


    弗罗多 发表于 2017-10-9 11:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    由于DDO原东家 turbine易手,现在新东家Standing Stone Games接盘,老的传票地址有变。
    Create a new account

    At the top of this page, click on the on the 'Sign in' icon at the top of the page.
    On the log in window, look for the text 'New to Standing Stone Games Help?' and click on the 'Sign up' link
    Enter in your contact information, then click 'Sign up'.
    You'll be sent an email, with a verification link you need to click. Clicking on the link will bring you back to the help.standingstonegames.com website, where you will be asked to set up a password.
    Once your password has been created, you can navigate throughout the Help Center and submit a request for assistance.
    That's it! You've successfully signed up and created a Standing Stone Games Help Account! Note that this account is separate from your Game Account.
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