


弗罗多 发表于 2009-11-8 20:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

* Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger - (Weapon) +4 Dagger, Greater Giant Bane, Giant Slayer (第二个红名后任意箱子)
* Spectral Gloves - (Gloves) Etheral, Dexterity +5, To-Hit Bonus +2 (第二个红名后任意箱子)
* Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers - (Armor) +5 Leather Armor, Lesser Fire Resistance, Hide +5 (第二个红名后任意箱子)
* Ward of Undeath - (Shield) +2 Large Shield, Undead Bane, Flaming, Ghost Touch, Flametouched Iron (第二个红名后任意箱子)

* Bracers of the Demon's Consort - (Bracers) Demonic Curse, Demonic Shield, Demonic Retribution <<Hidden Effect: Demon Consort>>
* Bramble-Casters - (Gloves) Greater Spearblock, Thorn Guard
* Chaosblade - (Weapon) +5 Khopesh, Lesser Vampirism, Anarchic, True Chaos
* Cloak of the Zephyr - (Cloak) Blurry, Invisibility (1/rest)
* Demon Scale Armor - (Armor) [ML:12, BoA, BtC] +5 Light Armor (AB:9, MDB:4, ACP:-1, SF:15%), Improved Lightning Resistance, Proof against Poison
* Dustless Boots - (Boots) STriding 20%, Move Silently +15, Hide +11
* Greenblade - (Weapon) +5 Kukri, Greater Arcane Lore, Force Burst
* Lion-headed Belt Buckle - (Belt) Immunity to Fear, Roar, Strength +4, Constitution +4
* Marilith Chain - (Armor) +5 Medium Armor (AB:12, MDB:3, ACP:0, SF:20%), Taint of Evil, Seeker +6, Shatter +6, DR 5/Good or Lawful [ML:12, BTC]
* Pouch of Jerky - (Trinket) Eat Jerky (CL:10, 3/rest), Greater False Life, Heal +11
* Sandstorm Goggles - (Goggles) Blindness Ward, True Seeing
* Seal of the Earth - (Ring) Stoneskin (CL:12, 3/rest), Natural Armor Bonus +3, Acid Resistance
* Shining Crest of St. Markus - (Helmet) Deathblock, Improved Devotion VI, Lesser Healing Lore
* Staff of Arcane Power - (Weapon) +2 Quarterstaff, Good Luck +2, Spell Selection for Staff of Arcane Power (CL:12, 25/rest) [Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard only, UMD:26]
* Storm - (Weapon) +4 Heavy Crossbow (Base dmg: 1d12), Shocking Burst, Thundering, To-Hit Bonus +4, Keen
* Torc of Prince-Raiyum-de II - (Necklace) Greater Spell Penetration VI, Wizardry III, Transform Kinetic Energy

* Cape of the Roc - (Cloak) Roc's Strength(CL:8, 3/rest), Feather Falling (BOSS箱子)
* Golden Greaves - (Boots) Striding 15%, DR 3/- (牛头人箱子)
* Hruvayah's Medallion - (Necklace) Taint of Evil, Spell Penetration VI (BOSS箱子)
* Ring of Baphomet - (Ring) Bestow Curse(CL:5, 3/rest), Wisdom -1, Charisma -1, Intimidate +11 (牛头人箱子)
* Staff of Inner Sight - (Weapon) +2 Quarterstaff, Intelligence +4 (图书馆Chest)
* Unkor's Cleaver - (Weapon) +4 Battle Axe, Keen (须开锁开门的箱子)

* Adherent's Pendant - (Necklace) Superior Devotion IV, Wizardry II (Paladin Only, UMD:12) (最终财宝室)
* Bejeweled Letter Opener - (Weapon) +3 Dagger, Keen, Improved Devotion IV, Improved Resonance IV (最终财宝室)
* Bracers of Deftness - (Bracers) Armor Bonus +6, Feat: Mobility, Tumble +5 (最终财宝室)
* Mysterious Ring - (Ring) A Mysterious Effect, A Mysterious Effect (最终财宝室)
* Silken Mail - (Armor) +4 Chainmail, Move Silently +10, Axeblock, Mithral (最终财宝室)
* Sirroco - (Weapon) +3 Longsword, Telekinetic, Sirocco (最终财宝室)
* Spectacles of Spirit Sight - (Goggles) Enchanted Focus, Necromancy Focus (最终财宝室)
* Vambraces of Inner Light - (Armor) +3 Full Plate, Charisma +3, Command (最终财宝室)

* Bracers of the Hunter - (Bracers) +5 Hide, Sneak Attack Bonus +2, +2 Reflex Save (Wokran Kull  箱子)
* Mirage - (Weapon) +5 Scimitar, Deception, Ghost Touch (Utach Sandcrawl  箱子)
* Shard of Vollun - (Trinket) Wizardry III, Improved Radiance III (Volrune the Curate  箱子)
* Shield of the Scorpion - (Shield) +4 Heavy Shield, Spearblock (Wokran Kull  箱子)
* Spiked Turban - (Helmet) Protection +3, Resistance +3 (Medexathazz  箱子)
* Sting - (Weapon) +4 Shortsword, Large Scorpion Poison, Proof Against Poison (Utach Sandcrawl 箱子)
* Vulkoorim Dervish Robe - (Robe) Lesser Fire Resistance, Armor Bonus +4 (Mendexathazz 箱子)
* Vulkoorim Pendant - (Necklace) Improved Devotion II, superior Nullification II, Taint of Evil (Volrune the Curate 箱子)
* Chainmail Coif - (Helmet) Superior Devotion III, Sacred (Darkfur 箱子)
* Collapsible Shortbow - (Weapon) +5 Shorbow, Jump +7, Swim +7, Tumble +7 (Lt. Ayurro 箱子)
* Firestorm Greaves - (Boots) Fire Resistance, Fire Absorption 33% (Commander Errulf 箱子)
* Flint - (Weapon) +4 Dagger, Shocking Burst (Haraja the Firedancer 箱子)
* Gloves of the Falcon - (Gloves) Spot +10, Dexterity +2 (Lt. Ayurro 箱子)
* Tinder - (Weapon) +1 Quarterstaff, Superior Combustion IV (Haraja the Firedancer 箱子)
* Tourney Armor - (Armor) +5 Fullplate (AB:7, Max Dex: 2, Armor Check: -3) (Commander Errulf 箱子)
* Xuum - (Weapon) +3 Falchion (Base dmg: 2d6), Flaming (Darkfur 箱子)
* Bloodstone - (Trinket) Seeker +6 (Thirsty One's or Pulamak 箱子)
* Bow of the Elements (Air) - (Weapon) +4 Longbow, Shocking Burst, Dexterity +2 (Whirling Ozaan 箱子)
* Coronation Shield - (Shield) +4 Large Shield, Blinging Flash (CL:5, 3/rest), Blinding (Thirsty One's or Pulumak 箱子)
* Dusk Heart - (Trinket) Improved False Life, Dusk (Thirsty One's or Pulumak 箱子)
* Dynastic Falcata - (Weapon) +4 Khopesh, Charisma +2, Adamantine, True Law (General 箱子)
* Mummy Wrappings - (Armor) +4 Padded Armor, Fearsome (Thurnok the Mad 箱子)
* Ring of Spell Storing - (Ring) Exclusive, Spell Store (CL:4, 3/rest) (General 箱子)
* Robe of Fire - (Robe) Evocation Focus, Superior Combustion III, Fire Resistance (Thurnok the Mad 箱子)
* Weathered Targe - (Shield) +3 Light Shield, Densewood, Improved Lightning Resistance (Whirling Ozaan 箱子)
* Hyena Claw Necklace - (Necklace) Constitution +3, Intimidate +7 (Stinkpelt 箱子)
* Stinkpelt's Hide - (Armor) +5 Hide Armor(Max Dex: 6), Charisma -1 (Stinkpelt 箱子)
* Thornlord - (Weapon) +4 Longbow, +2 Extra Damage (Yurrugh the Swift 箱子)
* Whirlwind - (Weapon) +5 Greatsword, Telekinetic, Screaming (Den Mother 箱子)
* Wolf Whistle - (Necklace) Charm Canine (CL:10, 3/rest) (Den Mother 箱子)
* Zephyr - (Weapon) +3 Shortsword, Finesse (Yurrugh the Swift 箱子)
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