

    M9 PVP 决斗模式

    戴弗 发表于 2009-3-26 10:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    M9 PVP 决斗模式

    PvP can be a lot of fun withfriends and guildies, but sometimes you just want to pick a fight witha complete stranger one-on-one, without interference. We're pleased tointroduce in Mod 9: the challenge system!

    Rather than convincing your foe to run all the way to a PvP tavern toduke it out, you can now just select the player directly, and on yourinspect orb, click the "challenge" symbol. This will allow you and yourenemy to be transported to a PvP arena of your choice from anywhere inthe game!

    To begin your duel, you must specify the terms of your battle. Select from:
    Game type (death match, capture the flag)
    The Arena (select an arena or chose random)
    Time limit (a range of minutes up to a full hour, or random)

    Similar to a trade window, both parties must agree for the match tobegin, and you can see the status of whether or not the other personhas accepted yet or not. Your opponent is presented your terms, andgiven the chance to negotiate any changes they'd want to make to theduel. A text field is also available for you to privatelychat/negotiate in the Challenge window with your opponent prior to thestart of the match. Once you and your opponent agree to the terms, youwill be transported automatically into the arena after a 5 second countdown.

    Remember that in Mod 9, general chat spans across any instance, so ifyou were standing in the Marketplace when you entered the arena, yourgeneral chat will still be seen in the Market. If you have something tosay to your PvP opponents that you don't want everyone to hear, you'rebest to use /say or /tell.

    You don’t have to just duel though, you can challenge in groups aswell! You can fight in combinations of 1 vs 6, 3 vs 3, or any othergroup configuration you want. Gather your forces together into a group,and your opponents must do likewise. So if your group of 3 would liketo fight those two guys in a group by the mailbox, set up yourchallenge and it will present it to them! You can see the status of whoall of the two teams has accepted the challenge, and who's acceptanceis still pending. Remember that you need to be in separate parties touse the challenge system. If you need to communicate between the tworival teams prior to the match, you can use the text field in thechallenge window before everyone is transported into the match.

    If you'd like to have a match up with other random players, JacksonLaws is still available in the PvP taverns, and the open-brawl Tavernpits are still available at the Phoenix, Hammersmith, Wayward Lobster,and Open Palm.

    In addition to the normal death-match arena, a new Shavarath themeddeath-match arena has been added! Filled with traps and things to avoidbumping into, it can really add a whole new level of difficulty foryour duel as you try not to be done in by your enemy AND yourenvironment!

    If you're not in the mood to accept Challenges, you can turn on/offchallenge acceptances in your options panel at any time! Otherwise, youcan leave it on and see who picks a fight as you're making your wayaround the various public spaces!

    So the next time you're milling around the Harbor or Meridia, and youhave a hankering for some PvP, challenge a friend or a stranger to PvPon the spot using the Challenge system!

    简单来说就是不用到酒馆, 在路上就可以点人物决斗,然后就会被传送到竞技场. 竞技场里会有陷阱 = = 各位自己看把. FYI
    弗罗多 发表于 2009-3-26 11:11 | 显示全部楼层
    阿多林之怒 发表于 2009-3-26 20:38 | 显示全部楼层
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