


弗罗多 发表于 2008-12-18 21:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

阿姆洛斯,阿姆迪尔之子,在其父于达格莱德之战(the Battle of Dagorlad)中牺牲后成为萝林之王。他没有娶妻,因为他和心爱着的美丽的尼姆罗德尔不可能结合。这倒并非由于尼姆罗德尔不爱他,只是作为最初居住在萝林的森林精灵(Silvan Elves,译林版的翻译是西尔凡精灵),一个南多(Nandor),她对贝勒里安德(Beleriand)精灵的到来感到遗憾,认为他们在这片原本和平的圣土上带来了邪恶。





The story of Amroth and Nimrodel

Who was Amroth? Nobody knows for sure, but he was the King of Lorien at the beginning of the Third Age. Either he was the son of Celeborn and Galadriel, from Doriath, or the son of Amdir, another Sindarin of Beleriand.But whoever's son he is, there's a little of his story with Nimrodel:
Amroth, son of Amdir, became the King of Lorien after the death of his father at the Battle of Dagorlad. He took no wife, the one he loved being Nimrodel the fair, for the marriage was impossible. Not that Nimrodel didn't love him; it's just that she was one of the original Silvan elves of Lorien, a Nandor, who regretted the coming of the elves of Beleriand, saying that it was they who brought evil in the lands that used to be at peace.
Nimrodel lived near the stream that bears her name, in the times of happiness, when the Dwarves were the masters of Moria. But when the Orcs fought the Dwarves and took control of the Dwarrodelf, she had to flee south. When Amroth noticed she was missing, he went to look for her and found her at the eaves of Fangorn Forest. There they talked and he asked for her hand.
Finally, she agreed to love him at one condition: that he should find a place where they could love each other without fearing death in every hour, a place where their love would grow unhindered. To this Amroth answered that there was such a place, in the far west, beyond the Sundering Seas. After the war against Morgoth, the Valar had opened the passage to the west to every elf, whatever kindred he belonged to. So, Nimrodel, though a Nandor, could cross the wide seas.
To the Bay of Belfalas he decided to lead her, where a elven-harbour still stood. But in the way, they were separated somehow, nobody knows why.Amroth looked for her, but finding her not, he kept going south towards the Sea, hoping she would do the same. There, he awaited her, but she came not. The summer passed by, and the fall was almost at its end, when a storm broke the anchor of the ship where Amroth was.When dawn came, he went out of the cabin, and saw the shores of Middle-Earth far into the East. He screamed the name of his love and dived into the water. The last sight the elves had of him, was him swimming towards the shore in a mad sea.
Never again was he or Nimrodel seen among the elves.

AMROTH被狂风吹离海岸,他终其一生都是在追逐NIMRODEL,尽管命运一再让他受挫, 他也义无返顾地跃入海中,我并不认为他为了爱情而放弃了国土,人民,仙境和生命是很笨蛋的行为,理智在那一刻是不管用的。为爱而赴死的冲动和勇气并不可耻,哪怕知道结果还是无望的。FEANOR为了美钻,弑父之仇和野心离弃了一切,FINGOLFIN一怒冲冠,明明是没有希望的战斗还是冲向MORGOTH,我觉得他们在某些地方是相似的。

NIMRODEL,她并非是很犹豫不决的,她一开始就离开的AMROTH(不是象达芙涅因为不爱阿波罗而逃避他),宁可充满恐惧地生活在FANGORN旁。她在得到了AMROTH给她和平仙境的许诺后还是和他分离(尽管没有确切的资料表明他们为什么再度分开),或许是因为她仍旧不相信VALAR会给她以希望。她可能是个真正高傲的SILVAN精灵,比那个最终后悔离开仙境的GALADRIEDL更加高傲固执。爱情没有办法折服她的信念,甚至不能改变她的SILVAN口音。记得在THE ADVENTURES OF TOM BOMBADIL的最后,THE LAST SHIP里,那个美丽的人类女子面对精灵的召唤也发出了
' I cannot come! ' they heard her cry, ' I was born Earth's daughter! '



bu feanor:


至于FEANOR的叛离,我觉得还有另外的原因在内,就是一个封闭的天堂,不是英雄生存的地方,那样的天堂,终有厌倦的一天,太美好的日子,没有争斗,没有罪恶,没有冒险,只有回忆,和自言自语,不是伟大的灵魂会选择的地方,那只是一个消磨个性和勇气的地方; FINGOLFIN的一怒冲冠,就算是不智的举动,至少还是有血气的作为,如果常年养在仙境里,他大概不会这么做,也没有必要这么做,那么每只精灵也没有什么太大的分别,一对在战争中还可以一直在一起的精灵夫妇,大概比在仙境中结合的,更幸福吧?所以我常觉得GALADRIEDL那对是很恩爱的;GALADRIEDL在最后,也没有后悔离开仙境,她只是意识到精灵在ME的终结,时间消磨了她年轻的火焰,她变得智慧和自知了,只好黯然而去,只是一个很悲哀的结局,最后仙境变成了一处,世外桃源,但也是小国寡民,老死不相往来的另一个版本;而Mirkwood那班却还有扑腾下去,是非常值得喝彩的了....



by Darkmage:

她最后会停留在GILRAIN的水边并不是因为她忘记了AMROTH。她迷路了,疲惫不堪,而GILRAIN的水流让她回想起LORIEN里陪她度过了多少安宁日子的闪光的溪流。如果她真的忘记了AMROTH,为什么还特地要写'...and listening to the waterfalls by which the river went again on its journey down to the sea' 。她是听着水声陷入了昏睡,错过了AMROTH的航船。我觉得错不在她。


by feanor:




by Papageno:

我记得在大百科上看到过,还有一次精灵与人类的联姻,就是在《国王归来》中出现的冈多的同盟者伊姆拉希尔王子的祖先。好象那个精灵女子也是Nimrodel 的族人,在去灰港也不知道是逃亡的路上与族人失散(忘了),后来就被那个王子的祖先救走,记得介绍里用的是harboured her,took her to wife。

还有,在相同的网站上看到好象说的是并不是所有HALF ELF都有权利选择种族,或者说这种能力是有次级神血统精灵的天赋秉性??


半精灵选择成为人类也需要很大的勇气,PHYSICAL上改变很容易,但在MENTAL上的转变却非一朝一夕,老妈一直说“是人去适应社会,而不是由社会来适应人”,如果要在人类社会生存,他们的一切都要重新开始,所要克服的CULTUR SHOCK的困难程度也是难以想象的……怎么说的像出国留学了


by Darkmage:

那个家伙是不是NIMRODEL的后代在UNFINISHED TALES里也有讲到,忘了具体是什么了,明天去翻翻。记得是说有几种版本,有人认为是N的后代,有人穿说是N的一个女伴,后来走散了,嫁给了人类。等等……



Returning to the legend of Amroth and Nimrodel given above, what was the "haven in the south" where Amroth awaited for Nimrodel, and where (as he told her) "many of his own people had come long ago" p.253)? Two passages in The Lord of the Rings bear on this question. One is in The Fellowship of the Ring II 6, where Legolas, after singing the song of Amroth and Nimrodel, speaks of "the Bay of Belfalas, whence the Elves of Lórien set sail. " The other is in The Return of the King V 9, where Legolas, looking on Price Imrahil of Dol Amroth, saw that he was "one who had Elven-blood in his veins, and said to him: "It is long since the people of Nimrodel left the woodlands of Lórien, and yet still one may see that not all sailed from Amroth's haven west over water." To which Prince Imrahil replied: "So it is said in the lore of my land."
Late and fragmentary notes go some way to explaining these references. Thus in a discussion of linguistic and political interrelations in Middle-earth (dating from 1969 or later) there is a passing reference to the fact that in the days of the earlier settlements of Númenor the shores of the Bay of Belfalas were still mainly desolate "except for a haven and small settlement of Elves at the south of the confluence of Morthoad and Ringló" (i.e. just north of Dol Amroth).

This, according to the traditions of Dol Amroth, had been .established by seafaring Sindar from the west havens of Beleriand who fled in three small ships when the power of Morgoth overwhelmed the Eldar and the Atani; but it was later increased by adventurers of the Silvan Elves seeking for the sea who came down Anduin.

The Silvan Elves (it is remarked here) "were never wholly free of an unquiet and a yearning for the Sea which at times drove some of them to wander from their homes." To relate this story of the "three small ships" to the traditions recorded in The Silmarillion we would probably have to assume that they escaped from Brithombar or Eglarest (the Havens of the Falas on the west coast of Beleriand) when they were destroyed in the years after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad (The Silmarillion p.196), but that whereas Círdan and Gil-galad made a refuge on the Isle of Balar these three ships' companies sailed far further south down the coasts, to Belfalas.
But a quite different account, making the establishment of the Elvish haven later, is given in an unfinished scrap of the origin of the name Belfalas. It is said here that while the element Bel-, is certainly derived from a pre-Númenórean name, its source was in fact Sindarin. The note peters out before any further information is given about Bel-, but the reason given for its Sindarin origin is that "there was one small but important element in Gondor of quite exceptional kind: an Eldarin settlement." After the breaking of Thangorodrim the Elves of Beleriand, if they did not take ship over the Great Sea or remain in Lindon, wandered east over the Blue Mountains into Eriador; but there appears nonetheless to have been a group of Sindar who in the beginning of the Second Age went south. They were a remnant of the people of Doriath who harboured still their grudge against the Noldor; and having remained a while at the Grey Havens, where they teamed the craft of shipbuilding, "they went in the course of years seeking a place for lives of their own, and at last they settled at the mouth of the Morthond. There was already a primitive harbour there of fisherfolk, but these in fear of the Eldar fled into the mountains." 18
In a note written in December 1972 or later, and among the last writings of my father's on the subject of Middle-earth, there is a discussion of the Elvish strain in Men, as to its being observable in the beardlessness of those who were so descended (it was a characteristic of all Elves to be beardless); and it is here noted in connection with the princely house of Dol Amroth that "this line had a special Elvish strain, according to its own legends" (with a reference to the speeches between Legolas and Imrahil in The Return of the King V 9, cited above).

As Legolas' mention of Nimrodel shows, there was ancient Elvish port near Dol Amroth, and a small settlement of Silvan Elves there from Lórien. The legend of the prince's line was that one of the earliest fathers had wedded an Elf-maiden: in some versions it was indeed (evidently improbably) said to have been Nimrodel herself. In other tales, and more probably, it was one of Nimrodel's companions who was lost in the upper mountain glens.

This latter version of the legend appears in more detailed form in a note appended to an unpublished genealogy of the line of Dol Amroth from Angelimar, the twentieth prince, father of Adrahil, father of Imrahil, prince of Dol Amroth at the time of the War of the Ring:

In the tradition of his house Angelimar was the twentieth in unbroken descent from Galador, first Lord of Dol Amroth (c. Third Age 2004-2129). According to the same traditions Galador was the son of Imrazór the Númenórean, who dwelt in Belfalas, and the Elven-lady Mithrellas. She was one of the companions of Nimrodel, among many of the Elves that fled to the coast about the year 1980 of the Third Age, when evil arose in Moria; and Nimrodel and her maidens stayed in the wooded hills, and were lost. But in this tale it is said that Imrazór harboured Mithrellas, and took her to wife. But when she had borne him a son, Galador, and a daughter, Gilmith, she slipped away by night and he saw her no more. But though Mithrellas was of the lesser Silvan race (and not of the High Elves or the Grey) it was ever held that the house and kin of the Lords of Dol Amroth was noble by blood as they were fair in face and mind.

18 The place of the Elvish haven in Belfalas is marked with the name Edhellond ("Elf-haven," see the Appendix to The Silmarillion under edhel and lond) on the decorated map of Middle-earth by Pauline Baynes; but I have found no other occurrence of this name. See Appendix D, p. 274. Cf. The Adventures of Tom Bombadil (1962), p. 8: "In the Langstrand and Dol Amroth there were many traditions of the ancient Elvish dwellings, and of the haven at the mouth of the Morthond from which 'westward ships' had sailed as far back as the fall of Eregion in the Second Age.


by feanor:

Imrazór harboured Mithrellas, and took her to wife.

既然他harboured她,可能她也不完全讨厌他吧?不过,鉴于她终究都是偷跑了,也有可能是因为她是Silvan,书上说如果被他人强夺为配偶的已婚精灵会死掉,那段是讲Eldar,可能Silvan没那么容易为这就死了;看了一下HoME12,托老后来可能是发现这个问题了,他把这句给改了: ....who takes her to wife(according to the legends and traditions of Dol Amroth); though after a few years she vanishes, whether to wander in woods or seek the havens.这样就比较象是她跑去追求自己的东西了,而不是可能为逃跑而逃跑;再后来把动词也改了: harboured by Imrazor the Numenorean, who weds her

托老在书信里很明确的讲:...half-elven have a power of (irrevocable) choice, which may be delayed by not permanently, 所以应该是半精灵都有权利选择种族的权力,对于DIOR可能没选就死了,或者作者认为他的选择不重要,所以没写;但为何Mithrellas的孩子没有选择呢?一个可能是他们的孩子根本给作者忘了,或者因为她是Silvan不被神仙照顾



和HoME10上说,Feanor从来没有见过他母亲不一样,这里讲虽然她生完他非常虚弱,但还是等到他完全成长了才离开的;Feanor非常爱她,Finwe去找她回来,她总是说还不行,后来Finwe越催她越不想回来,而Ingwe其实一直是偷偷爱着Finwe的,他们很快对上眼,因为一只精灵不可以有两个活着的老婆,Miriel就不被再允许回来,Feanor因此除非是死(那时他觉得在仙境死的可能性几乎没有),不再被允许和他的母亲谈话或去看她,所以他恨死了后母和她的孩子;还有是那几只精灵Galadriel, Finarfin还有Feanor7个儿子等的个性,你感兴趣的:
1. Fingolfin他是他父亲的儿子,继承了Noldor的特性tall, dark, and proud,是一个王者;
2. Finrod则比较接近Vanyar,高贵和心底宽厚,但也有Noldor的勇气和从他母亲那里继承来Teleri对大海的热爱和对遥远陌生的土地的梦想;
有段说Feanor打算走,他的分居老婆其实有来找他,要求不要将所有的孩子都带走,让他把最小的她最疼爱的两个红发孪生兄弟留下来,结果两个吵了一架,Feanor说:Were you a true wife, as had been till cozened by Aule, you would keep all of them, for you would come with us. If you desert me, you desert also all of our children. For they are determined to go with their father.

是说的那两个小的,后来Nerdanel索子不果,就生气了,说:You will not keep all of them. One at least will never set foot on Middle-earth. Feanor说:Take your evil omens to the Valar who will delight in them, I defy them.这里说最后AMROD没有上船,也有说他在烧船时死了
Elsie给的图,我的Nimrodel 河 :

Do you hear the voice of Nimrodel? I will sing you a song of maiden Nimrodel who bore the same name as the stream beside which she lived long ago. It's a fair song in our woodland tongue, but this is how it runs in the Westron speech as some in Rivendell now sing it.


Beside the falls of Nimrodel,
By water clear and cool,
Her voice as falling silver fell
Into the shining pool
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