

    SOS(阴影之剑)与Lit 2(双闪神圣巨斧)哪个好?

    弗罗多 发表于 2010-12-4 22:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    结论:SOS 好于Lit 2

    For the numbers:

    First, assumptions used are as follows:
    Average damage for 1d6 is 3.5
    Average damage for 1d10 is 5.5
    most commonly sited numbers that I've personally seen imply a 1-2% chance for the lightning strike to occur, and it deals about 600 damage.
    Holy/Shock/Shock is used for the Lightning 2.

    A Lightning 2 greataxe should offer the following average damage:
    10.5+5=15.5 base damage
    15.5*3*0.1=4.65 crit damage
    7 holy damage
    3.5 non crit lightning
    .1*11=1.1 shocking burst crit
    .1*11=1.1 shocking blast crit
    .05*14=0.7 shocking blast vorpal
    .02*600=12 Lightning strike
    45.55 average damage without adding your own damage bonus.
    Next add 1+.1*3=1.3 for each point of damage bonus you have.

    Sword of Shadow will be the following:
    7+5=12 base damage
    12*3*0.3=10.8 crit damage
    22.8 without damage bonus
    Add 1+.3*3=1.9 for each point of damage bonus.

    Now, to see when SoS catches up:
    So, assuming my math isn't horribly flawed (no guarantees) SoS is better than Lit 2 if you have 38 bonus damage, assuming no DR is applied to either.
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