


弗罗多 发表于 2008-5-12 13:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

的帖子,觉得比较有趣,就翻译了一下,希望对大家有所帮助。 本人水平有限!有哪里翻译的不对敬请指正!

The Wary is a title granted to those new to the world who have the skill to survive to the 5th level without falling
in battle.

The Undefeated is bestowed upon those who have the combat prowess to achieve level 10 without suffering a defeat at
the hands of their enemies, or accidentally falling off a cliff to your death-- er, or so I've heard.

The Indomitable If you made it to level 14 without taking a dirt-nap, you're granted this title and some bragging
【不屈不挠】:如果你不费吹灰之力升到第14级, 可以被授予这个称号和自夸的权利。

The Unscathed will be yours for the taking if you have managed to survive to level 17 without getting clubbed
unconscious. If you can do that, you truly are unscathed.

The Undying, the last of the titles of this sort, is bestowed to the select few who manage to defeat their enemies
and smite their foes without suffering a single defeat on their way to level 20.

Fire breather is an interesting one. You can obtain this strange emote by receiving 100 /cheers, but the catch is
this: You can only receive 5 of those a day. Your reward for your patience is the fire breathing emote /firebreath.

Hero is your reward for receiving 100 /bow emotes. Again you are only allowed 5 per day, but as a reward you are
awarded a new emote called /heropose. Show the world who the true hero of Middle Earth is with this new symbol of
【英雄】:这个称号是对你受到/bow(鞠躬) 100次的奖励,同样每天最多5次。获得一个/heropose(英雄POSE)

Swordsalute is given to those who receive 100 /salute emotes from their allies. A 5 per day limit caps these from
being given to everyone quickly, but the reward for such devotion will earn you a new emote called /Swordsalute.
【剑礼】:此称号授予总共被/敬礼 100次,每天最多5次的人。获取后可以使用隐藏表情:/swordsalute
The Adorable is a title given to those who are just loved by people. 100 /hug on a 5 per day limit will allow you to
earn the title The Adorable. Isn't that cute. Instead of Ivan the Terrible we get Ivan the Adorable. Uruks of the
world beware.

The Alluring is given to those select few who are just irresistible. Receiving 100 /flirt on a 5 per day limit will
earn these Casanova wannabe's a new title called The Alluring.
The Befuddling is given to those individuals who just leave us all confused and perplexed by what they do. Get 100
/confused on a 5 per day limit will earn you the master of confusion title The Befuddling.
【迷糊蛋儿】:那些被/迷惑 100次(每天最多5次)的呆子将获此殊荣。

The Beloved is bestowed to those other Casanova fans who just can't stop getting kissed. Gain 100 /kiss on a 5 per
day limit will earn you this beloved title of The Beloved.
【万人迷】:授予总共被其他粉丝/kiss 100次(每天最多5次)的人

The Dull is awarded to those who master in putting people to sleep with overly long and dull lectures. Getting
yourself a notable 100 /bored on a 5 per day limit not only shows your dullness, but that your ability to paralyze
an audience through sheer boredom is unparalleled. Your reward for this great feat of boredom is the title The Dull.
【无聊之人】:授予那些总是因为枯燥臃长的言论而让别人昏昏欲睡倍受煎熬的人。  /无聊 100次(每天最多5次)可获得。

The Harassed is given to those who seem to get begged for everything. Yep I am talking about the beggars giving you
a title for their begging. Get 100 /beg on a 5 per day limit will net you the new title The Harassed.
【讨人厌的家伙】:那些万事都求人的家伙获此称号。共乞求 100次,但每天最多5次

The Helpful is given to those who earn the gratitude of many of their fellow citizens of Middle Earth. Receiving 100
/thank emotes on a 5 per day limit not only earns you a reward, it also shows your graciousness and helpfulness as a
member of society. Your reward is the title The Helpful.
【好心人】:此称号授予那些因帮助别人而广受同伴赞誉的人。受到/感谢 100次,每天最多5次

The Infuriating is given to those who specialize in getting under the skin of others. Receiving 100 /angry emotes on
a 5 per day limit will not only get you a reward, but show your skill at annoying others. For being a pain to others
you get the title of The Infuriating.
【过街老鼠】:总是擅长揭他人之短并乐此不疲让他人痛苦的人获此称号  收到/愤怒 100次,每天最多5次

The Insulted is given to those who just inspire rudeness from those around them. Getting 200 /rude emotes on a 5 per
day limit will not only earn you a reward, but also show how disliked you are by those around you. Your reward for
this burden is the title The Insulted.
【无礼粗人】:那些总是表现得没有教养并且被他人讨厌的人们获此称号 。总共收到/无礼 200次,每天最多5次

The Intimidating is given to those who inspire fear in those around them. Gaining 40 /cower emotes on a 2 per day
limit will show how well you inspire fear and earn you the title The Intimidating.
【恐吓者】:那些让别人畏惧的人获此称号。总共收到/畏惧 40次,每天2次

The Ridiculed is earned by those who are mocked by their peers. If you can manage to earn 100 /mock with a 5 per day
limit people really don't like you, but you get a new shiny title called The Ridiculed.
【哗众取宠】:总被他人嘲笑的人获此称号。总共被/嘲笑 100次,每天5次

The Victorious is given to those who can smash their enemies into surrendering. Force 40 /surrender on a 2 per day
limit and earn yourself the new and prestigious title of The Victorious.
【胜利者】:那些总是能都战胜周围敌人的高手获此殊荣。收到/投降 40次,但每天最多2次

The Juggler is given to those who inspire laughter from others. Getting 200 /laugh emotes on a 5 per day limit will
earn you not only a new emote, but the knowledge that you are one of the funniest people in Middle Earth. Your
reward is a new Emote called /juggle.
【杂耍者】:那些总是带给别人欢笑的人获此称号。收到/大笑 200次,每天最多5次。获取后可使用隐藏表情:/juggle

Keep this list near your computer and encourage group members, friends, and kinship members to use these emotes on
you as much as possible. In a few short weeks you should have a whole host of new titles to impress your friends
with and new emotes to amaze the unwashed masses!

原文作者:Martuk  翻译:pota  转自17173

弧月祭司 发表于 2008-5-15 11:42 | 显示全部楼层
戴弗 发表于 2008-5-17 10:08 | 显示全部楼层
yuhengx 发表于 2008-5-19 09:47 | 显示全部楼层
看来到时候 一定要搞到英雄的称号:lol
 楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2008-7-23 09:44 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yuhengx 于 2008-5-19 09:47 发表
看来到时候 一定要搞到英雄的称号:lol

米兰小铁匠 发表于 2009-2-5 17:42 | 显示全部楼层
:lol :lol 千奇百怪,
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