

无冬之夜ol赢取Medals of Heroism(英雄勋章)方法

弗罗多 发表于 2014-9-20 21:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
新版本The Siege of Neverwinter(无冬城围攻)上线后,玩家可以获得新的道具:Neverwintan Defender's Pack,你也可以通过Siege Battlefield战场的7枚英雄勋章来交换,获取英雄勋章可以通过以下三种途径:
Siege Defense Effort Profession

A special Siege Defense Effort profession is available for players. Players will collect event-specific profession assets and use them, along with common items like Portable Altars and Injury Kits, to craft Defense Supplies. These Defense Supplies can then be turned in to the Defense Supply Master in Protector's Enclave in exchange for Medal of Heroism.
Limited Time in the Zen Market

You can directly support the defense effort by spending your Zen in the Zen Market. Medal of Heroism can be found under the Items category, right next to Legendary Dragon Keys.
Completing Heroic Encounters

There is a small chance that you might receive a Medal of Heroism when you complete a Heroic Encounter on the Siege Battlefield.

Neverwintan Defender's Pack包含以下内容:

1x Battlefield Medic1x Neverember Guard1x Neverember Guard Archer1x Codex of Companion Experience
1x Medium Black Horse1x Refiner's Cache1x Companion Fortification 2x Silvery Dragon Scale
1x Draconic Enchantment, Rank 4

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