

    DDO 20级进阶职业全攻略

    弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 01:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    作者 dlanny

    全部的进阶职业在下面, 红字的是未开放的.

    1楼: 战士:剑圣,紫龙骑士,坚定防御者 Kensai, Purple Dragon Knight, Stalwart Defender
    2楼:野蛮人:狂战士,隐秘屠杀者,复仇者 Frenzied Berserker, Occult Slayer, Ravager
    3楼:圣骑士:希伯瑞斯防御者,死亡猎手,圣杯骑士 Defender of Siberys, Hunter of the Dead, Knight of the Chalice
    4楼:法师:大法师,苍白之主,野魔法师 Archmage, Pale Master, Wild Mage
    5楼:术士:气系专攻者,冰系专攻者,土系专攻者,火系专攻者 Air Savant, Cold Savant, Earth Savant, Fire Savant
    6楼:牧师:银焰驱魔师,光之侍者,战争祭祀 Exorcist of the Silver Flame, Radiant Servant, Warpriest
    8楼:游侠:游侠:魔射手,密林狙击手,风暴游侠 Arcane Archer, Deepwood Sniper, Tempest
    9楼:游荡:暗杀者,工匠大师,杂耍之盗 Assassin, Mechanic, Thief-Acrobat
    10楼:诗人:歌法,表演家,战歌  Spellsinger, Virtuoso, Warchanter
    11楼:武僧:秘宗武者,信念武僧,忍者 Henshin Mystic, Shintao Monk, Ninja Spy

    人类:龙族后裔 Dragonmark Heir
    矮人:龙族后裔,(矮人)坚定防御者[视为战士] Dragonmark Heir, Stalwart Defender [Counts as Fighter]
    精灵:魔射手[视为游侠],龙族后裔 Arcane Archer [Counts as Ranger], Dragonmark Heir
    半身:龙族后裔 Dragonmark Heir
    机关:毁灭之王[视为野蛮人] Juggernaut [Counts as Barbarian]
     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 01:53 | 显示全部楼层


    剑圣 I (Fighter Kensai I)

    天赋点消耗: 4点
    前置:6级战士, 战士攻击提升 II(Fighter Attack Boost II), 战士精确重击 II(Fighter Critical Accuracy II), 任何武器专精专长(XXX Weapon Specialization)
    能力:你是你所选择武器的宗师。 你的坚毅和训练赋予你 +1 额外唬骗,专注,交涉,挑衅,战斗专长DC,对抗法术豁免 和行动提升次数。 假如你持有气条, 当你重击和冥想时获得1点额外的气。 你可以选择一种武器类型作为你的专用武器。
    剑圣 <专用武器> 掌握 I (Kensai <Specific Weapon> Mastery I )
    天赋点消耗: 1点
    前置:6级战士,战士 剑圣 I, 武器专精(Weapon Specialization):<适合的武器类型>
    剑圣 II (Fighter Kensai II )

    天赋点消耗: 2点
    前置:12级战士, 战士 剑圣 I(Fighter Kensai I),战士攻击提升 III(Fighter Attack Boost III), 战士精确重击 III(Fighter Critical Accuracy III), 任何强化武器专精专长 (XXX Greater Weapon Specialization)
    能力:你是你所选择武器的宗师。 你的坚毅和训练赋予你 +1 额外唬骗,专注,交涉,挑衅,战斗专长DC,对抗法术豁免 和行动提升次数。 假如你持有气条, 当你重击和冥想时获得1点额外的气。 你可以选择一种武器类型作为你的专用武器。
    剑圣力量激增 (Kensai Power Surge)
    能力:你可以使用一次战士攻击提升来集中你的能量和灵魂, 获得短时间的+8力量内在加值。假如你持有产生气的能力, 力量激增期间,每次成功的攻击会产生额外2点气。
    剑圣 <专用武器> 掌握 II (Kensai <Specific Weapon> Mastery II )
    天赋点消耗: 1点
    前置:12级战士,战士 剑圣 II, 武器专精:<适合的武器类型>(Fighter <Specific Weapon> Specialization I), 剑圣<专用武器>掌握 I(Kensai <Specific Weapon> Mastery I),强化武器专精:<适合的武器类型> (Greater Weapon Specialization: <appropriate weapon type>)
    剑圣 III (Fighter Kensai III )

    天赋点消耗: 2点
    前置:18级战士, 战士 剑圣 II(Fighter Kensai II),战士攻击提升 IV(Fighter Attack Boost IV), 战士精确重击 IV(Fighter Critical Accuracy IV), 任何超强武器专攻专长 (XXXX Superior Weapon Focus)
    能力:你是你所选择武器的宗师。 你的坚毅和训练赋予你 +1 额外唬骗,专注,交涉,挑衅,战斗专长DC,对抗法术豁免 和行动提升次数。 假如你持有气条, 当你重击和冥想时获得1点额外的气。 你可以选择一种武器类型作为你的专用武器。  
    剑圣 <专用武器> 掌握 III (Kensai <Specific Weapon> Mastery III)
    天赋点消耗: 1点
    前置:18级战士,战士 剑圣 III(Fighter Kensai III), 武器专精:<适合的武器类型>(Fighter <Specific Weapon> Specialization II), 剑圣<专用武器>掌握 II(Kensai <Specific Weapon> Mastery II),超强武器专攻:<适合的武器类型> (Superior Weapon Focus: <appropriate weapon type>)


    坚定防御者I(Fighter Stalwart Defender I)

    天赋点消耗: 4
    前提: 6级战士等级, 2级战士技能威吓(Fighter Skill Intimidate II), 1级战士防御提升(Fighter Armor Boost I), 健壮专长(Toughness),
    以下任意之一: 寓守于攻(Shield Mastery), 战斗艺术(Combat Expertise), 顽固(Diehard), 闪避(Dodge), 低级守护龙纹(Least Dragonmark of Sentinel).
    获益:AC+1,+2威吓,提升盾牌最大敏捷加值,当使用盾牌格挡时获得额外AC和提升盾牌DR,你需要使用1次行动提升进入防御状态,当使用盾牌的时候,获得 DR 2/-.
    坚定防御者 I:防御姿态(Stalwart Defender I: Defensive Stance)

    坚定防御者II(Fighter Stalwart Defender II)

    天赋点消耗: 2
    前提:12级战士,1级战士坚定防御者(Fighter Stalwart Defender I),1级战士防具掌握(Fighter Item Defense I),2级战士防御提升(Fighter Armor Boost II)
    以下任意之一:2级战士健壮(Fighter Toughness II),2级战士防具敏捷(Fighter Armored Agility II),2级战士精通防具(Fighter Armor Mastery II),2级战士
    精通塔盾(Fighter Tower Shield Mastery II),次级守护龙纹(Lesser Dragonmark of Sentinel).
    获益:AC+1,+2威吓,提升盾牌最大敏捷加值,当使用盾牌格挡时获得额外AC和提升盾牌DR,你需要使用1次行动提升进入防御状态,当使用盾牌的时候,获得 DR 4/-.
    坚定防御II:提升防御姿态(Stalwart Defender II: Improved Defensive Stance)
    坚定防御者III(Fighter Stalwart Defender III)

    天赋点消耗: 2
    前提:18级战士,2级战士坚定防御者(Fighter Stalwart Defender II),2级战士防具掌握(Fighter Item Defense II),3级战士防御提升(Fighter Armor Boost III)
    以下任意之一:3级战士健壮(Fighter Toughness III),3级战士防具敏捷(Fighter Armored Agility III),3级战士精通防具(Fighter Armor Mastery III),3级战士精通塔盾(Fighter Tower Shield Mastery III),强化守护龙纹(Greater Dragonmark of Sentinel).
    获益:AC+1,+2威吓,提升盾牌,中甲或者重甲的最大敏捷加值,当使用盾牌格挡时获得额外AC和提升盾牌DR,你需要使用1次行动提升进入防御状态,当使用盾牌的时候,获得 DR 6/-.
    坚定防御III:超强防御姿态(Stalwart Defender III: Superior Defensive Stance)
     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 08:36 | 显示全部楼层


    野蛮人狂战士I(Barbarian Frenzied Berserker I)

    前置: Level 6 Barbarian, Power Attack, Cleave, Barbarian Damage Boost II, Barbarian Power Attack I, Barbarian Power Rage I.
    天赋点消耗: 4 AP
    获益: You gain the effects of the diehard feat while raging, and your glancing blows have a chance of applying magical weapon effects. You also gain the ability to expend 10 hit points to enter a frenzy, which increases your strength by 2 and adds the 'Vicious' property to your melee weapons.
    An interesting Berserker that came up in playtest was a Ranger/Barbarian archer that used the Frenzy abilities with a bow, gaining the 获益s of the increased strength, ignoring the Vicious aspect that only affects melee weapons.

    野蛮人狂战士II(Barbarian Frenzied Berserker II)

    前置: Level 12 Barbarian, Barbarian Frenzied Berserker 1, Barbarian Damage Boost III, Barbarian Power Attack II, Barbarian Power Rage II.
    天赋点消耗: 2 AP
    获益: While raging, increases the critical multiplier of all weapons you use by 1. Your two handed weapon glancing blows have an increased chance of applying magical weapon effects. You also gain the ability to expend 10 hp to Supreme Cleave.
    Supreme Cleave:
    获益: Expend 10 hit points to attack all nearby enemies.
    Supreme Cleave has no cooldown other than a standard 1 second global cooldown for attack actions. As long as you've got the hit points, you can continue to bring the pain.

    野蛮人狂战士III(Barbarian Frenzied Berserker III)

    前置: Level 18 Barbarian, Barbarian Frenzied Berserker 2, Barbarian Damage Boost IV, Barbarian Power Attack III, Barbarian Power Rage III.
    天赋点消耗: 2 AP
    获益: While raging, increases the critical multiplier of all weapons you use by an additional 1, bringing the total bonus to 2. Your two handed weapon glancing blows have an increased chance of applying magical weapon effects. You also gain the ability to expend 20 hit points to enter a death frenzy (which can stack with your basic rage and frenzy), increasing your strength by 4 and adding the 'Greater Vicious' property to your melee weapons. (+4d6 damage / +1d3 damage to self)
     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 08:41 | 显示全部楼层


    Paladin Hunter of the Dead I
    Prereqs: Level 6 Paladin, Paladin Extra Turning I, Paladin Improved Turning I, and any one of Paladin Divine Light I or Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
    Benefit: Devoted to the destruction of the undead, you gain 2 additional turning and remove disease attempts per rest, +1 to your level when turning, a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects produced by undead, and all of your attacks are considered Ghost Touch, ignoring the chance to miss incorporeal creatures. Positive energy effects heal you for more and you take less damage from negative energy effects. You are able to expend a use of your Paladin Remove Disease ability to produce a Lesser Restoration effect.
    圣骑士 死亡猎手 I

    前置需要: 6级圣骑士, I 级额外驱散, I 级精通驱散, 以及以下任意一个天赋: I 级神圣光辉 或 I 级额外圣疗
    能力:倾尽全力于毁灭亡灵, 你获得额外2次驱散和移除疾病, 驱散时获得额外+1驱散等级,在对抗不死生物的法术和特殊效果时获得+2豁免加值,你的所有攻击都被视作幽冥, 无视对抗幽灵生物时的失手机会。 正能量的对你的治疗效果会增加同时减轻负能量对你造成的伤害。 你可以使用一次圣骑士移除疾病来产生次级复原术的效果。
    Paladin Hunter of the Dead II
    Prereqs: Level 12 Paladin, Paladin Hunter of the Dead I, Paladin Extra Turning II, Paladin Improved Turning II, and any one of Paladin Divine Light II, Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II, or Paladin Redemption I
    Benefit: Devoted to the destruction of the undead, you gain 2 additional turning and remove disease attempts per rest, +1 to your level when turning, a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects produced by undead, and your spirit is sealed - you are now immune to energy drain from any source. Positive energy effects heal you for more and you take less damage from negative energy effects. You are able to expend a use of your Paladin Remove Disease ability to produce a Restoration effect.
    圣骑士 死亡猎手 II

    前置需要:12级圣骑士, 死亡猎手 I 级,II 级额外驱散, II 级精通驱散, 以及以下任意一个天赋: II 级神圣光辉,II 级额外圣疗 或 I 级圣骑士救赎 (复活天赋)
    能力:倾尽全力于毁灭亡灵, 你获得额外2次驱散和移除疾病, 驱散时获得额外+1驱散等级,在对抗不死生物的法术和特殊效果时获得+2豁免加值,你的灵魂被禁锢在体内 - 你现在免疫任何来源的能量吸收。 正能量的对你的治疗效果会增加同时减轻负能量对你造成的伤害。你可以使用一次圣骑士移除疾病来产生复原术的效果。
    Paladin Hunter of the Dead III
    Prereqs: Level 18 Paladin, Paladin Hunter of the Dead II, Paladin Extra Turning III, Paladin Improved Turning III, any Paladin Faith II enhancement
    Benefit: Devoted to the destruction of the undead, you gain 2 additional turning and remove disease attempts per rest, +1 to your level when turning, a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects produced by undead, and all attacks you make have a chance of destroying undead instantly on what would be a Vorpal strike. (Natural 20 followed by confirmation, Will DC: 30 partial, deals Light damage to targets immune to instant destruction effects* or those that save.) Positive energy effects heal you for more and you take less damage from negative energy effects. You are able to expend a use of your Paladin Remove Disease ability to produce a Greater Restoration effect.
    * Like bosses, for instance.
    圣骑士 死亡猎手 III

    前置需要:18级圣骑士, 死亡猎手 II 级,III 级额外驱散, III 级精通驱散, 任意一个圣骑士信仰 II 级天赋(高等信仰)
    能力:倾尽全力于毁灭亡灵, 你获得额外2次驱散和移除疾病, 驱散时获得额外+1驱散等级,在对抗不死生物的法术和特殊效果时获得+2豁免加值,你的所有攻击都有机会瞬间摧毁命中的不死生物,(自然投出20点并确认重击, 过意志DC30, 对免疫即死*和通过豁免的敌人造成光属性伤害。)正能量的对你的治疗效果会增加同时减轻负能量对你造成的伤害。你可以使用一次圣骑士移除疾病来产生高等复原术的效果。
    Note: The cost of Improved Turning has dropped for both Paladins and Clerics to be a 1/2/3 AP line. As usual, this is all still extremely subject to change before it goes live, and is just what I've currently got in development.
    附注:对于圣骑士和牧师的天赋 精通驱散, 天赋消耗点降到 1/2/3 对应每级。 一如既往的, 这篇进阶在Mod9发布前极有可能进行变更。


    The Knight of the Chalice knows what it likes, and more to the point, knows what it doesn't like. Evil outsiders (especially demons and other chaotic evil outsiders). They get into everything. Worse than roaches if you ask me.
    The Knight is light on activated abilities, focusing instead on a strong set of passive bonuses when fighting their chosen foe.
    Paladin Knight of the Chalice I

    Cost: 4 Action Points
    Prereqs: Paladin Level 6, Paladin Courage of Good I, Paladin Energy of the Templar I, Paladin Extra Smite Evil II, and any one of: Paladin Divine Sacrifice I, Paladin Divine Might I, or Paladin Exalted Smite I.
    Benefit: You are devoted to fighting demons and other evil outsiders, driving them from Eberron forever. Your maximum number of Smites is increased by one, your anti-fear aura is improved, and you have +1 to attack Evil Outsiders and deal 1d6 additional damage with melee and unarmed attacks against them. You resist evil influences particularly well, gaining a +2 bonus to saves against spells and effects produced by Evil Outsiders.

    Despite their anti-demon focus, the Knights of the Chalice aren't that picky when it comes to killing Evil Outsiders...
    Paladin Knight of the Chalice II

    Cost: 2 Action Points
    Prereqs: Paladin Level 12, Paladin Knight of the Chalice I, Paladin Courage of Good II, Paladin Energy of the Templar II
    Benefit: You are devoted to fighting demons and other evil outsiders, driving them from Eberron forever. Your maximum number of Smites is increased by one, your anti-fear aura is improved, and you now have +2 to attack Evil Outsiders and deal 2d6 additional damage with melee and unarmed attacks against them, replacing your earlier bonuses. You resist evil influences particularly well, gaining a +3 bonus to saves against spells and effects produced by Evil Outsiders. You also gain the ability to Censure Demons.
    Knight of the Chalice II: Censure Demons
    Benefit: You may expend a turn undead attempt to stun a targeted demon or other Chaotic Evil outsider. A successful Will save DC: 10 + Paladin Level + Charisma Modifier negates this effect. The target gains repeated saves to break free of this effect. Non-Chaotic Evil outsiders are unaffected by this ability.
    ...but they are better trained at taking out demons.
    Paladin Knight of the Chalice III

    Cost: 2 Action Points
    Prereqs: Paladin Level 18, Paladin Knight of the Chalice II, any Paladin Faith II enhancement
    Benefit: You are devoted to fighting demons and other evil outsiders, driving them from Eberron forever. Your maximum number of Smites is increased by one, your anti-fear aura is improved, and you now have +4 to attack Evil Outsiders and deal 4d6 additional damage with melee and unarmed attacks against them, replacing your earlier bonuses. You resist evil influences particularly well, gaining a +4 bonus to saves against spells and effects produced by Evil Outsiders.

    Defender of Siberys I
    Prereqs: Level 6 Paladin, Paladin Bulwark of Good I, Paladin Resistance of Good I, Paladin Courage of Good I, Paladin Focus of Good I, Paladin Paladin Armor Class Boost I, and any one of the following: Tower Shield Proficiency, Shield Mastery, or Combat Expertise.
    Benefit: Protecting the weak from the depredations of the strong, you become a paragon of defense. This prestige enhancement grants you 2 additional Turn attempts, additional armor class when blocking with a shield, increases the maximum dexterity bonus allowed by tower shields by 1, and the ability to enter a defensive stance or to create a Magic Circle Against Evil effect.
    希伯瑞斯守护者 I

    Defender of Siberys I: Defensive Stance
    You may expend a Paladin armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +2 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +1 Sacred bonus on all saves, a +2 Dodge bonus to Armor Class, and produce 50% more hate with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move at one quarter speed.
    希伯瑞斯守护者 I:防御姿态
    Defender of Siberys I: Magic Circle
    You may expend a turn attempt to produce a Magic Circle Against Evil effect.
    Paladin Defender of Siberys II
    Prereqs: Level 12 Paladin, Defender of Siberys I, Paladin Bulwark of Good II, Paladin Resistance of Good II, and any of: Paladin Rally I, Paladin Divine Righteousness I, Paladin Toughness II
    Benefit: Protecting the weak from the depredations of the strong, you become a paragon of defense. This prestige enhancement grants you an additional Lay on Hands use per rest, 25% increased hate generation, increases the maximum dexterity bonus allowed by tower shields and heavy armor by 1, and the ability to enter an improved defensive stance or to produce a Mass Shield of Faith effect.

    Defender of Siberys II: Improved Defensive Stance
    You may expend a Paladin armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +3 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Sacred bonus on all saves, a +3 Dodge bonus to Armor Class, and produce 100% more hate with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move at one third speed.
    Defender of Siberys II: Mass Shield of Faith
    You may expend a turn attempt to produce a Mass Shield of Faith effect.
    Paladin Defender of Siberys III
    Prereqs: Level 18 Paladin, Defender of Siberys II, Paladin Bulwark of Good III, Paladin Resistance of Good III, and any Paladin Faith II enhancement.
    Benefit: Protecting the weak from the depredations of the strong, you become a paragon of defense. This prestige enhancement increases the strength of all of your defensive auras, increases the maximum dexterity bonus allowed by tower shields and medium or heavy armor by 1, and grants the ability to enter a superior defensive stance or to defy your enemies in a glorious stand against evil.

    Defender of Siberys III: Superior Defensive Stance
    You may expend a Paladin armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +4 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +3 Sacred bonus on all saves, a +4 Dodge bonus to Armor Class, and produce 200% more hate with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move at half speed.
    希伯瑞斯守护者III: 超强防御姿态
    Defender of Siberys III: Glorious Stand
    You may expend a turn attempt to make a glorious stand against your enemies. For a short duration of time, you gain DR 20/epic, take reduced damage from elemental and negative energy, receive double healing from positive energy, and are immune to secondary effects of attacks such as 'wounding' or 'vorpal'. Each time you take damage, you gain the effects of a Cure Light Wounds spell.
    你可以消耗1次驱散亡灵次数来和你的敌人进行荣耀的抵抗。在短时间内,你获得DR 20/传奇, 减轻受到的元素和负能量伤害,获得2倍治疗,免疫附加攻击效果例如‘创伤’和‘斩首’。每次你受到伤害,你获得治疗轻伤的效果。



    你是一个被净化过,真正的天界诸神信徒.As is the world, so are the gods. As are the gods, so is the world(怎么翻译都不能表示原本意思....打原文算了.).+1攻击鉴定至长剑--天界诸神信徒最喜欢使用的武器.同时可以选择其它后续天赋.

    Unyielding Sovereignty





     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 08:44 | 显示全部楼层


    Wizard Pale Master I 苍白之主1级

             专长:死灵法术专攻(Spell Focus: Necromancy)
             天赋:法师学者精神I(Wizard Energy of the Scholar I)
             天赋:法师智力I(Wizard Intelligence I)
    消耗: 4 点天赋点

    Wizard Pale Master II 苍白之主2级

    Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master I, Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy, Wizard Energy of the Scholar II, Wizard Intelligence II, Level 12 Wizard
    Cost: 2 AP
    You are adept at the necromantic arts. You gain 5 additional hit points as your flesh toughens (for a total of +10 hit points), deal 10% additional damage with negative energy spells (for a total of +35%), and increase your chance to generate a critical result with negative energy spells by 3% (Your base spell critical chance is now 6% and base critical damage multiplier is 1.5.).
    Summon Blackbone Knight
    Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Summon Skeletal Knight, Wizard Elemental Manipulation I
    Cost: 1 AP
    Creates a blackbone knight to attack your enemies. This ability costs 20 hit points and 10 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.
    Summon Blackbone Archer
    Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Summon Skeletal Archer, Summon Blackbone Knight, Wizard Lineage of Elements I
    Cost: 1 AP
    Creates a blackbone archer to attack your enemies. This ability costs 20 hit points and 10 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.
    Summon Blackbone Mage
    Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Summon Skeletal Mage, Summon Blackbone Archer, Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements I
    Cost: 1 AP
    Creates a blackbone mage to attack your enemies. This ability costs 20 hit points and 20 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.
    Form of the Lich
    Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Toughness
    Cost: 2 AP
    You are able to assume many traits of a lich.
    Form of the Wraith
    Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Mental Toughness
    Cost: 2 AP
    You are able to assume many traits of a wraith.
    Wizard Pale Master III 苍白之主3级

    Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master II, Wizard Energy of the Scholar III, Wizard Intelligence III, Level 18 Wizard
    Cost: 2 AP
    You are a master of the necromantic arts. You gain 10 additional hit points as your flesh toughens (for a total of +20 hit points), deal 10% additional damage with negative energy spells (for a total of +45%), and increase your chance to generate a critical result with negative energy spells by 3% (Your base spell critical chance is now 9% and base critical damage multiplier is 1.5.).
    Summon Frostmarrow Knight
    Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master III, Summon Blackbone Knight, Wizard Elemental Manipulation II
    Cost: 1 AP
    Creates a frostmarrow knight to attack your enemies. This ability costs 30 hit points and 15 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.
    Summon Frostmarrow Archer
    Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master III, Summon Blackbone Archer, Summon Frostmarrow Knight, Wizard Lineage of Elements II
    Cost: 1 AP
    Creates a frostmarrow archer to attack your enemies. This ability costs 30 hit points and 15 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.
    Summon Frostmarrow Mage
    Prerequisite: Wizard Pale Master III, Summon Blackbone Mage, Summon Frostmarrow Archer, Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements II
    Cost: 1 AP
    Creates a frostmarrow mage to attack your enemies. This ability costs 30 hit points and 30 spell points to activate. You can have only one skeletal minion active at one time, creating another will destroy your old pet.


    效果:花费10血5蓝召唤1个骷髅弓箭手 (注,同时只能有1个骷髅生物)



    Wizard Archmage I 大法师I级
    ·  要求:
                  6级法师( Level 6 Wizard),
                  法师智力I(Wizard Intelligence I),
                  法师专注II(Wizard Concentration II),
                  法师学者精神II(Wizard Energy of the Scholar II),
                  专长:精神力(Mental Toughness),
                  专长:任意法术专功(any Spell Focus )
    · 效果: 你现在是一名魔法艺术大师, 能够用意想不到的方式来施展你的法术. 你的蓝得到了100的扩大加值, 并且有能力将1级法术中的某些法术作为能力来施展.

    Wizard Archmage II 大法师II级
    要求: Level 9 Wizard, Wizard Archmage I, Wizard Intelligence II
    效果: 你现在是一名魔法艺术大师, 能够用意想不到的方式来施展你的法术. 你的MANA得到了75的扩大加值,, 并且有能力将2级法术中的某些法术作为能力来施展.
    Wizard Archmage III
    要求: Level 12 Wizard, Wizard Archmage II, Wizard Concentration III, Wizard Energy of the Scholar III, and any Greater Spell Focus
    效果: 你现在是一名魔法艺术大师, 能够用意想不到的方式来施展你的法术. 你的MANA得到了75的扩大加值,, 并且有能力将3级法术中的某些法术作为能力来施展.
    Wizard Archmage IV
    要求: Level 15 Wizard, Wizard Archmage III, Wizard Intelligence III
    效果: 你现在是一名魔法艺术大师, 能够用意想不到的方式来施展你的法术. 你的MANA得到了75的扩大加值,, 并且有能力将4级法术中的某些法术作为能力来施展.
    Wizard Archmage V
    要求: Level 18 Wizard, Wizard Archmage IV, Wizard Concentration IV, Wizard Energy of the Scholar IV
    效果: 你现在是一名魔法艺术大师, 能够用意想不到的方式来施展你的法术. 你的MANA得到了75的扩大加值,, 并且有能力将5级法术中的某些法术作为能力来施展..
    Archmage Spell Mastery I: <学派>
    要求: Level 6 Wizard, Wizard Archmage I, Spell Focus: <School>.
    效果: 你专精于 <学派> 的法术, 获得1点该学派法术的DC. 若想获得此能力,你的最大MANA值将减少50.
    玩家还可以在12级法师并获得Archmage III天赋的时候选择第二个学派专攻 (“Archmage Secondary Spell Mastery I: <学派>”).
    Archmage Spell Mastery II: <School>
    要求: Level 15 Wizard, Wizard Archmage IV, Archmage Spell Mastery I: <School>, Greater Spell Focus: <School>.
    效果: 你专精于 <学派> magic,能给你额外1点该学派法术的DC. 若想获得此能力,你的最大MANA值将减少75
    只能用于增强. Archmage Spell Mastery I: <学派> 所选定的法术学派
    Arcane Bolt
    要求: Level 9 Wizard, Wizard Archmage II
    效果: 你将花费1点MANA向单一目标发射一个充满奥术能量的飞弹,每一施法者等级增加1D6力场伤害。成功的反射豁免能让伤害减半. 若想获得此能力,你的最大MANA值将减少50.
    Arcane Blast
    要求: Level 15 Wizard, Wizard Archmage IV, Arcane Bolt
    效果: 你将花费5点MANA向单一目标发射一个充满奥术能量的爆炸弹,每一施法者等级增加1D6力场伤害,并在接触到目标的瞬间爆炸。成功的反射豁免能让伤害减半. 若想获得此能力,你的最大MANA值将减少100.
    Archmage Spell-Like Abilities:
    所有的 spell-like 能力都是6秒的CD, 出了以下列出的部分,是15秒CD:
    Abjuration IV: Stoneskin
    Conjuration III: Stinking Cloud
    Conjuration IV: Dimension Door
    Conjuration V: Cloudkill
    要获得1级能力最低要求6级法师, 并且有Archmage I 和 Spell Focus <school>. 两者都花费1AP.
    Abjuration I – Shield
    你将花费1点法术来使用法术:护盾术,拥有此能力将减少你最大MANA 25点.
    Conjuration I – Grease
    你将花费1点法术来使用法术:滑油术,拥有此能力将减少你最大MANA 25点.
    Enchantment I – Hypnotism
    你将花费1点法术来使用法术:催眠术,拥有此能力将减少你最大MANA 25点.
    Evocation I - Magic Missile
    你将花费1点法术来使用法术:魔法飞弹,拥有此能力将减少你最大MANA 25点.
    Illusion I – Invisibility
    你将花费1点法术来使用法术:隐身术,拥有此能力将减少你最大MANA 25点.
    Necromancy I - Chill Touch
    你将花费1点法术来使用法术:寒冰之爪,拥有此能力将减少你最大MANA 25点.
    Transmutation I – Jump
    你将花费1点法术来使用法术:跳跃,拥有此能力将减少你最大MANA 25点.
    要获得2级能力最低要求9级法师,并获得 Archmage II, Archmage Spell Mastery I <派系> 或 Archmage Secondary Spell Mastery I <派系l>, 和相应该派系的1级能力. 每个花费1AP.
    Abjuration II - Resist Energy
    Conjuration II – Web
    Enchantment II - Otto's Resistible Dance
    Evocation II - Gust of Wind
    Illusion II – Blur
    Necromancy II - Command Undead
    Transmutation II – Knock
    获得第三级能力最低要求法师等级12级, 并且有Archmage III, Greater Spell Focus: <学派>, 和2级的该法术学派能力. 每一个花费1AP.
    Abjuration III - Protection from Energy
    Conjuration III - Stinking Cloud
    Enchantment III - Hold Person
    Evocation III - Chain Missiles
    Illusion III – Displacement
    Necromancy III - Halt Undead
    Transmutation III – Haste
    获得第4级能力最低要求法师15级,并且拥有 Archmage IV, Archmage Spell Mastery II <学派>,和3级的该法术学派能力.每个花费1AP.
    Abjuration IV – Stoneskin

    Conjuration IV - Dimension Door
    Enchantment IV - Charm Monster
    Evocation IV - Fire Shield
    Illusion IV - Phantasmal Killer

    Necromancy IV – Enervation
    Transmutation IV - Stone to Flesh
    5级能力最低要求法师18级, 并拥有Archmage V和该学派4级能力.每个花费1AP.
    Abjuration V – Dismissal
    Conjuration V – Cloudkill
    Enchantment V - Hold Monster
    Evocation V - Cyclonic Blast
    Illusion V - Shadow Walk
    Necromancy V - Waves of Fatigue
    Transmutation V - Flesh to Stone
     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 08:46 | 显示全部楼层

     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 08:48 | 显示全部楼层


    牧师光辉侍者(Cleric Radiant Servant)I

    Level 6 Cleric, Cleric Improved Turning I, Cleric Life Magic II, Cleric Heal II, Empower Healing, and any one of: Cleric Divine Cleansing I, Cleric Divine Light I, Cleric Divine Healing I, Cleric Divine Vitality I, or Cleric Divine Might I.
    效果:你是对抗邪恶的灯塔。你的神圣法术及光法术提高一个施法等级;成功驱散的不死生物将被消灭而不是恐惧;缓慢恢复驱散次数(大概两分钟一次); 可以学习"神圣能量爆"天赋.
    神圣能量爆(Positive Energy Burst):由施法者发出的神圣能量,治疗周围队友1-8hp+(1hp/施法等级),移除1-4个负等级及1-6点属性伤害;不死生物受到1-8点伤害每施法等级,豁免减半

    牧师光辉侍者(Cleric Radiant Servant)II

    Level 12 Cleric, Cleric Radiant Servant I, Cleric Prayer of Life I, Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I, and any one of:Silver Flame Exorcism, Unyielding Sovereignty, Undying Call, BladeswornTransformation, Vulkoor’s Avatar, or Cleric Charisma II.
    神圣能量光环(Positive Energy Aura):消耗一次驱散在施法者周围形成一个具有持续治疗效果的光环,在其中的队友每次恢复1hp/3施法等级,不死敌人受到同等伤害
    效果受治疗强效影响, 不额外费蓝, 也不额外消耗驱散次数
     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 08:49 | 显示全部楼层

     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 08:52 | 显示全部楼层

    Ranger Deepwood Sniper I:

    Prereqs: Ranger 6, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Ranged, Ranger Hide 2, Ranger Move Silently 2, Ranger Spot 2.
    Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to Hide, Move Silently, and Spot. Also grants the ability to take an aimed 'sniper shot' with a +4 bonus to hit, +1 critical threat range,
    and +1 critical threat multiplier.
    收益:获得+1 隐藏,潜行,侦察技能增强加值.获得战斗技能,冷却时间10秒,射出一箭 +4ab,+1重击范围,+1重击确认.支持多重射击.

    Ranger/Elven Arcane Archer I:

    Prereqs: Ranger 6 or Elf 9, +6 Base Attack Bonus, Weapon Focus: Point Blank Shot, any one of: Elven Arcanum I, Bard Music of Energy I, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I, Wizard Energy of the Scholar I, or Mental Toughness
    前提:游侠6 或者 精灵9,+6基本攻击加值,近程射击,以下任意之一:Ⅰ级精灵奥术精神,Ⅰ级吟游诗人音乐精神,Ⅰ级术士龙族精神,Ⅰ级法师学者精神,精神力.
    Benefit: Grants 20 spell points and the ability to conjure +1 returning arcane arrows at will. Also grants the ability to make a ranged attack as a True Strike with a +20 bonus to hit.
    收益:+20SP,召唤 +1 回旋箭的能力,并且使远程攻击附带 +20ab 的True Strike(真实攻击)的能力.

    Ranger Arcane Archer II:
    Prereqs: Ranger level 9, Ranger Arcane Archer I.
    Benefit: Your conjured arrows now possess a +2 enhancement bonus.
    NEW Ranger Arcane Archer III:
    Prereqs: Ranger level 12, Ranger Arcane Archer II.
    Benefit: Your conjured arrows now possess a +3 enhancement bonus.
    NEW Ranger Arcane Archer IV:
    Prereqs: Ranger level 15, Ranger Arcane Archer III.
    Benefit: Your conjured arrows now possess a +4 enhancement bonus.
    NEW Ranger Arcane Archer V:
    Prereqs: Ranger level 18, Ranger Arcane Archer IV.
    Benefit: Your conjured arrows now possess a +5 enhancement bonus.

    NEW Elven Arcane Archer II:
    Prereqs: Elf level 11, Elven Arcane Archer I.
    Benefit: Your conjured arrows now possess a +2 enhancement bonus.
    NEW Elven Arcane Archer III:
    Prereqs: Elf level 14, Elven Arcane Archer II.
    Benefit: Your conjured arrows now possess a +3 enhancement bonus.
    NEW Elven Arcane Archer IV:
    Prereqs: Elf level 17, Elven Arcane Archer III.
    Benefit: Your conjured arrows now possess a +4 enhancement bonus.
    NEW Elven Arcane Archer V:
    Prereqs: Elf level 20, Elven Arcane Archer IV.
    Benefit: Your conjured arrows now possess a +5 enhancement bonus.


    Ranger: Tempest (Official Preview)

    The Tempest is a solid enhancement that many current builds are based around. It may not be especially flashy, but has solid passive bonuses. That theme continues with the advanced tiers of the prestige enhancement.

    Here's the whirling storm of blades, the Tempest:

    Ranger Tempest I
    Prerequisites: Ranger level 6, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Cost: 4 AP
    Benefit: Your training has turned you into a whirling tempest of steel, granting a 10% competence bonus to dual wield attack speed and a +2 shield bonus to armor class when two weapon fighting.

    The bonus to armor class now also actually only applies when you're dual wielding. Both of the bonuses granted by Tempest I have been "typed", to clarify stacking questions that constantly arose.

    Ranger Tempest II
    Prerequisites: Ranger level 12, Tempest I, Ranger Dexterity II, Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: Your training has turned you into a whirling tempest of steel, granting a 10% competence bonus to dual wield attack speed, a +3 shield bonus to armor class when two weapon fighting, and your penalty to hit has been reduced by 1.

    Since the initial prerequisites for Tempest I are pretty steep, we made the additional prerequisites for Tempest II (and III) on the cheap side. Remember that Rangers get Greater Two Weapon Fighting for free.

    Ranger Tempest III
    Prerequisites: Ranger level 18, Tempest II, and any one of: Two Weapon Blocking, Two Weapon Defense, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting, or Lightning Reflexes.
    Cost: 2 AP
    Benefit: Your skill with two weapons is unequaled - your training has turned you into a whirling tempest of steel, granting a 10% competence bonus to dual wield attack speed, a +4 shield bonus to armor class when two weapon fighting, your penalty to hit has been reduced by 2, and you gain additional attacks when two weapon fighting.

    The additional attacks gained at tier III are identical to what we originally had planned for (the not-in-the-game) Superior Two Weapon Fighting.

    Edit: Added AP costs. Oops.



    双武器 10%资格速度增值,+2盾AC增值。

    Ranger Tempest I:
    Prereqs: Ranger 6, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack.
    Benefit: Grants a stacking bonus to dual wield attack speed and a +2 bonus to armor class while dual wielding.
    收益:双武器战斗时,提高攻击速度,并且 +2 ac.

    暴风2:游侠12,暴风1,游侠敏捷II, 大双武器攻击 技能

    双武器 10%资格速度增值,+3盾AC增值 , +1 击中


    双武器 10%资格速度增值,+4盾AC增值 , +2 击中, 获得 超高级双武器攻击 技能

     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 08:56 | 显示全部楼层


    Here are the changes and new things:
        * The names of Rogue prestige enhancements have been shortened to "Assassin", "Mechanic", and "Thief-Acrobat", to match the naming style of prestige enhancements of other classes.
          The Rogue PE's were the first ones made, and it was about time to make their names match the style conventions of the others.
        * Rogue Assassin now grants +2 to Fortitude saves vs. Poison at each tier instead of +1.
    Rogue Assassin III:
    Prereqs: Rogue level 18, Rogue Assassin II, Sneak Attack Accuracy IV, Sneak Attack Training IV
    Cost: 2 Action Points
    Benefit: Your lethality is unmatched in battle. Grants an additional +2 bonus to damage on critical hits (before multipliers), +2 bonus to Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently skills and Fortitude saves against poison. Also, any sneak attack that also counts as a vorpal strike (natural 20 followed by critical confirmation) that you make has a chance of producing a lethal strike will kill most living targets.
    I've heard rumors that people like vorpal weapons. Even a Moldy Quarterstaff can be a lethal weapon in the hands of a Master Assassins. Things like Deathblock and Death Ward do protect against this death effect.
    Rogue Mechanic II now grants the following active ability in addition to all of its other effects:
    Mechanic: Smite Construct
    Benefit: Your mechanical knowledge grants you the ability to deal devastating blows in melee to constructs and living constructs. You gain twice your Intelligence bonus to your attack roll and a damage bonus based on your rogue level. Smites return at a rate of one every 90 seconds.
    Mechanics have a cap of three Smite Constructs that regenerate like Paladin Smite Evils do. All of the smite bonuses are calculated in a similar manner as the Paladin smite bonus, but replacing Charisma with Intelligence as the associated ability score and Rogue levels replacing Paladin. None of the Paladin modifiers to Smite Evil affect Smite Construct.
    机械师的破鞋斩封顶3次用完后缓慢恢复就像圣骑士的破鞋-。- 。一切加值的计算方式都和圣骑士的破鞋一样, 只不过是把魅力改成智力,骑士等级改成游荡等级。



     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 08:58 | 显示全部楼层




     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2010-10-24 09:01 | 显示全部楼层



    dlanny 发表于 2010-11-1 10:33 | 显示全部楼层
    楼主不厚道啊.......我在黑手论坛发的,图都是我截的.   EBE都是单个的介绍,我收集整理做了很久的......



    裤衩外穿 发表于 2011-1-28 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
    magic0129 发表于 2011-7-7 19:15 | 显示全部楼层
    xianwan 发表于 2011-11-10 17:40 | 显示全部楼层
     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2012-4-20 15:22 | 显示全部楼层
     楼主| 弗罗多 发表于 2012-4-20 15:23 | 显示全部楼层
    xianwan 发表于 2011-11-10 17:40

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