


    土鳖 发表于 2021-10-23 10:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    We've got a treat to announce today - We would like to thank you for supporting us! Now through December 31st, 2021 you can enter a special Coupon Code through Redeem Code in the DDO Store in-game to get all of our currently-available adventure packs for free! These adventure packs will be permanently added to your account. EVERYONE can redeem the code, whether you are a free player, Premium, or VIP!

    The Coupon Code is: DDOQUESTS2021 (1/Account, available to redeem through December 31st, 2021)
     楼主| 土鳖 发表于 2021-10-23 10:59 | 显示全部楼层
    The coupon code grants the following quest packs:

    Against the Slave Lords
    Attack on Stormreach
    Delera’s Tomb
    Devil Assault
    Disciples of Rage
    Dragonblood Prophecy
    Eveningstar Challenge Pack
    Harbinger of Madness
    Haunted Halls of Eveningstar
    Heart of Madness
    Keep on the Borderlands
    Peril of the Planar Eyes
    Phiarlan Carnival
    Reign of Madness
    Secrets of the Artificers
    Sentinels of Stormreach
    Shadow Under Thunderholme
    Sorrowdusk Isle
    Tangleroot Gorge
    The Catacombs
    The Demon Sands
    The Devil’s Gambit
    The Devils of Shavarath
    The Dreaming Dark
    The Druid’s Deep
    The High Road of Shadow
    The Lost Gatekeepers
    The Mines of Tethyamar
    The Necropolis, Part 1
    The Necropolis, Part 2
    The Necropolis, Part 3
    The Necropolis, Part 4
    The Path of Inspiration
    The Reaver’s Reach
    The Red Fens
    The Restless Isles
    The Ruins of Gianthold
    The Ruins of Threnal
    The Sharn Syndicate
    The Soul Splitter
    The Temple of Elemental Evil
    The Vale of Twilight
    The Vault of Night
    Three-Barrel Cove
    Trials of the Archons
    Vaults of the Artificers
    White Plume Mountain & Other Tales
    Additionally, enjoy a limited time sale on select Expansion quests in the DDO Store where you will be able to pick up the following items for only 99 points through December 31st, 2021:
    Menace of the Underdark
    The Shadowfell Conspiracy
    Mists of Ravenloft
    We are happy to have you here!


    The teams at Standing Stone Games
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