


弗罗多 发表于 2010-5-29 13:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Tutorial Offensive: Encounters
- Defeat Reginald Cutweed
- Reward: 15 Skirmish Marks

Trouble in Tuckbourough
- Stop Ghashfog from digging into the Great Smials
- Stop Murbarash from burning hobbit holes
- Stop Fithrokh from eating chickens
- Defeat Oldroot at the Great Willow
- Defeat Big Fright on the hillside
- Reward: Title "Tuckborough Troublemaker"

Siege of Gondamon
- Defeat Thrastar
- Defeat Hergill
- Defeat Agi Gatebreaker
- Defeat Ghashnakh
- Defeat Sigurmar
- Reward: Title "Gondamon Siege-breaker"

Stand at Amon Sul
- Defeat Golnauk
- Defeat Bloodwing
- Defeat Gugaw's Arm
- Defeat Laimbenn
- Defeat Mokum
- Defeat Gwandir
- Defeat Norgol
- Defeat Gwathrengor
- Defeat Urkflagit
- Reward: Title "Stood at Amon Sul"

Thievery and Mischief
- Defeat Lordfisher
- Defeat Padfoot
- Defeat Goretusk
- Defeat Ned Ashleaf
- Defeat Tom Greythistle
- Defeat Tukar
- Defeat Snagburz
- Defeat Gruglup
- Reward: Title "Stopper of Thievery and Mischief"

Defence of the Prancing Pony
- Defeat Southpaw
- Defeat the Old Hunter
- Defeat Ufglup
- Defeat Rat-catcher
- Defeat Mukghashan
- Defeat Kamhont
- Defeat Banosnakh
- Defeat Willie Hawthorn
- Defeat Blackfeather
- Reward: Title "Defender of the Prancing Pony"

Ford of Bruinen
- Defeat Zanurz
- Defeat Kunquin
- Defeat Durkuf
- Supply the archers
- Defeat Bruidagnir
- Reward: Title "Forded Bruinen"

Strike Against Dannenglor
- Defeat Ghostfang
- Defeat Ruingalad
- Defeat Swartclaw
- Defeat Rimdeloth
- Defeat Gorogmul
- Defeat Gothling
- Defeat Fikluk
- Defeat Seregruin
- Reward: Title "Struck Against Dannenglor"

Protectors of Thangulhad
- Defeat Borndol
- Defeat Ruithroval
- Defeat Azri
- Defeat Hokarul
- Defeat Grudom
- Defeat Fruzglob
- Defeat Golugthrug
- Defeat Lapus
- Defeat Toruglup
- Reward: Title "Protector of Thangulhad"

Breaching the Necromancer's Gate
- Defeat Lavalug
- Defeat Gortag
- Defeat Firingul
- Defeat Muruk
- Defeat Annoniel
- Defeat Thrangund
- Defeat Morgur
- Defeat Agardur
- Reward: Title "Breacher of the Necromancer's Gate"

Assault on the Ringwraith's Lair
- Defeat Faelathron
- Defeat Mauzaukgrat
- Defeat Kufit
- Defeat Durnakh
- Defeat Gulheryn
- Defeat Afglu
- Defeat Zanurz
- Defeat Norchador
- Defeat Mornakh
- Reward: Title "Breacher of the Necromancer's Gate"

Battle in the Tower
- Defeat Thangaran
- Defeat Iaerien
- Defeat Hogaward
- Defeat Mudku
- Defeat Blord
- Defeat Gundnakh
- Defeat Gadhumurz
- Defeat Urbor
- Reward: Title "Battled in the Tower"


One skirmish type is Survival. In this case, there is a set of deeds duplicated for each group size - Small Fellowship, Fellowship, and Raid. As only the rewards are different, each is listed once for simplicity.

Strength of Endurance
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 5 minutes
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 10 minutes
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 15 minutes
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 20 minutes
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 25 minutes
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 30 minutes
- ? Skirmish Marks (Small Fellowship)
- ? Skirmish Marks (Fellowship)
- 45 Skirmish Marks (Raid)

- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 5 minutes without being defeated
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 10 minutes without being defeated
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 15 minutes without being defeated
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 20 minutes without being defeated
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 25 minutes without being defeated
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 30 minutes without being defeated
- ? Skirmish Marks (Small Fellowship)
- ? Skirmish Marks (Fellowship)
- 35 Skirmish Marks (Raid)

Mercy of the Free Peoples
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 5 minutes without defeating any Lieutenants
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 10 minutes without defeating any Lieutenants
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 15 minutes without defeating any Lieutenants
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 20 minutes without defeating any Lieutenants
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 25 minutes without defeating any Lieutenants
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 30 minutes without defeating any Lieutenants
- ? Skirmish Marks (Small Fellowship)
- ? Skirmish Marks (Fellowship)
- 50 Skirmish Marks (Raid)

Weathering the Storm
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 5 minutes at level 70
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 10 minutes at level 70
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 15 minutes at level 70
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 20 minutes at level 70
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 25 minutes at level 70
- Survive in the Barrow-downs for 30 minutes at level 70
- ? Skirmish Marks (Small Fellowship)
- ? Skirmish Marks (Fellowship)
- 75 Skirmish Marks (Raid)

Foe of the Dead
- Defeat 100 foes in the Barrow-downs
- 15 Skirmish Marks (Small Fellowship)
- ? Skirmish Marks (Fellowship)
- 15 Skirmish Marks (Raid)
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