

    Church of Tyrilath 工会倡议11月7日举办全服节日活动

    弗罗多 发表于 2009-10-25 23:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    If you or your guild would like to host an event, please post go the post on the Church of Tyrilath website ( tyrilath.guildportal.com, copy and paste the schedule and then write in the event during the time slot you would like to have. (If the time slots are not posted- please know they will be in the next two days.) This post will be updated daily for the convenience of the hosts. Times have a 15min break to allow for event hosts to set up their events. Please list your event, your guild, your name and the location. Multiple events can occur at the same time at different locations (no more than two in one slot). If your event will not last a full hour, please make not as well.

    If you wish to register to participate or assist in an event please post on the Thread named Participant Registration or Assistance on the tyrilath.guildportal.com. You do not have to register to be able to participate or attend. This is only used to assist in organization and prizes.
    12pm- Opening Ceremony-Parade- Docks in Harbor-The Church of Tyrilath
    1pm- Scavenger Hunt -Library in Harbor-The Church of Tyrilath
    4pm-Search and Seek-Atrium to House Deneith-The Church of Tyrilath
    5pm- Food and Spirits and Storytelling- Phoenix-The Church of Tyrilath
    7pm- Poetry and Song Contest- Ampatheater in House Phiarlan-The Church of Tyrilath
    9pm- Talent Show-Ampatheater in House Phiarlan-The Church of Tyrilath
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