


    弗罗多 发表于 2016-1-22 09:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    作者 夏非半
    The Beginning ofEverything

    In thebeginning, there was only chaos, a mixture of energy and matter in whichnothing and everything existed. The rulers of this universe were called the ProgenitorWyrms, and they were the most powerful divine beings to have ever existed. Ofthe Wyrms, three sisters stood out as the most powerful: Golden Siberys, GentleEberron, and Cruel Khyber. Together, these three beings represented the variouspowers of existence. Siberys was the master of all magics, both arcane anddivine. Eberron was the master of life. Khyber was the master of knowledge anddarkness. Using their combined talents, the three Progenitor Wyrms fashionedthe Draconic Prophecy, a detailed description of the future of all existence.Following this prophecy, the three sisters worked together to create a worldout of the churning chaos.

    Atfirst, all was well. The Astral Plane was separated from the chaos first,followed by various other astral and elemental planes. However, as theseregions were created, the difference between the two more powerful siblingsbecame more and more pronounced. Khyber wanted creation to reflect moremightily on her own views of cruelty and selfishness, and fashioned the planesKythri, Mabar, and Xoriat. Siberys responded by creating Daanvi, Fernia, andIrian. Eberron, the least of the three sisters, tried to pacify the other twoby creating neutral planes. This attempt was unsuccessful, however, as Siberysand Khyber marked the planes that Eberron created to more match their ownbeliefs, Siberys claiming Thelanis and Khyber claiming Dolurrh.

    As the13 planes were finished, the sisters turned towards creating the center worldaround which all the other planes would orbit. They began with a simple sphereof rock, crafted from the chaotic matters of the beginning. They then set thissphere on an orbit around a sun, linking the sun to Fernia. Finally, theycrafted 13 moons and set them to orbit the nondescript sphere, linking eachmoon with a plane.

    As thesisters turned towards the last piece of creation, Siberys and Khyber began toargue over what the center world should be like. Neither would compromise withthe other, and in a fit of rage Khyber lashed out at her sibling, tearing afatal wound into Golden Siberys' side and scattering her essence across thesky. Eberron, faced with a fight she had no hope of winning, instead embracedher cruel sister and merged with the planet everyone had been fighting over.Taking her own essence, Eberron created life on the planet that she had becomea part of. Remembering the importance of the Prophecy that started it all,Eberron scribed the signs of the prophecy on rocks all over the world. Siberysbecame the golden ring that sparkles in the sky. Khyber became the underworld,trapped where she could do no more harm... yet.






     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2016-1-22 09:56 | 显示全部楼层
    Life in Eberron

    Atfirst, the only life on the newborn planet was the primitive life that Eberronhad created. However, as the blood of Siberys fell from the sky, it spawned arace that combined the aspects of Eberron and Siberys magnificently: Dragons.Wherever a drop fell, a dragon would be created, and as the various dragonswere formed, it became quite obvious that these were beings of great power.Capable of the divine and arcane magic that Siberys embodied, dragons roamedthe world freely, exploring the lands and examining the inhabitants. The onlycompetition the dragons had were the mysterious couatls, a draconic race formedfrom the blood of Siberys before it came in contact with Eberron. Effectivelyimmortal, the couatls did not have the taint of mortality that Eberron hadgifted her creations with. However, this purity also meant that the couatlswere much more emotionally detached from the new world, keeping almost entirelyto their home of Sarlona, leaving the dragons unopposed everywhere else. Thiscontinued for an unknown amount of time, an era in which dragons ruled all andvery little changed.

    CruelKhyber, however, eventually found a way to interfere with the creations of hersisters. All of a sudden, an army of horrors erupted from the Underdark thatKhyber resided in. This army was lead by the Overlords, demonic beings ofalmost god-like power. The dragons, not unified and prone to infighting, wereno match to these creatures, and were enslaved for more than a hundred thousandyears under the rule of the Overlords. Followed primarily by legions ofRakshasa, the Overlords were just as immortal as the Couatls and faced noopposition.

    Then,a blue dragon named Ourelonastrix and a Couatl named Hezcalipa begandiscovering odd signs left on various rocks around the world. Working together,these two became the first to read a part of the Draconic Prophecy, left tothem by Eberron. This prophecy showed the two how to defeat the the overlords,and they began to spread the message to others to prepare for war.




     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2016-1-22 09:56 | 显示全部楼层
    The War and its Aftermath

    At first, the war seemed hopeless. TheOverlords pride had lead them to spread themselves thinly across the world,meaning only one had to be fought at a time. However, every time an Overlordwas killed, it would rise again shortly after. Faced with impossible odds,Hezcalipa convinced his people to sacrifice themselves in order to permanentlydestroy the Overlords. The couatls, also a race of immortals, used their ownessences to create the Silver Cataclysm, a force that managed to imprison theOverlords where they could do no harm. Without their godly leaders, theremaining forces were easily handled by the dragons and a few remaining couatl.The dragons became the only powerful beings left on the face of the world. Withsignificantly fewer numbers, but a new sense of racial unity, the dragonsretreated to Argonnesen, creating new rules and laws to prevent future wars.

    Faced with an age of solitary peace, thedragons devoted themselves to further studying of the Prophecy and developingthe magical powers that had grown enormously during the war. However, asmillenia passed, the dragons began to express interest in the outside worldthat they had fought so hard to protect. When they finally set out to see howthe world had changed, they found dozens of new civilizations. The mostadvanced were the giants of Xen'drik, and some dragons decided to give thiscivilization the secrets to magic. Most other dragons decided instead toconquer as much of the world as they could, which lead to extreme internalconflicts. As dragons began fighting each other, one of the original Overlordsbegan to awaken: Tiamat, the true Daughter of Khyber. All dragons, essentiallynephews of Khyber, carried a piece of her corruption inside of them, andTiamat's power was to awaken this corruption. From her underground prison,Tiamat corrupted hundreds of dragons, and when these dragons laid their eggs,the Spawn of Tiamat hatched into an army. Faced with imminent destruction, thedragons quickly reunified and destroyed all of the tainted dragons and theirbroods.

    In order to better understand how anOverlord had managed to spread so much influence, the dragons turned to theProphecy for much more intense study. What they found, they refused to sharewith anyone but the very elite of the dragon race, except for one thing: thesudden spread of draconic conquest lead to Tiamat's rise. After the incident,all dragons were called back to Argonnessen, leaving the subjugated races toface the newly magical Giants.




     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2016-1-22 09:56 | 显示全部楼层
    Reign of the Giants

    As the dragons left, so did theirenforcement of the laws on magic. The dragons were a very traditional race, andhad followed certain restrictions on how magic was to be used, most of whichhad been written by Ourelonastrix. Once the dragons left the giants alone withtheir new knowledge of the arcane arts, the giants began to explore into areasthe dragons had forbidden, particularly blood spells and planar magic. However,the dragons now feared what would happen if they became involved in outsidematters, and resolved to simply watch as the giants began to conquer the restof the world. The giants used the enslaved elves as laborers, and soon becamethe undisputed rulers of all of Xen'drik.

    Elsewhere in existence, troubles werearising. Dal Quor, the plane of dreams, has a very strange life cycle. Thealignment of the plane is directly tied to the alignment of the Material Plane,and every time there was a major shift, all of the Quori would effectively dieand be reborn with new memories and ideals. Understanding that something in theMaterial Plane was about to cause a massive change, the Quori invaded Xen'drikand destroyed anything that they thought would help cause the shift. Faced withcomplete destruction, a dragon known as the Truthful One disobeyed his race andforged an alliance with a giant leader known as the Stormreaver. Using animpressive display of magic, the two managed to knock the plane of Dal Quor outof its usual orbit around the Material Plane, making it impossible for anyQuori to manifest. The Stormreaver vanished, and with the nation of giantsincredibly weakened against the onslaught, their slaves began to revolt. In theend, the elves succeeded in freeing themselves, some setting off for Aerenaland others remaining to become Drow.

    Also, after seeing what happens when"lesser beings" made use of their magic, the dragons of Argonnesseninstituted a new law: No secrets can be told to non-dragons.




     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2016-1-22 09:57 | 显示全部楼层
    The Daelkyr War and the founding of theCults of Khyber

    As the new Elvennations began to develop, they began to develop an interest in magic. Afterthousands of years of studying, the Aerenal elves managed their crowningachievement: the use of Necromancy, powered by the plane of Irian, to createthe Undying Court, an alliance of completely immortal elves with powers closeto those of the Overlords. Faced with yet another power that could rise againstthem, the dragons began an assault on the elvish forces. It became quiteapparent that the dragons did not have their heart in the war, however, as verylittle of their force was committed to the fighting. The war has continued on andoff up to the present day, mainly made up of long periods of peace and short,sudden bursts of fighting.

    Then, one day, ablack dragon named Vvaraak foresaw a terrible danger coming. Faced with astubborn council that refused to help the other races prepare for theonslaught, Vvaraak left Argonnessen and began teaching the humanoids druidicmagic in preparation for what was coming. These druids became the Gatekeepers,and Vvaraak had less than a century of teaching before she mysteriouslyvanished from the face of the planet.

    Some 7000 yearsafter Vvaraaks dissappearance, a new threat appeared: the Daelkyr, beings fromXoriat with incredible powers of creation and destruction. The Daelkyr are thesupreme rulers of their plane, and each one created his own personal race ofabberation to reflect his personal preferences. As these demigods floodedthrough with their minions into the continent of Khorvaire, they were met bythe now strongly established Gatekeeper druids. The war raged for millenia,destroying most of the continent and ruining the powerful Dhakaanicivilization, until the Gatekeepers managed to kill or banish all but 6 of theDaelkyr lords. These were the most powerful of the Daelkyr, and were barelydefeated by the druids. However, before they could be entirely imprisoned inKhyber like the Overlords, the final Daelkyr lords created the Cult of theDragon Below and reinvigorated the cult of the Lords of Dust, in the hopes ofbeing released later.

    The Cult of theDragon Below serves Khyber, and seeks to break the balance in power between thecreatures of Siberys and those of Khyber to release all those captured in thedepths of the world. Should they reach their goals, hell would literally breakloose over Eberron, as the god-like Overlords would be realeased without anyhope of being defeated or reimprisoned without couatls.

    The Lords ofDust is primarily made up of the surviving Rakshasa from the Great War betweenthe Overlords and the dragons. This organization is much more selective andsecretive than the Cult, and is known for infiltrating organizations around theworld (including the Cult) to pursue their ultimate goal: the release of theLords of Dust, the most powerful of the Overlords trapped in Khyber.

    Both the Lordsof Dust and the Cult of the Dragon Below are opposed by the Gatekeepers, whomaintain the seals on the prisons of those imprisoned. While attempts have beenmade, none have been successful so far to release the immensely powerful beingsthat could bring the world into a new age of terror.






     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2016-1-22 09:57 | 显示全部楼层
    The Discovery of Dragonmarks, andthe Eradication of Vol
    As the dragons watched the destruction in Khorvaire without action, they alsocontinued studying the ever-important Draconic Prophecy that promised toexplain everything. Then, around 2000 years after the end of the Daelkyr Warand the fall of the Dhakaani empire, the signs that Eberron had inscribed intothe rocks began dissappearing, much to the alarm of the dragons. Even morealarming was the realization that the marks were not dissappearing, butshifting onto the faces of some "lesser beings." Confronted with thefact that the humanoids were also a part of the prophecy, the dragons began toargue heatedly over what they should do with the newly marked creatures. TheLight of Siberys, the army of Argonnessen that had been formed after the GreatWar, wanted to kill anyone who had a dragonmark to prevent any of their enemies(namely the Lords of Dust) from using the information against them. Othersargued that this was the will of Eberron, and that killing them would beblasphemous at the least or world-threatening at the most. The final decisionwould be to waive the rules of non-intervention in humanoid affaris to createThe Chamber, a group of select dragons that would observe and interact with thedragonmarked races.
    With the introduction of truly unique power in non-dragons, some dragons becameinterested in what would happen with a dragonmarked dragon cross-breed. A groupof green dragons approached the house of Vol, and in the end the half greendragon Erandis Vol was created. Claiming success, supporters of the projectspread the word that it was an attempt to end the elf-dragon fighting. In theend, it did, as both the elves and the dragons worked together to kill anyonemarked with the sign of Vol. In the end, Erandis Vol's mother sacrificed herlife in order to turn Erandis into a lich, cutting off access to her dragonmarkand saving Erandis from persecution. Erandis Vol has spent the rest of herexistence trying to reestablish her dragonmarked powers, and has formed theBlood of Vol as a religion to aid her.
    Later, the Emerald Claw is formed as an additional cult that tries to follow inthe footsteps of the original Emerald Claw: Erandis Vol's father. Their goal isto merge different races with magic to form the perfect race, and the membersare all loyal to Erandis.
    The remaining 12 dragonmarked houses become well established, and DDO starts inthis time.



    随着真正的独特的力量被引入进非龙族,一些龙开始变得对出现有龙纹的半龙的话会发生什么很感兴趣。一群绿龙与沃尔家族走的很近,最后创造出了半绿龙Erandis Vol。取得成功后,这个项目的支持者散布称这是为了终结龙与精灵的战争的一次尝试。而最后,也确实如此,因为不论是精灵还是龙都开始联合起来追杀任何标有沃尔家族印记的生物。最终,Erandis Vol的母亲牺牲了她自己的生命来将Erandis转化成为一名巫妖,她切断了Erandis和龙纹的联系,将Erandis于迫害中救出。Erandis Vol花费了她所有的时间来试图恢复龙纹的力量,并且创建了沃尔血族这个宗教来帮助她。

    后来,翡翠利爪被当作是效法最初的翡翠利爪,也就是Erandis Vol的父亲的附属教团而被创立。翡翠利爪的目的是用魔法来融合不同的种族来形成完美的种族,并且这个种族的成员全部效忠于Erandis。

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