

关于无冬之夜ol 兼职职业的一些讨论

弗罗多 发表于 2013-4-15 00:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Cryptic is the DM. DM's have final say on everything in their D&D game.
This is the single most important rule in D&D and has always been so.

4E Tabletop D&D Levels: Heroic 1-10, Paragon 11-20, Epic 21-30
Neverwinter Levels: Heroic 1-30, Paragon 31-60, Epic 61-90

You can buy ZEN, trade it for AD and then buy gear on the AH that is the same gear other players have earned in game. This is not Pay to Win, it is Pay to Equal.



In 4e, multi-classing is not the equivalent of 3e multiclassing. This is basically introduction of feats.

What you do is, you are say, a fighter, and want to dabble in magic. You have an option to multiclass as a mage.

How you do it in PnP:-
First of all, you have to meet the pre-requisite of the feat. So we set our INT on fighter to 13. Then we choose Arcane Initiate. This adds one class specific skill(Arcana) to our fighter and lets us choose a wizard's at-will which you can use once per encounter.

This makes sense as you are a fighter, not a mage. So low level mage's spell is high power for you. Hence you use wizard's at-will as encounter.

Then at higher level we choose (Novice) - which is next version of previous. This one lets you choose one encounter power with one encounter power - this means you dabbled more in wizardry and were able to learn one strong spell which you can use the same way as mages do - just one. So what mage learns in a day, you have been able to learn in a few months time, but only one spell.

Next in line is (Acolyte) where you swap one utility power - meaning you can use a common mage spell just like any other mage showing that you have learned more - now you can use a low level magic as fast as any mage.

Next is (Adept) just before level 11. You can swap a big specialist this time - daily power of mage.

Now at 11 you have a choice - to take a paragon path or to take "Paragon Multiclassing" which is a special paragon for multiclass. If you take paragon path, the multiclassing spree ends here and with those few powers and paragon powers you can build up your character. However, you can take paragon of any of the two classes - your own class or the multiclassed class.

Paragon Multiclassing:- At lvl 11(first paragon level in PnP) you can replace 1 fighter's at-will with mage's at-will. Also for all the choices for paragon path down the line, you can choose mage's spell instead and kind of make a "Wizard's Paragon Path" for your fighter.

Special Mention: In case of Bard, you can take more than one class to multiclass - i.e. The Bard instead of fighter could have chosen 1 wizard's power, 1 fighter's power, 1 warlock's power etc. This makes Bards very versatile and fun.



This means taking any two classes and creating a new class of your own. You can take only two classes.

So at first level itself, you take two halves of the classes (instead of saying you were wizard onc and you trained mage to become wizard, you properly train in two classes). So at first level, I will choose "Hybrid Fighter & Hybrid Wizard" this time.

Also in hybrid, you get the minimum proficiency in armor.

However you do get 'basics' of both the classes. i.e. if Hybrid Avenger(read half-Avenger) you can censure the target. A hybrid-wizard part in hybrid means you gain proficiency with arcane implements and can perform cantrips etc.

Choice of power, level progression is almost similar except you take both classes and keep on taking half of what you want from both. So at level 1 you choose 1 at-will of Fighter and 1 at-will of mage. You do this 1-1 thing for most of the time. You can also multiclass like before as you are making a single separate class by joining the two classes.

During choice of paragon, usually none fits because they are designed for pure classes - though spellscarred one is a nice choice which is class independent. So would be Silverstar for Arcane or Divine hybrid.

You can forgo your choice of Paragon like in multiclass by taking a special Paragon called - Paragon Hybrid. This one lets you roll in third class as a hybrid in addition to two classes.


PnP is different than game so this is surely not how everything may be implemented, but this is to show that customization with a lot of depth does exist in 4e.
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