

    DDO F2P玩家(1----18级)全部声望任务列表

    弗罗多 发表于 2010-3-14 23:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


    任务名称              地区副本            任务NPC           声望

    LEVEL 1
    The Store House’s Secret - Korthos Village, Linus Weir, 6
    Stopping the Sahuagin - Korthos Village, Gunnar Bauerson, 9
    Sacrifices - Korthos Village, Viggie Stor, 9
    Redemption - Korthos Village, Ursa Jernsvard, 9
    Necromancer’s Doom - Korthos Village, Handsome Wilm, 6
    Heyton’s Rest - Korthos Village, Kaja Bauerdatter, 6
    The Collaborator - Korthos Village (Wavecrest Tavern), Sigmund Bauerson, 12
    The Cannith Crystal - Korthos Village, Balder the Bold, 6
    Total Favor: 63

    LEVEL 2
    Walk the Butcher’s Path - Harbor, Mistress Ahura, 12
    The Sunken Sewer - Marketplace, Aurla Courson, 9
    Stop Hazadill’s Shipment - Harbor (Wayward Lobster), Baudry Catamon, 6
    Stealthy Repossession - Harbor (Wayward Lobster), Lesto Half-Price, 9
    The Smuggler’s Warehouse - Harbor (Wayward Lobster), Fistpat the Fence, 9
    Retrieve the Stolen Goods - Harbor (Wayward Lobster), Baudry Cartamon, 9
    Recovering the Lost Tome - Harbor, Dalsamira Courdry, 9
    Protect Baudry’s Interests - Harbor (Wayward Lobster), Baudry Cartamon, 6
    Missing in Action - Marketplace, Ulcana Braddock, 9
    Misery’s Peak - Korthos Village (Korthos Island), Amalgam, 12
    The Miller’s Debt (Solo Only) - Harbor, Berrigan Enge, 2
    The Kobold’s New Ringleader - Harbor, Guard Jung, 12
    Information is Key - Harbor (Wayward Lobster), Shir Clowenks d'Phiarlan, 12
    Garrison’s Missing Pack - Harbor, Garrison Felmar, 12
    Durk’s Got a Secret - Harbor, Durk the Deranged, 12
    Defend Haverdasher (Solo Only) - Harbor, Kalimnal d'Kundarak, 6
    Bringing the Light - Harbor (Wayward Lobster), Brother Augustus, 6
    Arachnophobia (Solo Only) - Harbor, Berne Jorn, 2
    Total Favor: 150 (213)

    LEVEL 3
    Where There's Smoke... - Harbor (Cerulean Hills), Nash Braza, 9
    The Swiped Signet - Marketplace (Phoenix Tavern), Grinwhite, 12
    Redfang The Unruled - Marketplace, Basil Tallbarrow, 9
    The Kobold’s Den: Clan Gnashtooth - Harbor (Waterworks), Guard Tember, 12
    The Kobold’s Den: Rescuing Arlos - Harbor (Waterworks), Guard Tember, 12
    Kobold Assault (Challenging) - Harbor, Guard Crichton, 9
    Home Sweet Sewer (Solo Only) - Harbor, Scrag, 2
    The Captives - Harbor, Pearl Drummling, 9
    An Explosive Situation (Solo Only) - Harbor, Philver Sharpwood, 2
    Ven’s Trail: Ven’s Fate - Harbor (Waterworks), , 9
    Ven’s Trail: Clan Tunnelworm - Harbor (Waterworks), Guard Tember, 12
    Total Favor: 97 (310)

    LEVEL 4
    Rest for the Restless - House Phiarlan (Bogwater Tavern), Lady Nepenthe, 9
    Proof is in the Poison - Marketplace, Ruat Acalay, 15
    Irestone Inlet - Harbor, Niles Cage, 12
    Freshen the Air - Marketplace, Harven Gralak, 9
    The Depths of Despair - House Deneith (Hammersmith Inn), Neville Stormhammer, 9
    The Depths of Darkness - House Deneith (Hammersmith Inn), Giggs Elorreathi, 9
    Total Favor: 72 (382)

    LEVEL 5
    The Lair of Summoning - House Kundarak (Ever Full Flagon), Lorridan Silvermantle, 9
    The Depths of Doom - House Deneith (Hammersmith Inn), Keane d'Deneith, 9
    The Depths of Discord - House Deneith (Hammersmith Inn), Scholes of Vedykar, 9
    The Chamber of Insanity - House Kundarak (Ever Full Flagon), Kranig Stoneshield, 9
    Archer Point Defense - Marketplace, Jasper Cruikshank, 9
    Total Favor: 36 (418)

    LEVEL 6
    Taming the Flames - House Kundarak (Ever Full Flagon), Master Thorpe, 15
    Ruined Halls - House Kundarak (Ever Full Flagon), Edvag Goodgold, 12
    Redwillow’s Ruins - House Jorasco, Jandul d'Jorasco, 15
    Purge the Heretics - House Phiarlan (Bogwater Tavern), Inquisitor Gnomon, 12
    Mirra’s Sleepless Nights - House Jorasco, Mirra Parthilcar, 12
    Gladewatch Outpost Defense - Marketplace, Loghan d'Deneith, 12
    The Forgotten Caverns - House Kundarak (Ever Full Flagon), Thurd Steelhand, 12
    Dead Predators - House Jorasco (Open Palm Inn), Acolyte Hestair, 12
    Caged Trolls - House Phiarlan (Bogwater Tavern), Aratrix d'Phiarlan, 12
    The Bounty Hunter - House Deneith (Anvilfire Inn), Kirstana of Fairhaven, 15
    Total Favor: 129 (547)

    LEVEL 7
    The Tear of Dhakaan - House Phiarlan, Kamat Thaar, 21
    The Pit - House Deneith, Vargus d'Deneith, 27
    Gwylan’s Stand - House Phiarlan, Coraly d'Phiarlan, 18
    The Graverobber - House Jorasco, Thaddeus d'Jorasco, 15
    Total Favor: 81 (628)

    LEVEL 8
    The Xorian Cipher - House Jorasco, Gatekeeper Chullash, 21
    Stromvauld’s Mine - House Deneith (Anvilfire Inn), Laird Stromvauld, 15
    Stormcleave Outpost - House Deneith (Anvilfire Inn), Alciana d'Deneith, 18
    The Paths of Madness - House Jorasco, Gatekeeper Chullash, 9
    Haunted Library - House Jorasco (Drowning Sorrows Tavern), Menos Xuekaine, 15
    Faithful Departed - House Phiarlan (Golden Wing Inn), Avanti Moonwillow, 12
    Caverns of Korromar - House Kundarak, Ulfgar d'Kundarak, 15
    Total Favor: 105 (733)

    LEVEL 9
    The Church and the Cult - House Phiarlan, Inquisitor Lightbringer, 15
    Total Favor: 15 (748)

    LEVEL 10
    Tempest's Spine (Raid) - House Jorasco, The Chamberlain Cyrese Embree, 18
    Sykros' Jewel - Ataraxia's Haven (reached via various Port Agents), Sykros, 15
    Reclamation - Ataraxia's Haven (reached via various Port Agents), Leros Levithas, 15
    Total Favor: 48 (796)

    LEVEL 11
    The Spawn of Whisperdoom - House Phiarlan, Eriephaus d'Phiarlan, 18
    Made to Order - House Kundarak, Hazra d'Kundarak, 18
    The Enemy Within - House Jorasco, Anabele d'Jorasco, 24
    Dreams of Insanity - House Jorasco, Gatekeeper Trakash, 18
    Total Favor: 78 (874)

    LEVEL 12
    Invaders! - Harbor, Guard Branson, 21
    A Relic of Sovereign Past - House Kundarak (Temple of the Sovereign Host), Sir Kinze MacDunnam, 21
    Total Favor: 42 (920 )

    LEVEL 13
    Mired in Kobold (The Twelve), Smiley Smythe, 15
    Total Favor: 15 (935)
    LEVEL 15
    Acid Writ (The Twelve), Magus Littleton, 18
    Delirium (The Twelve), Merla Bauerdatter, 15
    Total Favor: 33 (968)

    LEVEL 18
    In the Demons Den (The Inspired Quarter), Uriel, 18
    Total Favor: 18 (986)

    Total Quests: 83
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