


    弗罗多 发表于 2009-6-16 09:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Unless otherwise noted are usable items have these charges
    Potions, Spell Components: 5 药水,施法材料: 5次/个
    Scrolls: 10 卷轴10次/个
    Wands, Rods: 50 棒子:50次/个
    Ammo: 100 子弹:100发/个

    Premium items: (以下任务以及种族,职业,VIP是自动开启)
    Warforged - 300 机关人
    Character Slot, Drow, Monk - 595 人物slot(可以>10个), 卓尔, 和尚
    Shared Vault - 990 公用仓库(同一帐号内)

    Adventure Packs:
    Devil Assault - 125  兵营
    Catacombs, STK - 150 陵墓,STK
    The Reaver's Reach, Sorrowdusk - 300 避难所, 爱慕岛
    Tangleroot Gorge, Ruins of Threnal - 450 缠根, 废墟
    Restless Isles, Delara's Tomb, The Devils of Shavarath - 600 陨梦岛, shavarath(M9内容)
    The Vault of Night, Demon Sands - 750 红龙,沙漠系列
    Ruins of Gianthold - 900  巨人领地

    Guess Passes:
    Catacombs, Delera's, Devil Assault, STK: 60 陵墓任务系列, 德里拉系列, 兵营
    Tangleroot, Three Barrel Cove, Sorrordusk, Restless Isles, Sorrordusk, Ruins of Thernal: 120 缠根, 三桶湾, 爱慕岛, 陨梦岛, 废墟
    Vault of the Night, Demon Sands, Reaver's Reach: 180 红龙,沙漠,避难所
    Gianthold, Vale of the Twilight, Devils of Shavarath: 240 巨人领地, 黎明谷, shavarath(M9)

    XP and Loot Boosts (经验以及loot品质提升, 很简单,一看就明白了)
    Lesser (10% for 3 hours) - 30
    Medium (10% for 6 hours) - 45
    Greater (20% for 3 hours) - 60
    Major (20% for 6 hours) - 90

    Small (+1 for 3 hours) - 45
    Medium (+1 for 6 hours) - 60

    Hirelings: 雇佣兵
    Level 1 - 15
    Level 2 - 4 - 30
    Level 5 - 9 - 45
    Level 10 - 14 -60
    Level 15 - 16 - 90
    Level 17 - 20? - 120

    Spells and Potions 法术以及药水
    Healing (potions 15 uses) 每个用15次,治疗系
    Light Potion - 30  轻伤
    Moderate Potion - 45  中伤
    Serious Potion - 75 重伤
    Critical Potion - 90 致命伤
    Light Rod - 90 轻修
    Moderate Rod - 150 中修
    Serious Rod - 210 重修
    Critical Rod - 240 致命修

    Curative 医疗系
    Lasting Remove Fear, Remove paralysis, Remove Disease - 30  解除恐惧,解除麻痹,解除疾病
    Remove Blindness, Remove Curse, Lasting Neutralize Poison - 45 解除目盲, 解除诅咒, 中和毒素
    Lesser Restore - 60 复原

    Rest and restoration; 恢复系
    Elixir of Angel's Tears (panacea spell) - 30  天使之泪 (万灵药, 解不良状态那种)
    Siberys Spirit Cake (raise dead) - 90 SS蛋糕 -- 复活
    Rest of Eladrin (rest 1 character - 90  让一个角色休息, 试过才知道
    Ethereal Rest Shrine - 595  休息点 这个很NB, 有钱人可以摆阔, 升天老头旁边扔个休息点

    Spell Potions (15 uses):
    Light: 45
    Medium: 60
    Greater: 90
    Best: 120

    Stat Buffs:
    Lasting Single Stat Potion: 60 单一属性+6
    Lasting Elixir of Supreme Ability (all 6 stats): 120 所有属性+6, 我的理解不和装备叠, 一段时间内属性+6,类似菲家buff加强版.

    Defense Buffs:
    Scroll of Blur (bard, wiz, sorc): 30 朦胧
    Lasting Protection from Evil potion, Lasting Shield of Faith +2 potion, Scroll of Invisibility (bard, sorc), Scroll of Displacement (sorc), Scroll of Stoneskin (sorc), scroll of Fire Shield (sorc) - 45 防护邪恶, 虔诚护盾, 隐形,移位, 石皮, 火盾
    Lasting Barkskin +2 Potion, Lasting Shield of Faith +3 potion - 60, 树皮+2, 虔诚护盾+3
    Wand of Mage Armor (sorc, wiz) - 150 法师护甲

    General Buffs:
    Lasting Potion of Tumble, scroll of true seeing (sorc), Superior Efficacy I potion, Superior Efficacy III potion, Superior Efficacy V potion -45 翻滚,真知,超强增效1级,3级,5级
    Lasting Aid Potion, Lasting Potion of Jumping, Potion of Rage, Lasting Water Breathing Potion - 60 援助术,跳跃,狂暴,水下呼吸
    Lasting Heroism Potion - 75 英雄气概
    Scroll of Greater Heroism (sorc) - 90 强化英雄气概
    Wand of Detect Secret Doors (bard, sorc, wiz), Wand of False Life (sorc, wiz) - 210 侦测密门, 虚假生命

    Resist potions:
    Lasting Resist Sonic 10 - 45
    Lasting Fire Resist 10, Lasting Resist Acid 10, Lasting Resist Cold 10, Lasting Resist Electricity 10, Lasting Resist Acid 20, Lasting Resist Sonic 20, Lasting Resist Electricity 20, Lasting Resist Cold 20 -
    Lasting Resist Fire 20 - 75

    Attack Spells:
    Wand of Charm Person (bard, sorc, wiz) - 150 媚惑人类
    Wand of flame arrow (sorc, wiz) - 240 火箭
    Wand of Lightning Bolt 8 (sorc wiz), Wand of Force Missile (sorc, wiz),- 300 闪电束, 立场飞弹

    Fast Travel (bracelet 10 charges, rods and pendant 50 charges):  快速旅行 ( 护腕用10次, Rod/手势用50次)
    Scroll of Expeditious Retreat (Bard, Sorc, Wiz only) - 30 快步
    Bracelet of Friends (summon single friend) - 90 召唤1个伙伴
    Lessor Pendant of Travel, Haste Potion - 120 加速?
    Greater Bracelet of Friends (summon party) - 150 召唤小队
    Rod of Teleport - 240 传送
    Rod of Greater Teleport - 300 强化传送

    Level and stat boosts
    Level Sigils: Unknown

    +1 stat Tome: 355  +1书

    Standard Hair Dye
    Ebony, Silver, Steel, Lavender, Snow, Chestnut, Sage, Scarlet, Charcoal, Slate, Blond, Honey, Amber, Bergundy, Rose, Fawn - 60

    Exclusive Hair Dye
    Sun, Fuchsia, Royal, Midnight, Cerulean, Sky, Seafoam, Wine, Auburn - 180
    Acid, Forest, Orange, Purple, Pink - 300

    Thin Quiver, Wide Quiver: 300 箭袋
    Medium Ingredients Bag, Medium Gem Bag: 355 中材料包,中宝石包
    Medium Collectibles Bag: 415 中收集袋

    Bolt: 60
    +1 Bolt: 120
    +2 Bolt: 180

    Armor: 装备和武器, 没什么用
    Robe of Armor +2 (monk, sorc, Wiz): 90

    Weapons (all +2 varieties):
    Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Dagger, Sickle, Quarterstaff, Morningstar, Bastard Sword, Repeating Heavy Crossbow, Great Crossbow, Dwarven Axe, Repeating Light Crossbow: 90
    Club, Khopesh: 105
    Heavy Mace: 120

    Spell Components: 释放材料 = =
    Level 1: 45
    Level 2-3, Create Undead: 60
    Level 4-5, Stone Skin 75
    Level 6-8: 90

    Tools and Kits: 工具,治疗包
    +1 Healer's Kit, +1 Repair Kit: 90
    +2 Healer's Kit, +2 Repair Kit: 120

    Crafting: 龙晶
    100 Khyber Dragonshard Fragments: 60
    500 Khyber Dragonshard Fragments: 180
    1000 Khyber Dragonshard Fragments: 300
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