


弗罗多 发表于 2008-10-31 13:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一年前, "the WATCH" 公会的奠基人由于Pulmonary embolism(肺栓塞)不幸去世,肺栓塞是一种阻塞肺动脉管道的严重疾病.今天大家聚集在一起,一起追悼这位伟大的奠基人和他的荣誉.

Sun, Founder of "the WATCH" 's Memorial.

A year ago the Founder of the Kinship "the WATCH" died of "Pulmonary embolism".
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blockage of the pulmonary artery or one of its branches, usually occurring when a blood clot from a vein becomes dislodged from its site of formation and embolizes to the arterial blood supply of one of the lungs...

At 9:00pm Central time a memorial was held in his honor. As we gathered ourselves for the trek to the Kinship Home of the WATCH. As if the mood could'nt be any lower it actually began to rain. When we arrived we found ourselves in the company of the WATCH. After a few introductions everyone proceeded inside thier homestead. One could tell that everyone was trying thier best to be on thier best behavior to respect such a loss. A few ale's were broken open and everyone enjoyed themselves while we awaited for the memorial to begin. After about 10 minutes of conversing with one another we soon found ourselves looking face to face at the person's character that had been brought back for all to gaze. It was quiet a sight to see, even for those that had never actually met him. Everyone bowed and saluted the figure as it stood there, paying their respects to him. The Memorial Conversation went as follows...


Allyssa says, 'thanks for coming everyone! we appreciate your presence as we remember Sun, our founder'
'I am very proud and humbled to have stepped into his shoes to lead this incredible kin.'
'I had help Thanks to all of you who've provided food/beer/pipeweed, played music, put out the word'
'It's fantastic to see members of other great kins in here too'
'we're glad that you've come'
'Pretty much everything our kin is is built on the principles he wanted to guide his kin by'
'we try to follow those principles every day'
'For those of you who did not get to meet Sun, we've parked him up here so you can at least see him!'

Valfelan says, 'you had him stuffed!'

Allyssa says, 'lol Val'

Allyssa says, 'I know many of us have memories of Sun.. feel free to share them if you would like'

Lanthelion: 'i was a nOOb and he found me'  'in the lone lands'.
'i thought you couldnt do fellowships in the Lone Lands' .  'and he laughed at me and helped me slay wargs' 'then asked me if i wanted to join the Watch'.  'I was like sure'  'and now im here annoying alyssa'

Thunder says, 'He was one of the more stubborn people you'd run into! Heehee.' 'But it was real good in big groups...'   
Thunder says, 'You wouldn't have to mill about waiting to get mobilized because he'd keep things rolling.'

Allyssa says, 'yes he was a fantastic leader for those kinds of groups.. like creeping ect.

Lanthelion says, 'i left on a missions trip in august and didnt return until june' ... 'and i learned the bad news'...  'everything in the game had changed so much' , 'but i missed him most of all'

Allyssa says, 'lol the first time I ever did north downs was with sun. I got 6 lvl's in like 2 days'

Tinaraen says,
'I remember hearing him when we were out in the Moors. He was always polite, had a commanding presence, but would let someone else lead if they wanted.'

Allyssa says,
'however I had no idea where anything was in ND because he ran so fast that I was totally turned around and lost'

Nyrajo says,
'I knew him for seven years and I miss him everytime I play...he made sure everyone enjoyed their time in game...he said the people is what is important..honesty..trust..fellowship' 'he got to know the people behind the keyboard..he liked gatherings such as this'

Strykrond says, 'Yeah...   I was asking for advice on how to start a kinship' 'Like how to get people to sign up and be happy'  'and he was always so helpful'  'He helped me with quests and stuff and told me if I ever needed anything I could ask'

Allyssa says, 'exactly Ny..   think that's definitely one thing we have right here'

Elrune says,
'The last time I saw Sun was on the Brandywine bridge. I was a new member at that time and he made sure he acknowledged me. He also gave me counsel when I had a problem in game with a former member. His advice stays with me today.'

Allyssa says, 'and we miss him'

Elrune says, 'don't take the game too seriously. Keep things in perspective...'

Thunder says,
'I know secondhand he'd gladly stop his own questing and take lots of time to make sure he answered tells well. Another example of his generosity.'

Elrune says,
'Sun told me that when he was upset, he would log off, take a deep breath and then log back on. Good advice.'

Allyssa says, 'some of the officers can tell you i'm just as stubborn lol Sun and I used to butt heads quite a bit *blushes*'

Thunder says, 'But he actually pioneered some cool tactics in the 'moors that way when others thought we couldn't be successful'

Anaiis says, 'I never knew Sun, but from this Kin, I can tell he was an awesome spirit as it has carried throughout the kin here'


After everyone paid thier respect the event was moved outside where the mood was lightened
with a little music and alot of fireworks!

I myself never had the honor of meeting sun but hearing everyone elses comments about him, how he ran his kinship, how he treated others, It would seem he really made a positive enfluence on the Windfola Server.

阿多林之怒 发表于 2008-10-31 20:10 | 显示全部楼层
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