


弗罗多 发表于 2008-11-22 10:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



在经过慢长的等待和猜疑之后,魔戒前传-《霍比特人》的导演人选最终在今天由官方确认了!!他就是曾经拍摄了《潘神的迷宫》的墨西哥鬼才导演吉尔莫-德-托罗!( GUILLERMO DEL TORO)。


Del Toro说,“这是一项殊荣,能够成为Jackson和Walsh以及他们杰出的团队在新西兰创造的影视制作团体中的一员我非常幸运。我想感谢Bob Shaye,Michael Lynne, Toby Emmerich和Mark Ordesky将如此重任托付给我。能对《魔戒》的传奇故事有所贡献完全是一种梦想成真。”



Del Toro将搬去新西兰,和Peter Jackson以及他的Wingnut、WETA工作组共事4年。他将连续执导两部影片——除了为我们讲述《霍比特人》的故事外,还将拍摄介于《霍比特人》和《护戒使者》之间60年的故事。




“Hobbit” Executive Producers Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh Tap “Pan’s

Labyrinth” Director To Helm Latest Installments of “The Lord of the Rings” Saga


Guillermo del Toro (“Pan’s Labyrinth,” “Hellboy,” “Blade 2”) will direct “The Hobbit” and its sequel, it was jointly announced today by “The Hobbit” Executive Producers Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, New Line Cinema’s President and COO Toby Emmerich, and Mary Parent, Chairperson, Worldwide Motion Picture Group, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. (MGM).

“Guillermo is a filmmaker of outstanding ability; he is a genuine storyteller who brings a tremendous amount of passion, energy and imagination to his work. A true original, Guillermo is a cinematic magician who has never lost his child-like sense of wonder. He understands that the fantastic must be grounded in the real and that all stories are only ever a reflection of ourselves,” say Jackson and Walsh. “We have long admired Guillermo’s work and cannot think of a more inspired filmmaker to take the journey back to Middle-earth. We are delighted ‘The Hobbit’ is in such trustworthy hands.”

Del Toro says, “This is a great honor, and I am indeed blessed to become a part of the filmmaking community that Peter, Fran and their extraordinary team of collaborators have created in New Zealand. I want to thank them, Bob Shaye, Michael Lynne, Toby Emmerich and Mark Ordesky for entrusting me with such an incredible project. Contributing to the ‘Lord of the Rings’ legacy is an absolute dream come true.”

Comments Emmerich, “Guillermo has a proven ability to bring fantasy worlds to life in a compelling and emotional way. He is the ideal filmmaker to work with Peter and Fran to bring Tolkien’s beloved Middle-earth back to the screen.”

Parent adds: “As the international distributors for ‘The Hobbit’ films, we couldn’t agree more with Peter, Fran and our partners at New Line, Guillermo is the perfect choice to direct. Audiences across the globe enjoy his unique cinematic viewpoint, imaginative direction and provocative storytelling talents. His vision, in collaboration with Peter and Fran, will ensure ‘The Hobbit’ as a very special film experience for audiences worldwide.”

Del Toro will move to New Zealand for the next four years to work with Jackson and his Wingnut and WETA production teams. He will helm the two films back to back – telling the story of “The Hobbit,” and its sequel, which will deal with the 60-year period between “The Hobbit” and “The Fellowship of the Ring,” the first of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy.

New Line is overseeing development and will manage the production. “The Hobbit” and its sequel are being co-produced and co-financed by New Line Cinema and MGM, with Warner Brothers distributing domestically and MGM distributing internationally. Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh are executive producing the films.

The Oscar&reg;-winning, critically acclaimed “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy grossed nearly $3 billion worldwide at the box office. In 2003, “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” swept the Academy Awards&reg;, winning all of the 11 categories in which it was nominated, including Best Picture – the first ever Best Picture win for a fantasy film. The trilogy’s production was also unprecedented at the time.









  就在德·托罗事业失意之时,西班牙国宝级大师阿莫多瓦看中他的才华,建议他到西班牙拍摄一部低成本恐怖片,德·托罗立刻应允,拍出了后来令他声名鹊起的《鬼童院》(Devil 's Backbone)。影片在鬼故事的包装下,讲述了一群无辜的孩子在惨烈战争中发生的悲情故事。



猫王 发表于 2008-11-22 11:17 | 显示全部楼层
:@ .....换人了。。。。。。。
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