


弗罗多 发表于 2013-4-15 00:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Paragon Paths

Paragon Paths are used to choose a specific classification within a class. This is the 4e answer to post class and build based customizations to "Prestige Classes" of 3e.

After reaching lvl 10 (=lvl 30 in game) you have a choice to choose a paragon path based on your class. Paragon paths are based not only on classes but also on races, gods you worship and such small things like that.

I can only offer a few examples because there are so many of them, but I will pick important examples.
- You are a cleric, but you have always like to charge in a battle like an angle with a melee weapon. You can choose angelic avenger. Choosing this, you will automatically become able to wield a Greatsword and your face and legs will dissappears as you become like an angel. Also you will hover instead of walking.
- You are a peaceful cleric who is like a prophet. You do not need to kill as those who oppose the gods will die anyways. Choose Divine Oracle.
- You are a weapon master fighter? Kensai
- You are a proper sword and board fighter? Iron Vanguard
- You are a curious adventurer who just likes to explore? Curious cat? Choose race human and then "Adriot Explorer" Class can be any.
- You are one of the group of dwarf of moradin with your friends fo different classes? You can choose same paragon path like "Firstborn of Moradin" and role-play like an army with different classes.
- Your friends have different classes and races but want to be together in choice of paragon? Youc an still do it.
- You are a dragonborn and want to fly and breath? Scion of Arkosia (iirc)
Thus paragon paths a lots and can unite you with a particular group, irrespective of class/race - or based on a theme of particular class/race etc.
I believe all 3e builds have been covered by paragons. Some paragons are not powerful, but the game will balance them differently than pnp so that is not an issue.

How does the PP work?
Paragon paths do not make your PC very different. They just give you a choice of powers.

How will it be implemented in game? I don't know but to give an example:
You can choose a paragon at lvl 30 and then you will get a few passive powers - bonus to saves etc. based on that paragon path. Then as you level up you can choose the powers from paragon path. So when you finally reach lvl 60 (equivalent to lvl 20 in pnp), you will have choices to choose paragon powers along the way.
So at lvl 60 (hypothesis) you have 10 daily powers based on build which is same for all builds. PLUS you get 3 paragon path powers to choose from. As you can use only 2 daily powers at a given time, you can have both of them as paragon powers making your build different from others.
Similarly you may have 20 at wills + 5 at-wills from paragon
OR 20 encounter powers with 4 Paragon path encounter powers.
Thus for a particular encounter, you can change your hotbar to have all of the powers as paragon
as AT A PARTICULAR TIME you can only have 2 dailies, 2 at-wills and 3 encounter powers. PLUS passives are always there.

The number can change as we do not yet know total number of powers, but theme would be as explained above.
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