprentices (9.8S, 40.7W)
-: Provisioner (9.7S, 40.7W)

[★] 梅鲁伊恩
Elven Village: 13.7S, 44.8W
Dol Nendir: 13.6S, 42.6W
Merenost: 15.2S, 43.2W
Flat Stone: 14.0S, 43.5W
Flat Stone: 14.5S, 43.8W
-: Founding Stone (15.2S 43.2W)
Nam Wathren Eastern Pass: 16.2S, 45.9W
Lagorlas: 14.2S 41.5W
Shattered Barrel: 14.0S,43.1W
Shattered Barrel: 14.3S,43.1W
Shattered Barrel: 14.8S,42.1W
Shattered Barrel: 14.6S,42.5W
Shattered Barrel: 14.7S, 43.2W
Shattered Barrel: 14.2S,44.1W

[★] 南沃仁
Nan Wathren Western Pass: 15.0S, 50.1W
Siege Tower: 16.4S, 47.7W
Siege Tower: 16.6S, 48.0W
Higropor: 18.6S, 46.3W

[★] 南安鲁西部
Othrikar: 6.9S, 45.0W
Ost Galumar: 7.2S, 46.8W
-: Founding Stone (7.3S, 46.8W)
Hrizgur: 5.7S, 47.2W
Thurum: 4.8S, 45.6W
Kamskut: 5.6S, 43.2W

[★] 南安鲁东部
Fashat Laug: 9.0S, 33.7W
Earth-kin Camp: 10.4S, 34.4W
Ost Crithlanc: 7.5S, 34.0W
Rusfold: 9.3S, 39.9W
Kar Lak: 11.0S, 33.5W
Auroch Skull: 7.2S,38.4W

[★] 多尔迪南
Siege Tower: 14.8S, 37.8W
Hisuk: 16.0S, 36.8W
Tumat: 16.6S, 36.1W
[★] 夏尔

[★] 斯多克
Brandywine Bridge: 31.4S, 63.0W
Puddifoot's Fields: 30.9S, 64.0W

Stocktower: 33.1S, 63.6W
Golden Perch Inn: 31.9S, 63.6W
Stablemaster: 32.1S, 64.1W
Mailbox: 31.9S, 63.6W

[★] 马里希
Bucklebury Ferry: 33.6S, 63.2W
Bamfurlong: 34.4S, 64.4W

[★] 木厅
Yale-height: 33.1S, 64.9W

[★] 绿山乡村
Old Odo's Leaf-farm: 33.8S, 68.0W
Narrowcleave: 35.2S, 66.7W
-: Violet Underhill (34.6S, 66.6W)

[★] Budgeford
Budgefields: 30.6S, 64.7W
Bridgefields: 30.0S, 63.8W
Bridgefields Wall: 30.6S, 64.2W
-: Laugfut
North Bridgefields: 28.8S, 64.7W
Provisioner: 31.4S, 66.1W

Mailbox: 31.2S, 65.3W

[★] 蛙村
Floating Log Inn: 31.7S, 68.1W
Frogmoors: 31.3S, 68.0W
Callum: 31.2S, 68.5W
Mailbox: 31.7S, 68.0W

[★] 绿野
Halros: 26.7S, 67.0W
Scrag-dells: 24.8S, 66.8W
Golfimbul's Hole: 24.8S, 69.4W
-: Greenfields Warren

[★] 布罗肯洞
Stablemaster: 27.4S, 68.1W

Craft Hall: 27.5S, 68.3W
-: Provisioner (27.4S, 68.3W)
Oven: 27.6S, 68.2W
Mailbox: 27.2S, 67.8W

[★] 恐怖谷
Quarry: 27.9S, 65.7W
Mailbox: 27.7S, 66.3W

[★] 宾德博森林
Lob's Grove: 26.3S, 72.4W
Big Black-bear: 26.3S, 70.1W

Bolestones: 26.0S, 70.6W

[★] 山顶镇
Overhill Yards: 27.8S, 70.4W
Expert Woodworker: 28.2S, 70.1W
Mailbox: 28.1S, 70.1W

[★] 山岗
Bag End: 29.4S, 71.4W
Party Tree: 29.9S, 71.5W
Appledores: 29.5S, 72.0W

[★] 霍比屯
The Grange: 30.4S, 71.4W
Bywater Bridge: 30.9S, 71.2W
Dora Brownlock's Farm: 31.2S, 72.7W

Novice Farmhand: 30.5S, 70.7W
Expert Farmhand: 30.4S, 71.0W
Wolf Den: 30.3S, 72.8W
Stablemaster: 31.5S, 71.2W
Mailbox: 31.3S, 71.3W

[★] 傍水镇
Three Farthing Stone: 32.2S, 69.6W
Green Dragon Inn: 31.8S, 69.6W
Methel-stage: 32.6S, 69.9W
Provisioner: 31.9S, 69.6W
-: Study (31.9S, 69.6W)

Workbench: 31.9S, 69.4W
Mailbox: 31.8S, 69.5W

[★] 塔克镇
Great Smials: 33.6S, 71.1W
Tookland: 33.7S, 72.3W
-: Gerebert Took's Home (33.6S, 72.3W)

-: The Great Willow (33.6S, 70.4W)
-: Bear Dens (34.5S, 70.2W)
-: Beehives (33.5S, 69.9W)
Mailbox: 33.0S, 71.0W

[★] 鲁绍科沼泽
Dourhand Camp: 27.8S, 72.9W
-: Stone Troll (28.1S, 72.8W)
Pinglade: 27.2S, 73.7W
Troll's Knoll: 29.8S, 74.7W

[★] 针眼儿洞
Rushock Gate: 27.1S, 77.6W

[★] 汇合镇
Mailbox: 32.8S, 73.0W

[★] 迈克尔·戴尔文
Delving Fields: 34.4S, 74.4W
-: Novice Farmhand (34.5S, 74.7W)

Bard of the Shire: 33.8S, 74.7W
Mistress of Apprentices: 34.1S, 75.0W
Bird & Baby Inn: 33.4S, 75.4W
Hobbit Banker: 33.3S, 75.0W
Jolly Smallburrow: 30.7S, 73.7W

Southfarthing Gate: 35.0S, 72.8W
Mathom House: 33.4S, 75.6W
Stablemaster: 34.2S, 75.5W
Hunter Trainer: 34.1S, 74.9W
Guardian Trainer: 34.1S, 75.0W

Champion Trainer: 34.1S, 75.0W
Loremaster Trainer: 34.1S, 75.0W
Burglar Trainer: 34.1S, 75.1W
Captain Trainer: 34.1S, 75.1W
Minstrel Trainer: 34.1S, 75.0W

Craft Hall: 34.6S, 75.5W
-: Mistress of Apprentices (34.6S, 75.5W)
-: Provisioner (34.6S, 75.6W)
Mailbox: 33.5S, 75.0W
[★] 孤土

[★] 安努洛斯
Goblin Ruins: 34.7S, 37.7W
-: Leofwenna (35.2S, 38.3W)
-: Barad Iachiant (35.8S, 38.3W)

-: Minas Eriol (36.1S, 37.8W)
Forsaken Inn: 34.0S, 40.7W
-: Stablemaster (34.4S, 40.6W)

[★] 风云岭
Weatherfoot: 31.9S, 38.6W

-: Pengail (32.0S, 38.5W)
Glumhallow: 30.2S, 38.6W
Weathertop: 31.2S, 36.8W
-: Amon Sul Entry Road (30.4S, 37.5W)
Echad Sul: 29.4S, 37.0W
Weatherway: 29.9S, 41.3W

Candaith: 30.2S, 37.9W
Gondrinn: 28.9S, 39.2W
Bleakrift: 28.0S, 38.4W
Ost Laden: 34.3S, 37.7W
Lornspan: 34.7S, 35.5W

[★] 耐安尼德
Naerost: 31.0S, 34.2W
Amon Ros: 31.3S, 31.5W
Ost Guruth: 31.5S, 29.5W

-: Radagast the Brown - Book II (31.0S, 29.5W)
-: Stablemaster (31.4S, 29.3W)
Tornstones: 33.8S, 28.9W
Ost Cyrn: 33.6S, 30.9W
Thandobel: 33.9S, 32.7W
Mithrenost: 34.6S, 34.4W

Stone Slab: 32.6S, 34.4W

[★] 哈力格马
Bloodmire: 31.2S, 27.2W
Nan Dhelu: 31.2S, 25.5W
Circle of Blood: 31.2S, 27.2W
Bog-prowler Nest: 31.5S, 27.0W

Bog-prowler Nest: 30.0S, 26.6W
Bog-prowler Nest: 31.1S, 27.3W
Bog-prowler Nest: 31.3S, 27.2W
Bog-prowler Nest: 31.5S, 27.2W
Bog-prowler Nest: 31.8S, 27.0W

Bog-prowler Nest: 31.9S, 27.8W
Bog-prowler Nest: 31.0S, 27.5W
Bog-prowler Nest: 31.0S, 27.7W
Bog-prowler Nest: 31.4S, 27.5W

[★] 阿格摩尔
Barad Dhorn: 29.8S, 27.4W
Red-maid Ruins: 28.0S, 25.8W
Darkheart: 28.4S, 28.0W
Wight Ruins: 29.7S, 28.6W
-: Styygur (29.7S, 28.2W)

[★] 加斯阿格温
Outer Gates: 28.0S, 25.2W
Garth Agarwen Gate: 28.8S, 23.9W
-: Edan
-: Eslyd
Barrows Gate: 27.7S, 24.5W
-: Ivar the Bloodhand

[★] 塔拉斯冈
Dol Vaeg: 32.7S, 26.1W
The Last Bridge: 33.5S, 23.3W

[★] Southern Bog
Bog Troll Camps: 37.9S, 26.6W
Harloeg Ruins: 36.8S, 28.7W
Ost Haer: 37.9S, 28.0W
Nindor: 37.8S, 29.6W
Lost lore of Men: 34.5S, 26.2W (scholar quest)
Lost lore of Dwarves: 35.6S, 26.3W (scholar quest)
Lost lore of Elves: 35.7S, 26.5W (scholar quest)
Lost lore of Hobbits: 35.3S, 27.2W (scholar quest)
[★] 食人魔树林

[★] 食人魔树林南部
Minas Agor: 36.1S, 19.3W
Ost Durgonn: 31.8S, 20.7W
-: Toki Whitebeard (31.7S, 20.8W)
Barachen's Camp: 34.0S, 20.2W

[★] 布鲁南峡谷
Thorenhad: 31.6S, 15.2W
-: Elrohir (31.6S, 15.2W)
-: Elladan (31.6S, 15.2W)
Arrod: 33.8S, 14.6W
Hendroval Nest: 37.2S 13.2W
Nurath: 32.2S, 13.4W

[★] 南陶纳斯
Stone-trolls' Glade: 31.3S, 18.2W
Cave-troll Outpost: 29.8S, 17.0W
Stone-troll Encampment: 29.2S, 13.4W
Thoroniel: 28.6S, 19.4W
Thingroth: 29.3S 18.2W
Barad Remmellad: 29.3S, 18.6W

[★] 食人魔树林北部
Torogrod: 29.5S, 20.3W
Ost Belegram: 29.1S, 20.0W
Calenthon: 28.2S, 15.3W

[★] 高地沼泽
The Gates of Imladris: 32.1S, 6.2W
Cave: 33.6S, 7.2W
Blooming Fens: 34.7S, 11.7W

[★] 瑞文黛尔
Bridge of Rivendell: 29.8S, 5.6W
Elrond's Stables: 29.4S, 6.7W
Falls of Imladris: 30.2S, 3.7W
Forges of Rivendell: 28.5S, 6.2W
Haven of Orladion: 28.9S, 3.7W
Hidhuinen: 28.8S, 4.9W
Imdolen: 26.3S, 5.4W
Last Homely House: 29.8S, 3.4W
Market of Rivendell: 29.1S, 5.7W
Spire of Meeting: 29.9S, 4.8W
Elrond - Book IV
Arwen: 29.6S, 4.6W
Bilbo Baggins
Boromir: 28.2S, 5.5W
Frodo Baggins: 29.7S, 3.5
Glorfindel: 30.1S, 3.1W
Harry Wheelwright: 29.3S, 6.7W
Legolas (28.9S, 3.7W)
Meriadoc Brandybuck: (28.9S, 5.7W)
Peregrin Took (29.3S, 6.8W)
Samwise Gamgee 29.6S, 3.1W
Tordrambor: 29.6S, 3.7W
Mailbox: 29.9S, 4.6W
Bard of Rivendell: (29.0S, 5.7W)
Elf Banker: (29.6S, 3.7W)
Burglar Trainer: 29.9S, 3.3W
Captain Trainer: 28.8S, 4.2W
Champion Trainer: 29.8S, 4.7W
Guardian Trainer: 28.1S, 5.3W
Hunter Trainer: 29.9S, 5.9W Loremaster Trainer: 29.6S, 3.4W
Minstrel Trainer: 29.8S, 3.4W

[★] 迷雾山脉

[★] 布鲁南河源头西部
Gloin's Camp: 24.8S, 4.0W
-: Gimli - Book V (24.9S, 4.1W)
-: Gloin (24.9S, 4.1W)

Frosthyle Pond: 24.7S, 1.6W
Snarskrith Dell: 22.7S, 4.8W
Iskeld's Lookout: 21.5S, 4.6W
Cirith Imaldris: 35.4S, 3.4W
Dwarf Strongbox: 21.7S, 4.4W

[★] 布鲁南河源头东部
Goblin Camp: 22.9S, 0.3E

Warg Pack: 22.9S, 1.1E

[★] 危崖
Mammoth Valley: 25.4S, 2.4E
Gabilazan: 27.7S, 0.1E
-: Gabilazan Vault (27.3S, 0.0E)
Evil Dwarves Signpost: 26.6S, 0.3E
Hrithur's Haven: 24.9S, 1.9E

-: Bisil Blood Axe (24.8S, 1.9E)
Eikhall Dale: 25.6S, 2.5E
Whitcleft: 23.3S, 0.2E
The lornstone: 30.3S, 2.7E

[★] 巨人大厅(明显错)Giant Hills
Orod Laden: 30.2S, 1.1E
-: Black-Rime

-: Gundragh (30.1S, 1.3E)
Rakhas-Bizar: 26.6S, 2.6E
Gabilazan: 28.0S, 0.8E
Giant's Needle: 30.4S, 3.6E
Iorbar: 30.6S, 5.7E
Greybough End: 31.4S, 3.4E
Imlad Norn: 31.4S, 1.3E

[★] 布鲁南河源头北部
Nan Gongarag: 21.2S, 1.5W
The Bitter Stair: 17.9N, 2.2W
Evil Men Signpost: 18.5S, 2.4W
[★] 安格玛

[★] 拉姆杜阿斯
Lehma-koti: 3.0S, 39.1W

[★] 奥海尔
Stablemaster: 0.2S, 39.3W

Craft Hall: 0.3N, 39.4W
Mailbox: 0.1S, 39.8W

[★] 法萨克-拉瑞
Fail-a-Khro: 2.6N, 37.3W
Tor Gailvin: 3.2N, 35.1W

Nad Nathair: 3.1N, 39.0W

[★] 法萨克-法尔罗德
Cairn of Honor: 4.8N, 36.8W
Dun Covad: 6.0N, 37.7W
Uruk Cave: 4.2N, 35.0W
Ancient Dwarf Inscription: 4.5N, 36.8W (tier 4 scholar quest)

[★] 莫伦哈德(?)Thorhad
Bail Rova: 0.2S, 34.3W
Bail Boglakh: 3.1N, 30.4W
Rammas Deluon: 0.7S, 29.8W
Salgaite: 2.1S, 30.7W
-: Machan (2.8S, 30.9W)
Tyrn Lhuig: 1.8S, 33.4W
Gabilshathur: 3.6S, 26.4W
-: Provisioner (3.6S, 26.3W)
-: Mailbox (3.6S, 26.6W)
Ongbishuk: 1.0S, 25.7W
Bethad Gorthorog Cave: 1.4N, 31.1W
Water Sample: 1.6N, 31.7W
Water Sample: 1.5N, 32.3W
Water Sample: 0.5N, 31.9W
Water Sample: 0.9S, 32.5W
Water Sample: 0.2S, 31.4W
Water Sample: 1.2S, 31.6W

[★] 伊姆莱德·拜尔车斯
Ram Toltorth: 4.3N, 30.3W
Bar Gorog: 6.0N, 28.7W
Grishbalt: 2.6N, 24.9W
Fervar : 7.3N, 27.1W
Roiling Water (East) : 6.3N, 26.6W
6.2N, 27.3W
7.0N, 27.4W
7.0N, 27.9W
6.4N, 28.2W
Angrim : 4.4N, 27.3W

[★] 卡恩督姆
Gate of Shadows : 12.1N, 29.5W
Provisioner/Healer: 12.3N, 31.8 W

[★] 东部莫伦哈德Eastern Malenhad
Gabishatur : 3.4S, 26.7W
Sword of Arvedui : 3.7S, 26.6W (Under rampway)
Ongbishuk : 1.0S, 25.7W
Sword of Rhuadar : 1.1S, 25.4W

[★] 西姆哈
Bail Catharnakh : 10.5W, 27.1W
Bail Dilas : 10.0N, 28.1W
Garth Forthnir : 10.9N, 24.0W
Torech-I-Bogbereth: 13.0N, 25.5W
Bogbereth Matron : 12.9N, 25.6W
Bogbereth : 13.0N, 25.5 W

[★] Duvuinen
Mor Maudhul : 3.1N, 27.7W
Turtle-Nest : 0.3S, 28.4W (Campfire for Egg : 2.6N, 24.8W)

[★] Gorothlad
Dolroth : 1.4S, 21.4W
Fane of the Seven Sentinels : 1.2S, 22.9W
Nethraw : 1.3S, 22.9W
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