


    弗罗多 发表于 2009-11-7 20:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本周, MadFloyd 将为Lamannia测试服12---19级的玩家提供转生,转生条件是20级,但是12---19级玩家也可以申请,被选中的话,官方将负责把你的等级提升到20级。
    有10名玩家将被选出,并将获得DOO 500土鳖点,1周后发到你的账户。
    Player name:
    Character That Reincarnated:
    What character started as:
    What character finished as:
    How many times as the character True Reincarnated:
    I accept the Terms & Conditions of the Reincarnation Contest : YES
    My True Reincarnation Experiences:

    Include as much detail and information as you can about what you experienced during True Reincarnation. Be sure to include any unusual or unexpected behavior, or any parts that still seemed unclear to you! Please note any differences (better or worse) between previous True Reincarnations you may have done!

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