


弗罗多 发表于 2008-10-5 22:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(1) Test by Rillas of fish caught at Falathlorn Homesteads vs. Fords of Bruinen: Sat. 4/26. Fish Lvl 31, +5 pole, no bait, 100 catches
...Falathlorn (foredawn/morning): Junk - 27; Salmon or lower - 31; Charr or higher - 42; # of trophy fish - 12
...Fords (afternoon/eve): Junk - 16; Salmon or lower - 50; Charr or higher - 34; # of trophy fish - 9
Conclusion: This test is interesting. Fords offered far less junk, but also far more low-level fish. Could this be location-related? time-of-day-related? Or just one of those things? I'll try another test in same locations, same time of day for a better idea.

(2) Test by Aethelberht of fish caught at Falathlorn Homesteads vs. Fords of Bruinen: Sat. 4/26. Fish Lvl 32, +5 pole, no bait, 100 catches
...Falathlorn (foredawn-morning): Junk - 21; Salmon or lower - 46; Charr or higher - 33; # of trophy fish - 11
...Fords (afternoon-evening): Junk - 13; Salmon or lower - 48; Charr or higher - 39; # of trophy fish - 9
Conclusion: I tried repeating Rillas' test, same pole, no bait, same time of day. The only differences are: (1) My level, 1 higher; (2) I have no house, so was just visiting. My results were quite different. But the Fords were pretty close. Maybe fishing in your home neighborhood gives a buff. Hard to say, but worth a look. This is a good test to redo once folks get fishing levels above, say, 100 or so.

(3) Tests by Aethelberht & Rillas at similar levels & rods to see differences in bait: Sun. 4/27. Fish Lvl 41-42, +5 pole, 100 catches
...Rillas, Thorin's Hall (dusk-midnight), Lvl 41, no bait: Junk - 14; Salmon or lower - 33; Charr or higher - 53; # of trophy fish - 10
...Rillas, Thorin's Hall (late watches-morn), Lvl 41, no bait: Junk - 18; Salmon or lower - 33; Charr or higher - 49; # of trophy fish - 10
...Aeth, Hobbiton pier (late watches-morn), Lvl 42, leech bait: Junk - 16; Salmon or lower - 35; Charr or higher - 49; # of trophy fish - 11
...Aeth, Hobbiton pier (evening - midnight), Lvl 42, red wiggler bait: Junk - 14; Salmon or lower - 31; Charr or higher - 55; # of trophy fish - 13
Conclusion: Good batch of numbers. Rillas' two tests are quite similar, and my first test is again extremely similar. What's odd is that I'm 1 level higher and using bait. This test suggests that leech bait has no effect. My second test with red wiggler also didn't move my fish counts very much. But they did help me catch fish more than 10% faster. What usually takes 40-41 minutes to catch 100 fish took a bit less than 36 minutes with the red wiggler. I felt like my toon was just flying. Made the fishing more fun, if not a lot more profitable.

(4) Another test of red wiggler vs. no bait. Both tests were of 100 catches, Hobbiton pier, Level 52, +5 pole. Here's the scoop:
...With red wiggler: Junk - 13; Salmon or less - 32; Charr or better - 55; # of trophies - 9; Total fishing time: 37:30
...With no bait: Junk - 18; Salmon or less - 19; Charr or better - 63; # of trophies - 11; Total fishing time: 39:30
Conclusion: The red wiggler just didn't help me statistically. Sure, a few less junk, but way less good fish, and also less trophies. The 2 minute time savings is too narrow to be meaningful. After many of these tests, the best evidence is starting to suggest that bait has no effect, at least through Fishing Level 52. I'm eager to see what other people are finding. This might be a bug that the Devs should know about.

(5) Test of +0 pole versus +5 pole, Tues. 4/29. Both tests were of 100 catches, Hobbiton pier, Level 62, no bait. Details:
...+0 pole: Junk - 8; Salmon or lower - 25; Charr to smelt - 43; Catfish or better - 24; # of trophies - 13; Total fishing time: 37:00
...+5 pole: Junk - 13; Salmon or lower - 17; Charr to smelt - 53; Catfish or better - 17; # of trophies - 11; Total fishing time: 38:30
Conclusion: Data speaks for itself. The +5 pole did nothing good for me on this test. By every comparison it was actually worse than my +0 test. Certainly no definitive evidence that a better pole makes a positive difference. Will keep testing.

(6) Test of home neighborhood versus "public" waterway, Tues. 4/29. Both tests were of 100 catches, Level 61-62, +5 pole, no bait. Details:
...Rillas testing "Home" @ Falathlorn river: Junk - 7; Salmon or lower - 30; Charr to smelt - 49; Catfish or better - 14; # of trophies - 15
...Aethelberht testing "Public" water, Hobbiton: Junk - 13; Salmon or lower - 17; Charr to smelt - 53; Catfish or better - 17; # of trophies - 11
Conclusion: Earlier tests suggested that maybe the "home" neighborhoods offered a good fishing buff. Hard to see that here. Did give less junk and a few more trophies. But the fish caught overall were lower quality. There's no real "wow" here, though the junk difference is interesting. Still need to do more tests as fishing levels increase. Can't see anything consistent & definitive yet.

(7) Test of MD racetrack pond, two testers with identical stats, Wed. 4/30. Both tests were 100 catches, Level 72, +5 pole, no bait, night-morning. Details:
...Pyroluna's test: Junk - 11; Regular fish - 60; Trophy fish - 6; Rare/25c fish - 3; Recipe fish - 20
...Aethelbert's test: Junk - 16; Regular fish - 58; Trophy fish - 12; Rare/25c fish - 1; Recipe fish - 13
Conclusion: Just a good indicator that -exactly- the same gear & conditions can still provide quite a range of results, though within some general guidelines. Nice cautionary tale to triple- and even quadruple-check a seemingly great spot/pole/bait before drawing conclusions. I've been guilty of not taking my own advice several times so far!

(8) Test by Aethelberht at Eavespires, NW Evendim, Thurs. 5/1, red wiggler bait vs. no bait. 100 catches, Level 82, +0 pole, afternoon-evening.
...Red wiggler: Junk - 12; Regular fish - 59; Trophy fish - 12; Rare/25c fish - 0; Recipe fish - 17
...With no bait: Junk - 11; Regualr fish - 57; Trophy fish - 9; Rare/25c fish - 1; Recipe fish - 22
Conclusion: Again, no blowout difference from no bait to the supposed "best" bait. In fact, with no bait I caught more recipe fish, a rare fish, and 2 high-level 30lb salmon (only 1 30lb salmon with the red wiggler). This seems like another test that suggests bait ain't working.

(9) Test by Rillas of location, Angmar vs. Ered Luin, Sat. 5/3. 100 catches, Level 101, +5 pole, no bait. Details here.
...Aughaire, Angmar: Junk - 18; Regular fish - 53; Trophy fish - 9; Rare/25c fish - 3; Recipe fish - 17
...Falathlorn, Ered Luin: Junk - 13; Regular fish - 63; Trophy fish - 8, Rare/25c fish - 2; Recipe fish - 14
Conclusion: From the safest place in LOTRO to one of the most dangerous, the general spread is consistent. Evidence now strongly suggests location doesn't matter except for catching specific variants of rare fish.

(10) Test by Aethelberht of red wiggler bait vs. no bait, Sat. 5/3. Eavespires (NW Evendim). 100 catches, Level 102, +0 pole. Details here.
...With no bait: Junk - 11; Regular fish - 66; Trophy fish - 7; Rare/25c fish - 1; Recipe fish - 15; Fishing time - 36:45
...Red wiggler: Junk - 13; Regular fish - 52; Trophy fish - 7; Rare/25c fish - 2; Recipe fish - 26; Fishing time - 37:45
Conclusion: Using red wiggler, more than 1/4 of all fish were recipe fish. This is a big jump from no bait, and quite different from my test at level 82 (see below). Luck? Or design? Guess we know the answer: need more tests. Gah.

(11) Test by Rillas of +5 pole vs. +0 pole, 5/4. Falathlorn, Ered Luin. 100 catches, Level 111, no bait. Details here.
...With +5 pole: Junk - 17; Regular fish - 62; Trophy fish - 5; Rare/25c fish - 2; Recipe fish - 14
...With +0 pole: Junk - 18; Regular fish - 52; Trophy fish - 8; Rare/25c fish - 2; Recipe fish - 20
Conclusion: No evidence of better catches with +5 pole.

(12) Ongoing tests of +0 pole vs. +5 pole levelling alts from 1 to 11. Test updated 5/5. Details here.
I have begun to create alts with the sole purpose of levelling their fishing skill from 1 to 11, then destroying and recreating them. There will be an equal number of tests using a +0 pole and a +5 pole. Any and all anglers are welcome to post their results; I'll keep the tally together on the details page.
Conclusion: Still testing.

(13) Ongoing tests by Telab to look at catch-type averages over time. Test updated 5/6. Latest details here.
Starting at level 70 Telab has level-capped, made 100 catches, and recorded overall spread of catches. Currently at 600 catches.
沉寂星空 发表于 2008-10-26 00:49 | 显示全部楼层
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