

    龙与地下城ol u17 更新翻译

    弗罗多 发表于 2013-3-26 07:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    作者  zsq51175   喝茶的老龙
    Happy Birthday DDO! DDO is turning 7 years old this year, and we're celebrating by giving a gift to all our players! A birthday giftbox will be placed in the inventory of all characters created prior to Update 17. Simply activate the box to open a list of lovely gifts and pick the one you like best!
    [Return to Gianthold Gianthold is now available for Epic level c。haracters in addition to heroic level characters. The mysteries of the Draconic Prophecy await you!
    Gianthold now supports heroic and epic mode!
    Raid and quest flagging mechanics have been changed for heroic and epic versions of Gianthold.
    You must now complete the following quests for Gainthold Tor & Raid flagging:

    Cabal for One
    Prison of the Planes
    Madstone Crater

    You no longer need to turn in relics as part of quest progression. Relics can now be used instead to barter with NPCs for new treasure.
    Players who have not previously completed Cabal for One may need to run this quest before they can play the raid, even if they were previously raid flagged.
    Epic Dragonscale armor is now available!
    It is no longer possible to turn in outdated Dragonscale Armor in exchange for scales.
    The Epic version of the landscape features random encounters.
    有EP的野外遭遇景色(应该是这个意思吧...encounters是遭遇的意思,landscape feature应该是景物特色)
    Players who already own the Gianthold adventure pack will automatically have access to the new Epic difficulty versions of the quests.

    Other Changes

    Prison of the Planes:

    Using social skills when speaking with Carum Imur now use a d20 roll to determine success. The difficulty for this skill check has also been increased.
    It is now possible to leave the Daanvi room after completing Sir Raleigh's challenge.
    现在可以与Carum Imur交谈的时候使用社交技能来要求成功(完全不同啊!)这个动作的DC已经被提高了(原来根本就没有吧!!)
    现在你可以在完成Sir Raleigh的挑战后离开Daanvi房间
    The Crucible:

    Using social skills when speaking with Daggertooth and Vrall now use a d20 roll to determine success. The difficulty for these skill checks has also been increased.
    Fixed an issue where picking up the Horn of Agility would sometimes trap players in the room.
    Madstone: A Fire Giant no longer gets stuck spamming the chat log with a report about a door opening.
    当你开门的时候,火巨人不会卡在...额...spamming the chat log翻译过来不应该是发送聊天记录么.....
    Gianthold Tor:

    Removed some stuck spots.
    A quest objective no longer triggers at the wrong time, spoiling the story outcome.
    Feast or Famine

    A treasure chest that was previously devoid of treasure is now filled with goodies. To balance this, a trap that was previously not very effective is now much more problematic if not disabled.
    There is now a way to manually summon the Orc Hunting party instead of waiting the full amount of time for them to return. It may still take a minute or two for them to get there after being summoned.
    Monster Manual III A new edition of Monster
    Manual is available! Featuring more monsters for slaying, discovering, and mastering. Volume III is available in the DDO Store, and is free to VIPs! This edition of Monster Manual features more experience than ever before, easier deed objectives, and two new exclusive Creature Companions!
    Other Changes

    Jukree, Phase Spider,Tormented Bones , and Zombie now increment correctly in the Monster Manual.
    Jukree,幽冥蜘蛛,Tormented Bones 和僵尸的数量现在会正确地在怪物手册增长
    Restless Bats no longer appear in the manual since there was no such thing.
    Restless Bats从怪物手册中移除,因为这里根本就没这东西
    Ghasts no longer count as ghouls.
    Crystal Cove
    The pirates of Crystal Cove will soon be here! A special preview night will occur on the live servers this Thursday! Then from March 1st - 10th, help the Kobold Miner's Union fend off pirates as you delve into the Crystal Cove for plunder!
    The cove now supports Epic levels!
    Star objectives have been added for the Cove.
    Compasses are now redeemed at the start of the Cove rather than the end.
    The navigator now applies an effect called "Paid the Navigator". So long as you have this buff active and the Cove door is open, you can re-enter the Cove in the event of a party wipe.
    Drop rates of Compasses have been increased in Smuggler's Rest.
    Crystal Cove now grants XP and Rewards consistent with
    Progenitor Crystals can now be found deep in the Cove on difficulty CR21 or higher. They are worth 100 Crystals if brought back to the Foreman.
    Enemies in Smuggler’s Rest and Crystal Cove now have a chance of dropping Heroic Deeds, which are converted into Guild Renown.
    怪物将会掉落Heroic Deeds来增加公会声望
    Crystal Cove now distributes XP and Rewards like Challenges, including granting bonus XP for first-time star objectives.
    Two new items have been added to the craftable rewards for Crystal Cove.
    Introducing Augments
    Augments are a new way to customize your equipment with additional bonuses and effects!

    An item with an augment slot can have an Augment placed in it. A slotted Augment bestows an additional effect to the item for as long as it is slotted.
    Augment slots will be introduced on some new named items, and randomly generated items have a 5% chance of having an augment slot. Some augments are also available in the DDO Store.
    Augment Slots will appear in one of seven different colors:

    Colorless Augment Slots can only hold Colorless Augments. Colorless Augment Slots can be found in any type of item.
    Red Augment Slots can hold Colorless or Red Augments. Red Augment Slots can only be found on Weapons, Shields, or other hand-held items.
    Blue Augment Slots can hold Colorless or Blue Augments. Blue Augment Slots can only be found in Armor, Robes, Outfits, Shields, or other off-hand items.
    Yellow Augment Slots can hold Colorless or Yellow Augments. Yellow Augment Slots can only be found on Accessory items. (Ring, Neck, Boots, Belt, Gloves, Eyewear, Helmet, Bracers, Cloak, Trinket)
    Purple Augment Slots can hold Colorless, Blue, or Red Augments. Purple Augment Slots can only be found on named Weapons, Shields, or other hand-held items.
    Orange Augment Slots can hold Colorless, Red, or Yellow Augments. Orange Augment Slots can only be found on named Weapons, Shields, or other hand-held items.
    Green Augment Slots can hold Colorless, Blue, or Yellow Augments. Green Augment Slots can only be found on named Armor, Robes, Outfits, or Accessory items.
    You can replace a slotted augment with a different one by simply over-writing it with a new augment.
    It is also possible to salvage a slotted augment and pull it back out of the item using a (available from the DDO Store). This system will replace the two existing augment systems- Epic Augments, and Guild Augments. Existing guild augment slots and the guild augment vendors will remain, but new items won’t have guild augment slots after Update 17.
    你也可以通过Jeweler's Tool Kit (DDO商城有售哦~)来回收一个已经插进去的水晶。它可以取出EP水晶,普通水晶或者工会水晶,顺便一提~工会水晶还是原来的样子哦~
    Old style Epic Augment Crystals will no longer be available after Update 17, and they do not function in the new slots.
    To convert an old Epic item to use the new slots, place the item you would like to convert into the Altar of Epic Rituals along with 50 Siberys Dragonshard Fragments. This performs the “Cleansing Ritual”, which updates items to the new Augment Slots.
    This converts the augment slots on the item to the new system. They retain their colors and can accept the new augments, but can no longer use Epic Augment Crystals from before Update 17. This process will remove all currently slotted Epic Augments in the item, and may also remove other modifications, such as Stone of Change recipes.
    You aren’t forced to update old Epic items. If you are happy with your current item, you do not need to use the Cleansing Ritual to update your item

    Dryad Grove Challenges:

    Quotas in The Great Tree have been raised to 1400, 1750, and 2000
    Quotas in Defenseless have been raised to 625, 850, and 1000
    Un-upgraded Life Trees now give out 3 Points each while alive
    Upgraded Life Trees now give out 7 Points each while alive
    Upgrading Life Trees now costs 80 Points in Great Tree and 50 Points in Defenseless
    Defense Trees in The Great Tree now cost 80 to upgrade.
    Defense Trees in The Great Tree now cost 20 to resurrect.
    Life Trees can now be resurrected in either an Upgraded or Non-Upgraded state, if they were in an Upgraded state when they died.
    Life Trees now cost 1 to resurrect in a Non-Upgraded state.
    Life Trees that were Upgraded when they died can now be resurrected in an Upgraded state for 30 points in The Great Tree, or 20 points in Defenseless.

    The two versions of Vineman Defenders (sold from the Great Tree) now cost 30/50 in Great Tree and 15/30 in Defenseless.
    Red-named Bosses in Dryad Grove Challenges now grant 100 points when killed.
    U17以后 随机装备会有 5%几率带有插槽,插槽分为7种颜色,无色可以出现在任何物品上,红色:武器,盾牌,手上装备。蓝色:盔甲,衣服,盾牌,副手装备。黄色:其它饰品。紫色:像红色,不过可以插,红,蓝宝石。桔色:像红色,不过可以插,红,黄宝石。绿色:盔甲,衣服,饰品,可用 蓝,黄色宝石。这个新的系统将取代以前的传奇插槽和公会插槽。
    (附录:来自研发员feather of suns)
    使用:如果你有附魔宝石(Augments),你可以双击这个宝石来启动插槽窗口,把你要插入的装备放入窗口,然后选择你要插入的槽,点击 Augment 就行了。新的宝石会取代已有的宝石,你不回获得旧的宝石。一般的随机宝石 有等级限制,4,8,12,16,20,24.宝石等级会取代物品等级,如果物品等级小于插入的宝石等级。物品与宝石等级限制中取最高值。
    获得:附魔宝石(Augments)是不绑定的,有5%几率出现在宝箱内。那个在12魔法卖传奇宝石的人会出售一些附魔宝石,比起以前价格会便宜些。12,16,20,24级的宝石可以在巨人谷用遗物和NPC换取。物品插槽会出现在 特产,随机装备上,他和锻造不冲突(也就是说可以洗白保留插槽)。如果是随机获得的,出现时插槽会取代一些已有的附魔值。5%的随机物品会有插槽。无色插槽取代 +1附魔值,红,蓝色取代+2附魔值。紫,登,绿色不会出现在随机物品上。插槽和插入的宝石不会被锻造洗白消失。如果锻造,无色槽+1锻造附魔值,蓝,红+2锻造附魔值,紫,登,绿以后如果出现的话+3附魔值。
    老的传奇插槽:我们将保留老的传奇插槽,不过老的传奇宝石不能插入新的装备,也不能再获得。如果你想把装备改成新的插槽,可以用 50龙晶碎片 洗白。

    蓝色:0级:+1(自然,保护)AC,+1豁免,+2PRR,次级护命,+5(附魔)HP,4级:+2(自然,保护)AC,+2豁免,+4PRR,中级护命,+10(附魔)HP,8级:+3(自然,保护)AC,+3豁免,+6PRR,高级护命,+15(附魔)HP,12级:+4(自然,保护)AC,+4豁免,+8PRR,+1运气,+1最高盔甲敏捷调整上限,-5%奥术施法失败率,+20(附魔)HP,16级:+5(自然,保护)AC,+5豁免,+10PRR, -10%奥术施法失败率,+25(附魔)HP,20级:+6(自然,保护)AC,+6豁免,+12PRR,+2运气,+1最高盔甲敏捷调整上限,-15%奥术施法失败率,+30(附魔)HP,24级:+7(自然,保护)AC,+7豁免,+14PRR,+35(附魔)HP
    The two versions of Vineman Defenders (sold from the Great Tree) now cost 30/50 in Great Tree and 15/30 in Defenseless.
    召唤守护藤条战士要 30/50, 15/30能量
    Red-named Bosses in Dryad Grove Challenges now grant 100 points when killed.
    NEW: Dryad Trees in Lost in the Swamp should now be hit by melee attacks properly.
    Classes & Races
    Druid: Jaws of Winter now has an attack animation.
    Druid Dilettante enhancements have the correct icon now.
    Epic Destinies
    The DC of all Grandmaster of Flowers activated attacks has been standardized to 10+Character Level+Wisdom Modifier.
    花和尚的所有DC变成 10+人物等级+感知调整
    Grandmaster of Flowers: Dancing with Flame has had its bonus damage while in Sun Stance increased from 0.25
    Shadowdancer Executioner's Strike DC should properly scale.
    NEW: Primal Avatar: having the physical version of Spirit Boon turned on no longer results in instant death again after resurrection.
    修复自然神使开了 spirit boon,复活后自动死亡的bug
    Guilds & Airships
    NEW: Airship amenity hookpoint vendors now include the special access (officer) guild chest amenities.
    Improvements have been made to Cursespewing, Improved Cursespewing, and Vorpal weapon effects:
    Cursespewing: This item effect now only applies on a natural 20 attack roll, but no longer has a saving throw. In addition to its previous effects, this curse now causes the victim to take 1d6 damage every two seconds. The curse now has a duration of 12 seconds. Additional cursespewing procs will add 12 seconds to the remaining duration.
    Improved Cursespewing: This item effect now only applies on a natural 20 attack roll, but no longer has a saving throw. In addition to its previous effects, this curse now causes the victim to deal 4 less damage with its melee and ranged attacks and take 2d6 damage every two seconds. The curse now has a duration of 12 seconds. Additional Improved Cursespewing procs will add 12 seconds to the remaining duration.
    The "Vorpal" weapon prefix now also adds an additional 0.5 damage dice to the attacks of the weapon it is on.
    The final upgrade for the weapons from the raid "Caught in the Web" has been unveiled. Augment Slots can now be added to each weapon at the Purple Dragon Knight favor representative.
    U14 raid武器最终进阶:10个信封可以给武器 +槽
    The Dwarven Thrower can now be Bound and Attuned in the Stone of Change.
    The Scepter of the Ogre Magi now properly behaves as a 1-handed weapon when attacking.
    The Madstone Rage effect no longer applies "Shaken" after it expires.
    狂石鞋子不再给 shaken
    Many old named items that date from before Module 9 have been updated, redesigned, or otherwise buffed to be more useful for characters around the level of the quests they are obtained from. The quests, quest chains, and quest packs that have had their items revisited include the following:
    The Waterworks
    Irestone Inlet and other assorted Harbor and Marketplace Quests
    The Catacombs
    The Seal of Shan-to-Kor
    Redwillow's Ruins
    Tear of Dhakaan
    Caverns of Korromar
    Gwylan's Stand
    Assault on Splinterskull (Tangleroot Gorge)
    Stormcleave Outpost
    Delera?s Tomb
    Sorrowdusk Isle (Cult of the Six)
    Ruins of Threnal
    The Restless Isles
    Sands of Menechtarun
    Tempest's Spine
    The Necropolis (Parts 1-4)
    Please note the following with regard to these item changes:
    Epic items have not been altered.
    The only raid that has updated items is Tempest's Spine. Other raid items have not been altered.
    In Tempest's Spine, the items will now be considered to be Raid treasure. This means that they are now much more powerful, but will Bind to Character on Acquire. However, the chances for any given raid item in Tempest's Spine to drop have been increased from 1% per item per player to 10% per item per player.
    以上很多老的装备被增强,Tempest Spine的特产被改为raid 特产,会BtC
    The majority of these item changes are not retroactive to existing items.
    Some aspects of the changes, such as buffs to weapon damage dice, critical profiles, or an armor's base AC will be retroactive to your existing items. However, added augment slots or other changed effects on an item are not retroactive.
    旧的特产不会自动更新,你要活的新的特产。除非是装备特性例如 伤害骰子,重击倍数范围,盔甲基本AC会自动更新。
    To get the complete, updated version of an item, you will need to find a new copy of that item.
    Items which are Bind to Account in a quest chain's end reward list do not have their bind state changed.
    Newly found items which formerly were unbound, as rare drops in a chest, will now be Bind to Character on Equip.
    世界特产将会变成 BtCE,人物装备绑定。
    The bound/unbound state of items already in your possession will not be altered.
    Drop rates of many old named items have been increased, including the Bloodstone, Ring of Spell Storing, and other favorites.
    The suppressed power description on ioun stones is no longer so suppressed that it's missing from the description.
    Versions of Antipode and Grave Wrappings that were found before Update 16 may have accidentially gained an extra 1[W] damage in Update 16. Affected items have been corrected to the damage dice they are supposed to have.
    Halfling females and Warforged should now have a better grasp on Orbs.
    Many set bonuses have had their benefits standardized to be an "artifact" bonus. Artifact bonuses of the same type do not stack.
    NEW: Master's Touch no longer dispels Artificer weapon buffs.
    NEW: Epic Dungeon Tokens and Epic Raid Tokens have been renamed to "Tokens of the Twelve" and "Greater Tokens of the Twelve". This is to help address confusion about where they are used. Tokens and Fragments are still found in the same locations, and the rewards you can purchase with them have not changed. They are still traded to Lahar outside the The Twelve for Augments or a True Druidic Heart of Wood.
    EP币,EPraid币被命名为 12魔法币。他们还是可以购买木心和附魔宝石
    NEW: Outfits generated as random treasure now have new appearances, matching icons, and focus orb images.
    Many monsters who had trouble hitting multiple targets with their special attacks have been fixed
    Monsters will no longer play armor impact sounds/sparks when damaged by non-physical sources, such as periodic poison damage and elemental attacks.
    Players who are knocked down will no longer be hockey-pucked around on their back from knockback attacks (yes this includes giants and air elementals!)
    A number of steps have been taken to improve monster responsiveness to crowd control status effects, and reduce sliding:
    applying blind in addition to daze no longer allows monsters to ignore daze
    paralyze, stun, daze, stone, fascinate, mesmerize, etc.. now immediately stop monsters from moving.
    Monsters will no longer turn to face their target even when paralyzed, stoned, etc…
    Monsters will no longer move in slow motion when not running in a straight line!
    Monster behavior relating to stealthy players has been improved:
    Monsters should no longer "slide" while investigating noises and searching for players
    Sleeping monsters who are woken up by noises should no longer glitch out
    Investigate behavior has been updated
    Player characters should now display "hot footsteps" while sneaking in any direction, rather than just forward and back (this is a cosmetic change only, monsters could hear these footsteps before, but there was no feedback)
    Critters are now more easily "spooked" by nearby noises
    Forgotten Relams Drow:
    Female drow no longer T-pose when they stealth, or swap equipment/clothing when they stealth or die.
    Can now swap weapons to do ranged attacks, and don’t feel the need to switch back to their melee weapon in between every attack
    Dragons of Eberron and Forgotten Realms recently had a summit, and have exchanged many combat techniques and teachings:
    When being knocked back by dragon attacks players should "studder" less before being flung away.
    Dragons have refined their fighting techniques. They are now better at deciding when to employ various types of attacks for various combat situations (such as being flanked, ranged, or dog-piled by adventurers).
    Black dragons have learned how to deliver more effective AOE attacks, instead of always relying on straight-line attacks.
    Black and White dragons are better at realizing when they can't reach their targets.
    Dragons should no longer ice skate across the ground when chasing after players.

    Several existing dragons such as Aussircaex, Auraxyllon, Sinvala, Eternity, etc have learned combat tricks from their Forgotten Realms cousins.
    You should now be able to more easily hit several of the Eberron dragons in melee by attacking the head, rather than needing to stand practically inside them.
    Aussircaex and Aussiroth's cold breath will now work (for the first time!)
    Aussircaex, Aussiroth, and juvenile dragons can now whip you with their tails.
    Several adult Eberron dragons have grown up, and have attack reach befitting their size (rather than juvenile dragon size)
    Blocking now prevents knockback.
    Air elemental AI has been updated:
    Melee characters have a larger safe range to attack them when they're not charging.
    They now have distinct casting and charging states.
    Blocking now prevents knockback/knockdown.
    Giant AI Has been updated:
    Giants now prefer sword swings to stomps, and non-named giants only apply knockdown on critical hits.
    Storm giants no longer behave spastically when their lightning attacks go off.
    Many wide angle attacks now hit multiple targets
    Giants no longer fire arrows from knee height
    Giants now behave according to roles better (caster vs. melee)
    Giants no longer slide everywhere without moving their legs. They also have a new ability to charge and overrun fleeing targets.
    Giants now intelligently switch back and forth between bow and sword. They have also stopped cradling their bow like a sword.
    Storm, cloud, stone, frost, and skeletal giants will spend less time running back and forth between melee and ranged attack distances.
    Blocking now prevents knockback.
    NEW: Giants should now be bettter at buffing and healing themselves, instead of just constantly spamming a knockdown attack. * Giants will no longer throw sniperrocks from outside visible distance in gianthold.
    以上都是修复怪物AI的,特别是 巨人和龙
    Skills, Feats, & Abilities
    The Magical Training feat is now a trainable feat. It can be taken to receive +80 Spell Points and to gain Echoes of Power. It is still automatically granted by Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Sorcerer, or Wizard level one.
    NEW: The Leap of Faith ability should now refresh its charges at its proper rate in Eveningstar.
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