


弗罗多 发表于 2008-8-25 17:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Contents [hide]
1 Introduction
2 Definitions
2.1 Main Tank (MT)
2.2 The Puller
2.3 Main Assist (MA)
2.4 Healer (or MH for Main Healer)
2.5 Crowd Control (CC)
2.6 DPS (Damage per Second)
2.7 Secondary Healer
3 In A Nutshell
4 Examples
4.1 Hunter Pulling and as Main Assist
4.2 Main Tank Pulling, Hunter/Burglar as Main Assist
5 Final Notes
5.1 Mezzing
5.2 Communication
6 Credits

[edit] Introduction
These are reposted from my thread during Closed Beta. There could be many differences in actual tactics that could change with a patch at any time, however, since I keep it basic with overall Fellowship Strategy, many of these ideas carry forward into Live.

I recently put some of my old MMO thoughts and strategies down in an email to help out some of the newer players in my Real Life Kinship of Friends. Some have never played MMOs before, like my nephew, and some haven’t played any that take real strategy in a long time. One of them told me that I should edit them up a bit and post them here…If there are any additions you would like to see, or clarifications, corrections, etc, please feel free to post them and I’ll update it. Keep in mind, this is just a general basic strategy that allows many types of classes to fill the many roles, it isn’t intended to state: “Oh, you need a Minstrel or you can never go into an Instance…” I think the groups that bend the norms can be highly successful, however, the ideas have to branch from somewhere and this is where it begins:

[edit] Definitions
[edit] Main Tank (MT)
This is the Guardian of the group if one is available, if not, then it is the one with the highest Armor/Morale/Mitigation. The key is taking hits and managing aggro. It is his job to hold aggro on ALL targets, no matter what. He is to chase peelers and bring them back, usually the whole mob of creatures will follow him around when he does this, but he must get aggro back.

[edit] The Puller
This is the person in charge of running to within aggro range of the mob, or hitting it from range to get their attention. The puller can be variable...I always like seeing ranged pulling since there are no monks to "separate" groups so the best thing is for the MT to have Throwing Knives, Axes, etc to pull with. The only downfall is a shorter range than a bow, but the MT already has the attention of the target and his friends. If the Hunter can shoot one weak arrow to pull, great, but in most cases, they hit very hard even on plain Auto-Attack and that makes the MT’s job harder.

[edit] Main Assist (MA)
This is the next best fighter in the group, usually a Champion, Captain, or other Guardian. The MA is the person who has the next most Morale and AC. He will call targets, etc. When the MT or other Puller pulls a group of targets, he will prioritize them. This is very important. When you get groups, you want to get rid of the lesser critters first, they die the fastest, but their damage stacks up. So while the MT is busy switching targets and making them all mad, the MA will have only one selected. Everyone must ASSIST ONLY the MA...ie. Main Assist. If a Champion or Captain is not available, this job will go to either a Burglar or a Hunter. Neither a Loremaster nor Minstrel will ever be the MA. Once the MA is on the correct target, he must never switch until it is dead. BTW, Archer and Caster Mobs are always FIRST Priority for the Main Assist.

[edit] Healer (or MH for Main Healer)
Self explanatory. The healer’s job is to keep everyone alive...however, to make life for him simple; he is only to focus on the Main Tank. The MT is the only thing taking damage during a "good" fight; therefore, he shouldn't have to worry about anyone else. If he has to heal someone other than the MT, then someone isn't doing their job, or doing it too well. He must avoid Area of Effect Heals, since it causes the most aggro, and must control his direct healing in order to not draw too much aggro at one time. In this game, it is the Minstrel...if the Minstrel is not around, then the Loremaster or Captain must make do, but mobs must be easier. If there is no healer, then it is up to each class to do their own self-heals as appropriate, and just take it easy killing singles around the countryside as Elites will be near impossible except in the best coordinated groups.

[edit] Crowd Control (CC)
This is anyone who has any sort of Stun or Mezz. In our group, the primary crowd controller is the Loremaster. He has a single target Mezz spell (not a stun) that last for 30 secs with a 15 second refresh from what I recall. What that boils down to is that he can "lock up" two targets as long as he wishes barring resists, and can lock up one target nigh forever. The target he wants to lock down is usually the one doing the most damage, which in nearly all cases is the Boss, or highest LVL in the mob group. He must physically target the highest mob, and focus on keeping him quiet and in a Mezzed state. Mezz differs from Stun because Mezz will be broken by any sort of damage, AOE included. The only thing that breaks the Loremaster's Mezz should be the spell duration, or the Main Tank. No one else should be attacking that mob ever, and as long as the MA and MT learn what a Mezzed mob looks like, it won't happen. As of Book 14, auto-attacking will turn off if you select a mob that is mezzed, but it still can be overridden or attacked by a skill. After Mezzing, the CC is free to open up any damage and offense available, however, he must always have enough power left over to remezz, and even "hold" a target indefinitely if the healer asks him to so that he may regen power. The CC is an important position, because if there is an add, and the MT can't get to the new mob in time, he must try to hold them off with a Mezz. Once the CC gets comfortable in that role, things will be literally lining up to die.

In LOTRO, the Burglar, Hunter, and the Minstrel also have some CC, some of which stun ("Mez") the opponents, some of which prevent the opponent from moving. The latter only helps against melee enemies, while stuns help against any kind of enemy. How it all breaks out is as follows:

Blinding Flash: 30 second mezz w/ 15 second refresh (does NOT work on "The Dead")
Bane Flare: 5s Stun + 10s mezz for the Dead
Various short stuns and roots (Test of Will, Herb-lore, Cracked Earth)
Cry of the Valar, which is a 10 second fear (Evil Only)
Song of the Dead at lvl 18 ("the dead" only mez)
Riddle - only works on Sentient Creatures (no animals or bugs) (30 dur/ 60 refresh unless in Mischief Stance (30/30)
Confound - Slows attack speed by 5% for 15s / Applied on Expiration: Dazes <30s (Only in Mischief Stance)

Cry of the Predator - Only works on Animals
Bard's Arrow - Only works on sentient creatures (Legendary)
Various Traps and Lures - Mostly useful against melee opponents
Every class gets a few various stuns or roots, so therefore we have to coordinate the Crowd Control a little bit. If we are in the Great Barrow, then the Loremaster cannot do CC and he becomes a DPS. But he must also help heal as much as possible on the MT because the Minstrel is worrying about CC a little as well. The Burglar loses a little DPS, but becomes a little CC as well.

And now, everyone else...

[edit] DPS (Damage per Second)
DPSers must be careful. Too much too soon, and now the Main Healer has to worry about you too much, and the MT is likely to suffer. A good rule of thumb until you know just how much it takes is to wait for the MT to engage all targets, assist the MA doing normal attacks and debuffs, and then start working in some specials. I would save the BIG Damage stuff for at least 2/3 to 1/2 of the Mob’s Health...once a creature gets to Half Health, I can almost guarantee that you won't be able to pull it off of the MT no matter what.

[edit] Secondary Healer
This is just someone in the role of keeping an eye on the health of everyone in the group OTHER THAN the MT. If the Minstrel gets attacked, and then the MT gets the aggro back, the Minstrel should not heal himself until the end of the fight...however, if you can Help a Fellow Out, and heal him a little in the meantime, then you might just save everyone's life.

[edit] In A Nutshell
That's MMORPG tactics in a nutshell...and that's also with a nicely balanced group. I know a lot of you know this, but some don't...and it's good to get a refresher.

What it boils down to...if the Healer dies, the MT Dies...if the MT Dies, everyone dies.

CC and MT keep things off the Healer, the Healer keeps the MT alive, the MA coordinates targets so they die faster, and everyone else /assist MA and DPSes until the fight is over. Easy.

[edit] Examples
Here are some examples of the sequencing involved:

Early in Beta 2, we had a Guardian Main Tank, two Hunter DPSs, a Burglar DPS, and a Healer between levels 17 and 20. We tried a few things, some worked, and some didn't. We were in the outdoor area south of the Forgotten Inn with Elite roamers, multiple groups of Elite mobs (up to 3), groupings close together, and fast respawns.

[edit] Hunter Pulling and as Main Assist
&#8226;This was hard for MT to get aggro after the pull, even when the Hunter didn't hit with a special on the pull. Just toggling Auto-Attack was enough to cause problems.
&#8226;Any grouped monsters with the target went straight to the Puller, and MT had to scramble to pull them off.
&#8226;Hunters are flimsy; they aren't like the Monks of old from EQ that can pretty much shed damage very quick with AGI or lose aggro with a "Feign Death".

CONSENSUS: Not favorable. Since the Hunter does good damage both with specials and Auto-attack, he should not be used to pull except in very favorable conditions or a last resort.

[edit] Main Tank Pulling, Hunter/Burglar as Main Assist
&#8226;MT was able to get aggro easily on all mobs, switching to each one to hit as they stayed close to him.
&#8226;Could cause adds from him running back to us, but he'll learn an area or ranges to "add aggro" etc...That comes with time.
&#8226;Hunter as the Main Assist seemed to work, but when the mob might switch, Hunter was getting hammered. I, as a Burglar, had more Morale than a Hunter of the same level, plus better Evades and Dodges...perhaps worth a try.

CONSENSUS: Mostly Favorable. MT will get better and better at aggro management with level, and peels will not occur as often onto the Healer or Main Assist. MT also needs to dictate where the fighting will take place...where the mob was, or to the side, etc. He will be most familiar with aggro ranges in the long run. Everyone else needs to stay close, or stand on the side away from the next "camp" or pull.

Overall, not bad at all. Ideally we will use a Champion or Captain as the Main Assist (MA), so I will use MA to mean whoever is filling that role. Here is the progression that was "forgotten" a few times I noticed...this is what should be happening:
&#8226;MT pulls with an aggro building hit...and eventually with the AOE at lvl 22 or 24...of course, using discretion of proximity. If he can get a single pull, that is ideal.
&#8226;MA has MT targeted, when he notices movement of the Mobs, MA hits "F"...thus allowing him to switch to /assist MT. Do not use the “pass-through assist” as the MA on the MT. He needs to switch targets as needed, pass-thru assist will force you to switch with him, and that is not ideal. If you use "F" with the MT targeted, then your target becomes the first mob the MT hit...and when he is pulling, that is the first Target to die.
&#8226;MA keeps attacking the pulled target only, thus allowing everyone else to either Pass-thru target on him, or have him selected and hit F. It is simple...if you are not MA, then you have MA targeted during a pull. (except CC, I’ll get to him in a sec)
&#8226;Only attack the target with auto-attack or debuffs, slows, bleeds, etc, until the mob is at 2/3 health...then assume MT has enough aggro. During this, MT may need to keep switching, but most likely he will be able to /assist the MA on the main target as well, making sure the others are hitting him....or have been Mezzed.
&#8226;It would be best that everyone had already pressed "F" and are targeting the mob that is about to die directly, and not the MA anymore. This way, the MA can switch to the next target when it is about to die. Everyone else will stay on the dying Mob, thus, as soon as it dies, target the MA with the corresponding "F2-6" key (you have to learn that one early in the night, it changes), and then hit "F" again to /assist. By this time, MT has built up enough aggro with all mobs with one exception (mezzes).
&#8226;Rinse and repeat until all mobs in the group are dead.

[edit] Final Notes
[edit] Mezzing
When playing with a class that can Crowd Control...(alot of us, but some are limited) there are a few things I have noticed and some things we need to do. The mezzer needs to call out what he plans to mezz before the pull. If it is the Boss, or part of a group that is a lvl above everything else, this is what needs to be mezzed. While the MA and MT start targeting from the bottom up, the mezzer needs to target from the top down. This reduces incoming damage greatly, thus making the early part of the fight (the hardest part) much more manageable. The one who is mezzing needs to call out over VoiceChat what is mezzed. It is easy to break a mezz, but the only time it should happen is when the spell runs out before being refreshed, or the MT breaks it to start the fight. When you are playing with an active CC who is mezzing, then please do not do any Area of Effect Damage spells. One of the tradeoffs...but has to be done.

The CC will be mezzing when fighting Elites or above. If it is regular mobs, then mezzing is a waste of time when nuking can drop them like flies (provided they are of equal lvls). I know for a fact that the Loremaster will be able to effectively keep two mobs out of the fight, period...and can throw in an occasional debuff...but that is two less targets beating on the MT. He also needs to be telling the MT which one is about to release so the MT can break it with a big Aggro hit, etc, before it smashes the Healer or the Loremaster.

If a Loremaster is not in the group, then the classes that get a small CC, feel free to use it at will. If you see an add coming, try to lock it down...but first, call it out. If you are going to use it before the fight, then call it before the pull. For example, the other night I was using my Riddle on our initial pull as CC. It lasts 30 seconds with a minute refresh...if it got broken on the pull (someone on the wrong target during the pull, etc), then it was wasted, and now there was no way to mitigate some of the damage. During the first 30 seconds, we could sometimes kill the first target, but if the Riddle broke before we were done, guess where the mezzed mob was going? The Healer...while it was sitting there, only the healing was contributing to its aggro. That is why when something is mezzed, the one who mezzed it, or feared it, needs to keep their eye on it...when it is close to breaking, make sure the MT knows this, and can be ready to snatch aggro...he can do this, because all of the DPS in the group will still be on the first, nearly dead target. Everyone will improve and get a "Sense" of the timing. You can just hold the mouse over the "effect" under the mob's name, and if gives you a timer of when it will wear off. For my Burglar Riddle, I don't even need to look, since I know it is duration 30 seconds on a minute refresh timer...when my Riddle button is almost half gray, it is about to break. Of course, the only thing I can do then is give a heads up, since I can't refresh it.

[edit] Communication
The only talking during a large, hard fight should be:

Which target to Pull (usually lowest) and which target to CC (usually highest).

"So and So Mezzed" or "Mezz resisted"

"Heal, please" - Usually not an issue...and any class other than MT only in an emergency...if you die, and the healer survives, he will pick you up. Remember: If the MT dies, we all die. If the Healer dies, we all die....running out of Power as a Healer, we all die.

"On Me" - Usually just the Healer or the CC if he can't get it off with a mezz. This is the cue for the MT to come get it please. However, if the CC (Loremaster or whoever) has a CC ability available try to use it first, but call out, "I got IT". The MT should then switch off it...he will do this quickly, trust me...he hates breaking a brand new mezz.
If a DPS calls "On Me" then the MT will do his best to get it off...but do not waste a mezz on it unless you are the one getting beat on. If a DPS gains aggro then it is usually his own fault for "over nuking" and not letting the tank get enough aggro at the start...thus, the 2/3 health rule above. You might get a heal...you probably won't in most groups.

Mezz status update - "Holding so and so", etc...

"Conjunction coming, go all green...red...blue...turn the wheel...etc" - This will get better with more grouping. The Burglar should have already assigned everyone in the group a color and a number and as of a recent patch, the group leader can pre-trigger a Fellowship Maneuver to "strive for" before heading out to fight.

"Low Power" - This is only from the healer, the CC, or the tank...everyone else, too bad. This is a cue for the Loremaster to help with Power, or perhaps it's time for a Blue Oriented Fellowship Maneuver of choice.
And finally "ADD!" - If there is a mob that comes walking near while fighting, anyone can call Add. The first responder needs to be the CC. He needs to be in 3rd person, swinging the cam around the fight. I used to find the adds coming before anyone called it...every second helps. If the primary CC can't do anything, or is tied up with two other mobs, he needs to call out "Can't Mezz it!" This way, MT knows to chase it. If one of the backup CCs can take care of it call it out as stated above so the MT knows to break off... “I got it!”
The MA and the MT need to talk to each other when one mob is about to die, and call out the next target together. The CC can also call targets, but only when it applies to when they are the same lvl and it doesn't help to get rid of one over the other, it is just going to be the one that will break next.

I'd also like to reference Beleg's thread he has reposted as well from Closed Beta regarding conjunctions (fellowship maneuvers), type, use, etc: See here: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=33307

I know I may go into too much detail on some of this, and a lot of it is situational and “learned” from playing a class. I usually played the “Enchanter” CC type classes, so I always tried to keep control of a fight, and thus heavily researched these sort of group tactics to make life easy for everyone.

[edit] Credits
Credit on this goes first and foremost to my Kinship with whom I have traveled many realms and honed these tips to make us a very efficient Fellowship in every game we play.

A big thanks to the Closed Beta Community for preserving these in the first place and to Colfox, a Kinmate, who pressured me at launch to make sure these were saved to pass on to the Live Community.

And last but not least, thanks to Steelsnake for bringing it into the Lorebook and passively teaching me how to edit wiki.

Once again, any comments, corrections, clarifications, questions, post them in the forum thread or on the talk page. Now that this is in the Lorebook, I'll try to keep it relevant to current patches.
啊蛋 发表于 2008-8-28 17:07 | 显示全部楼层
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