


弗罗多 发表于 2008-7-25 17:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


ArwenFull name: Arwen Undomiel
Name meaning: Arwen=Royal Maiden (Sindarin Elvish), Undomiel=Evening Star (Quenya Elvish)
Aliases: Undomiel, Evenstar, Lady of Imladris. Called Finduilas in Tolkien's early drafts.
Date of birth: TA 241
Date of death: FO 120
Race: Half-elf
Parents: Elrond (father) and Celebrian (mother)
Siblings: Elladan and Elrohir
Spouse: Aragorn
Children: A son, Eldarion, and several daughters
Hair color: Dark
Eye color: Grey in the books; blue in the movies
Played in the movies by: Liv Tyler History:
Arwen was said to resemble her foremother, Luthien Tinuviel, who was the most beautiful of the children of Elves and Men and was the first high elf to marry a human and become mortal. Arwen lived in both Rivendell and Lothlorien in peace for many years. Her mother, Celebrian, was attacked and captured by orcs in TA 2510, and though Celebrian was rescued by Elladan and Elrohir and healed of her wounds by Elrond, she tired of Middle-earth and passed over the sea. Arwen stayed in Lothlorien for many years, but returned to Rivendell c. TA 2951. There she met Aragorn while walking in the woods at sunset. Aragorn immediately fell in love with her, although he told nobody but his mother, and Arwen seemed to give him no further notice. Twenty-nine years later, Arwen was living in Lothlorien when Aragorn came to those woods. Queen Galadriel, Arwen's grandmother, clothed Aragorn as an Elf-lord, and when Arwen saw him after their long parting, her choice was made. The Peredhil (half-elves), who were the descendants of Luthien, could choose to become mortal, but until that day, Arwen had no cause to forsake her immortality. She plighted her troth with Aragorn on the hill of Cerin Amroth, and followed in the path of Luthien, although it meant a bitter parting with her father and the rest of her kin. After the War of the Ring, Arwen married Aragorn on Midyear's Day, TA 3019. She lived blissfully as Queen of Elves and Men for 120 years, and it was not her lot to die until all that she had gained was lost. But in FO 120, the days of glory came to an end and Arwen felt the bitterness of her choice: Aragorn felt the approach of old age at last, and knew that his days were numbered. He had the gift of a lifespan thrice that of Men of Middle-earth, but he also had the grace to return his gift. He died on March 1st of that year. Arwen said farewell to her children and all those whom she had loved, and passed into Lothlorien. All the Elves of Lorien were gone, and the land was silent. When winter came, Arwen laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth, and of the passing of Evenstar no more is said.
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